Timeout GUI 5.4


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2016
Hello, I'm having this problem where the GUI times out in something like 5 minutes.
I have tried different browsers and the proxmox date is correct. What should I check?

Thank you
do you mean it does not load at all? or what exactly happens?
do you mean it does not load at all? or what exactly happens?

No sorry, I meant it as "idle timeout". I can work properly for like five minutes, but then even if I'm doing stuff it asks me again to log in. I'm not using any particular auth method, infact I just deployed this new server a week ago.
Problem solved upon reinstallation of the PVE server (same version).
Am experiencing the same issue on a fresh install of PVE 6.0

Uploading a Windows Server ISO (takes about 7 minutes) logs out before the upload is complete and fails with error 401 Invalid PVE Ticket.
Am experiencing the same issue on a fresh install of PVE 6.0

Uploading a Windows Server ISO (takes about 7 minutes) logs out before the upload is complete and fails with error 401 Invalid PVE Ticket.

Unfortunately I don't know how to help because I solved my problem reinstalling PVE. I would suggest to check that the server has the correct time settings, but in my case they were correct.
To give an update, since I had just installed PVE I did a complete reinstall and did not have this issue.

To anyone else looking, @Kei is correct about the time issue.

Previously this NUC lived as a Windows 10 desktop. Windows writes it's time into the BIOS as local time. When I installed PVE (linux-based) it writes it's time into the BIOS as UTC meaning that the OS was installed +10 hours into the future. This looks to have caused not just issues with being logged out but also with the RRD graphs and various other elements.
I had the same issue with a brand new server and new install of PVE 6 - short session timeouts and " notice: RRDC update errors"

Both problems stopped as soon as I created the first CT.
I have the same problem, installed proxmox ver. 6.0 and when I upload iso files more than 3gb it arrives at 100% and exits error: permission denied invalid ticket. With file below 2gb is ok
I have the same problem, proxmox ver.6.0. I work 5min and the gui logg me of... :-(

Without doing anything? Are there (error) messages in the syslog during that time? E.g., the cluster losing quorum or the like?
Also, any browser addons installed which could interfere with connections or cookies?

Same (?) problem here.
In addition i found that the performance data at the dashboard of the host shows 1970
Noticed, that the BIOS date was set some hours to future prior to installation.
Will wait until future becomes past before reinstallation to see if the error goes away.
Hopefully this is something of a Dr.-Emmett-L.-Brown-Effect ...

Kind regards
Now, as I'm back to future ( ;) ), everything works as expected.

Great, wrong time can do a lot of subtle, unsuspected things.. in your case, I'd guess, the authkey was generated in the future during installation, and then on reboot when the NTP time sync kicked in, it was not yet valid..