Hi all - I attempted to do an in place upgrade this afternoon. System was up to date prior to this. I ran pve7to8 and no warnings were given. After updating the sources and running
my node completely shutdown on this step:
After a restart I can login locally but have no web GUI or networking that I can tell. I ran
and the install continued but with more errors. It seems all of the 'pve' services are failing to start.
I cannot run
with these errors as seen in the screenshots.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

apt dist-upgrade
Unpacking guile-2.2-libs:amd64 (2.2.7+1-9) over (2.2.7+1-6)
After a restart I can login locally but have no web GUI or networking that I can tell. I ran
dpkg --configure -a
I cannot run
pve7to8 -v
Any help is greatly appreciated.