
  1. A

    Operations Time Out

    Hello, recently I have been facing an issue with all operations of proxmox. Whenever I try to do something I get a timeout. TASK ERROR: clone failed: error during cfs-locked 'storage-freenasNFS' operation: unable to create image: got lock timeout My storage is a freenas connected over NFS...
  2. E

    Access to Other VM/CT via cURL

    Hi, I get a "timeout" when I try to access other guests via Proxmox Shell via cURL. There is no extra obstacle or command in the firewall. However, access is timing out. What could be the reason for this and how can I turn on port access? Proxmox 5.4-3 root@compute-ua:~# curl...
  3. A

    CEPH cluster hangs. PLEASE HELP! URGENTLY!

    Hello, everybody! Serious trouble. `ceph status` hangs, every ceph command hangs! PVE shows "got timeout" reinstalled the node, tried to join the node just by copying keys, but could not create monitor (error: monitor existed), then I removed the monitor from monmap, and that's it all...
  4. C

    [SOLVED] Starting qm fails with "got timeout"

    Hi, I have defined a storage of type "RBD" with only SSD drives connected to the relevant pool. All RBDs are available: root@ld3955:~# rbd ls -l ssd [25/1974]NAME SIZE PARENT FMT PROT LOCK vm-100-disk-0 1 MiB...
  5. M

    [SOLVED] How to debug container shutdown issue ?

    Hello. I have container with zabbix installed by another employees. This container can be rebooted from inside with reboot command. But It falls into infinity stopping when I want to reboot proxmox. I can't stop caontainer with shutdown button from proxmox web ui, but can stop with "stop" from...
  6. R

    Can't move disk file - and a possible bug report

    Hi: I am getting the " storage migration failed: error with cfs lock " when trying to migrate from nfs on Linux to nfs on Windows 2016 (don't ask) and am getting the above error message with a secondary "timeout" error. While I am working my way through that, I believe I am encountering an...
  7. K

    Timeout GUI 5.4

    Hello, I'm having this problem where the GUI times out in something like 5 minutes. I have tried different browsers and the proxmox date is correct. What should I check? Thank you
  8. A

    [SOLVED] VM shutdown restults in timeout

    Hi everyone, I have a problem with VM shutdowns, specificaly Windows Server 2016 VMs. When I use the shutdown button in the Web UI, sometimes Server 2016 shuts down without issue, but other times Proxmox gets Error "TASK ERROR: VM quit/powerdown failed - got timeout". After following this wiki...
  9. Y

    Langsamer reboot durch NFS

    Hi, ich habe auf meinem Proxmox ein NFS eingebunden für ISO-Images. Die Idee ist, dass die Images zwischen mehreren Hosts geteilt werden können. Dieses NFS ist in einer eigenen VM innerhalb des Hosts. Verbinden nach Neustart, etc funktioniert Tadellos und bin davon begeistert. :) Der einzige...
  10. C

    Increase LXC container STARTUP timeout ?

    I've got a small Proxmox 5.1 server running 8 LXC containers (Debian). Randomly, when the server reboots (usually after a power outage), 1 of the 8 containers (always the same) doesn't start. I can start it manually without any problem. Only difference between this container and the 7 others ...
  11. S

    SPICE - Timeout for socket-I/O

    Fresh Win7sp1x64 + https://virt-manager.org/download/sources/virt-viewer/virt-viewer-x64-7.0.msi + https://www.spice-space.org/download/windows/usbdk/UsbDk_1.0.19_x64.msi Get "Timeout for Socket-I/O" Debug output from remote-viewer: C:\Program Files\VirtViewer v7.0-256\bin>...
  12. Z

    VM Start Timeout with PCI GPU

    Hello, I have a very intermidant problem when starting my Windows 10 guest with a GPU passed in. Sometimes it will start first time through the WebGUI, others it will give the following error: TASK ERROR: start failed: command '/usr/bin/kvm -id 109 -name HTPC -chardev...
  13. T

    pct restore, zfs list timeout

    Hello: My host is moving some ZFS datasets around bringing IO delay a little above 6%. While this was happening I brought over a CT from another host using vzdump, scp the .gz file over to the 'busy' host, and then try to pct restore it there. The target disk for the restore was not one of the...
  14. A

    seit neuesten: Failed to start PVE LXC Container

    Hallo, seit kurzem ist es mir nicht mehr möglich einen neu angelegten LXC Container zu starten. was ich mache ist folgendes: - in der WebGUI einen neuen Container anlegen (ID 111, Template Centos7) - in der Bash starten mit systemctl start pve-container@111 Output von systemct status...
  15. G

    localectl "connection timed out"

    Hello everyone, Here is my issue: localectl fails with "Could not get properties: Connection timed out" on a container running Debian 9 Stretch LXC template hosted on Proxmox 4 (Debian 8 Jessie). Used template: debian-9.0-standard_9.0-2_amd64.tar.gz (downloaded via pveam)...
  16. S

    NFS Einstellungen (Timeout)

    Hallo. Wir betreiben einige PVE Server in einem Cluster die via NFS auf einer NetApp angebunden sind. Die NetApp braucht offiziell für einen Storage Takeover bis zu 180 Sekunden (meistens jedoch in 10-60 Sekunden abgeschlossen). Daher die Frage wie die Empfehlung von PVE ist NFS Timeout...
  17. N

    Timeout error at ISO Upload

    Uploading a 3.2GB ISO times out and gives and error Similar to this post, https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/timeout-error-at-iso-upload.8848/
  18. Y

    [SOLVED] Backup im Mode "Stop" bei VM nicht möglich.

    Habe zwei Backup-Jobs Laufen: - Ein tägliches Backup (Snapshot): Funktioniert immer - Ein wöchentliches Backup (Stop): Schlägt bei 2 VMs Fehl Auch wenn ich das Backup (Stop) Manuell starte, funktioniert es bei diesen VMs nicht. Proxmox selbst ist up-to-date. Als Dateisystem kommt ZFS zum...
  19. A

    Insane load avg, disk timeouts w/ZFS

    I've setup a new PVE system (community license only at this time). It's reasonably beefy (given that it's slightly trailing edge technology) using local ZFS storage. We are observing that during periods of heavy *write* activity, the system load average goes into orbit (I've got a screen capture...
  20. N

    [SOLVED] Fibre Channel Storage - FREENAS

    Hello team, it's a pleasure to talk to you. I've been researching on what I need and I found what I was looking for so I am here. Whenever my storage falls my virtual machines lose connection with the disc. My storage consists of a FreeNAS using QLE24xx plates, the servers where I have also...