permission denied

  1. J

    nf_conntrack_max: permission denied LXC

    Hello, i have a problem with my LXC, work many hour on it to reduces the amout of errors i had, i think the last problem is this root@:~# kubectl logs -n kube-system kube-proxy-sqwhk I0703 11:18:47.200979 1 server_linux.go:69] "Using iptables proxy" I0703 11:18:47.208414 1...
  2. S

    Can't access the webUI suddenly.

    I'm having an issue getting into my webui. I can only access with ssh. I use totp (google auth) and it has worked flawless untill now. For some reason I cannot login anymore. I've tried rm /etc/pve/priv/tfa.cfg However this only spat out an permission issue. I've tried rebooting...
  3. X

    Can't backup on NAS (NFS): Permission denied

    Hello, I have a Synology NAS on which I created a shared drive to host my pve backups. It works fine with VM but I'm getting a permission denied when trying to backup a unpriviledged CT. The output of the backup is: I already checked on google and in the forum and I found many different...
  4. N

    [SOLVED] Ceph unable to find a keyring

    Hello all, i just noticed, that one of my Cluster Nodes shows following log every 1-2 minutes: FYI: The Cluster works and Ceph is showing all OK Feb 08 01:18:52 pve-2 pvedaemon[3570]: <root@pam> successful auth for user 'monitoring@pve' Feb 08 01:18:54 pve-2 ceph-crash[2062]...
  5. R

    Help connecting to NFS share

    Hi all! Im new to this forum, and somewhat new to Linux, a novice at best. This is my setup: barebone Proxmox with TrueNas running as a VM inside. I have passed thorough a drive to TrueNAS. It seems to work fine inside TrueNas scale, and samba share is read/write in proxmox and its LXCs. When i...
  6. F

    Need help with an NFS share / Permission Denied

    I've been looking online on how to fix my issue, and maybe I'm just not savvy enough to figure out the permissions required but here is my problem: I have a folder on Machine A that I have an NFS export on. My /etc/exports file looks like this: /mnt/media...
  7. A

    Missing Network Card

    I am trying to get my 10G NIC to show on the PVE. however I only have one, the onboard 1G connection. root@pve:~# ip addr 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet...
  8. J

    [SOLVED] Permission denied (os error 13) backup connect failed: command error: unable to create backup group

    Please help. I used to be able to make backups to this particular PBS server. I had to create a new VM and make backups. This is the error I am getting when I try to do that. ERROR: VM 108 qmp command 'backup' failed - backup connect failed: command error: unable to create backup group...
  9. F

    SSHFS Storage as Datastore

    Heyho I have a problem. I have a StorageBox from Hetzner and wanted to use it as a Datastore for my PBS. I mounted it via SSHFS with following entry in /etc/fstab: /mnt/storagebox fuse.sshfs...
  10. T

    No network after upgrade to version 8

    Hello guys! I found myself in a tight spot. Yesterday, my galaxy brain decided that it would be nice to upgrade Proxmox 7 to 8 remotely. I have a VPN set up in my router, and I've been remoting in with no problem for the past 2 years (server is 3000km away). I started playing around like many...
  11. D

    pvesm cifs permissions

    I have a few shares setup now and I thought everything was working well until I tried to write to a share. I'm getting a permission denied. I've tried creating the vault folder in the LXC before adding in the mount point to the container too. pvesm add cifs vault --server --share...
  12. M

    [SOLVED] Unable to unlock container

    I have a container (ID 103) that is stuck in snapshot-delete state and locked after backup failed due to insufficient disk space. I cannot unlock it using 'pct unlock 103' as I get the below error: unable to open file '/etc/pve/nodes/hv01/lxc/103.conf.tmp.1176271' - Permission denied That file...
  13. N

    Node Persistent when trying to Delete it

    I am trying to delete one of my nodes in my 2 node cluster. I have used the pvecm delnode [nodename] command and deleted the corresponding directory in /etc/pve/nodes, but the deleted node is still showing up in the WebUI. I saw in a separate post that some others have had to remove it from the...
  14. M

    [SOLVED] /etc/pve/lxc/102.conf: Permission denied

    Hello gents I'd like to create a CT for running TailScale, that should be easy they said, it's easy indeed. But, following the Tailscale's instruction to bring up Tailscale in an unprivileged container, i'm unable to write in /etc/pve.
  15. C

    ACME API endpoint: 403 Permission check failed (user != root@pam) - despite user being root@pam

    The title says pretty much it all. :) I'm writing an API client and a Terraform provider for Proxmox VE. So far the `version` and `storage` endpoints are working (albeit not necessarily complete :D ). I'm now trying to create an ACME account but I get a `403 Permission check failed (user !=...
  16. N

    Cannot create containers permission denied

    Hi all, I am pretty new to proxmox and don't very knowledgable in linux. hence building my proxmox server to learn. Not sure what I may have done but I can't seemed to create an unpreviledge containers. Keep getting the below error. I can create VM and previledge containers. Header Proxmox...
  17. D

    TASK ERROR: cannot continue garbage-collection safely, permission denied on: "/sys/kernel/tracing"

    Dear Community, after installing PBS on Debian 11 I got this error when trying to start a garbage collection: TASK ERROR: cannot continue garbage-collection safely, permission denied on: "/sys/kernel/tracing" Do you have an idea how to solve this issue? I have installed PBS as described in...
  18. S

    After creating and assigning user with admin priv getting permission denied when accessing from console?

    Dear all, I created few internal users added them to admin group and gave the group adiministrator priv in proxmox. Everything is working fine except when trying to access user account from console I don't get a bash prompt instead get a sh prompt. And when I try to create or do any activity it...
  19. D

    Mknod in an unprivileged lxc container

    Hi, I'm facing some issues trying to build a sock5 proxy container (with docker-ce) inside an unprivileged lxc container. I put the feature "mknod=1" (which is experimental I get it.) No matter this feature, the command mknod performed inside my lxc container returns an error ~# mknod...
  20. R

    Unsuccessful in creating a network drive (CIFS/NFS) in Proxmox with Truenas as Server

    Hi Proxmox, First off, I would like to take a moment to show much appreciation for this VE. Whilst I've banged my head through many walls and scoured many corners of the internet for guidance, Proxmox has allowed me to learn so many new things regarding Linux, VE, (re-learn) Networking and many...


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