
  1. J

    Facing issue with proxmox noVNC (API), Error 401 no ticket

    Hello I am new to proxmox, I'm trying to run noVNC using php. I authenticate Using API_URL/access/ticket and set ticket to cookie "PVEAuthCookie", see attachment I have tried to connect in the following way domain:8006/?console=kvm&novnc=1&vmid=100&vmname=name&node=namenode The error...
  2. T

    Question on noVNC behavior

    I have a few systems that noVNC seems to behave differently between them. If I open a noVNC to a non-running VM of course I get a "Failed to connect to server" but if I use the noVNC commands from the GUI to start it, it will sit and wait for a connection and present me with the logo and...
  3. K

    nginx reverse proxy with noVNC support

    Hello, I'm trying to configure nginx to act as reverse proxy for my proxmox hosts, everything is great, the noVNC is working, but i cannot upload any file to the datastore. Config of nginx is attached below: root@proxmox-node-1:~# cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf user www-data; worker_processes auto...
  4. R

    (Again) NoVnc Failed to connect to server.

    SIGCONT, Any idea ? Thanks. Hello, I'm sorry but i need help for that error. I tried to resolv it but i cannot manage to make it work. 1 node, 700km away from me, updated : proxmox-ve: 5.3-1 (running kernel: 4.15.18-10-pve) pve-manager: 5.3-9 (running version: 5.3-9/ba817b29) pve-kernel-4.15...
  5. A

    NoVNC glitches with cloud-init/serial console

    Im having this strange issue when I open the console from a cloud-init vm on a node other than the one im actually on it glitches noVNC. So Im pointing my browser to node A then when I open a cloud-init vm on node B the console keeps restarting. Works fine when I open a cloud-init vm on node A...
  6. W

    default key novnc does use proper codes for special characters

    novnc-pve: 1.0.0-2 defaul keymap thinks "!" is "1" and so and so forth does this for all special characters Its almost as if the shift key doesn't actually work kinda big deal when passwds don't work and cant be changed to one without the complexity
  7. aPollO

    [SOLVED] doubleclick opens just noVNC console

    I liked the patch from 2016 which enables to open console with just a doubleclick on the VM in the tree bar. Finally i updated my Setup from 4.4 release to 5.2, some days ago. On 4.4 the doubleclick console was the same like the one when clicking on the dedicated console button. Now on 5.2 the...
  8. R

    novnc screen's scroll bar blinking on Windows 10

    Using Proxmox VE 5.2, when I display the VM novnc screen, the scroll bar blinks. Scroll bars will be displayed and disappear every 0.5 seconds. It only occurs on Windows 10. It does not occur in Windows 7 or LXDE environment. Also, it does not occur if the screen size is larger than 1024 x 768...
  9. X

    oVNC encountered an error:

    Dear Forum After the latest dist-upgrade I am getting a red box in console with following message and the server does not start: noVNC encountered an error: TypeError: ctrl is null
  10. T

    No console access via noVNC . . .

    Not sure where to start with this error, firewall is open for 5900. I did notice this error appearing after I installed a Let's Encrypt! certificate. Not sure if the 2 are related . . . Anyway comments are welcomed . . . Error occurs on either a container or a virtual machine console request...
  11. P

    [SOLVED] noVNC and xterm are not working since subdomain changes

    ::::: It has been SOLVED ::::: Until few days ago, I was using to login into the web UI but I've changed it to and it seems something has been broken because I cannot use noVNC or xterm console outside LAN (there is no problem in LAN, it works...
  12. H

    NoVNC problem (pveproxy - unknown ca)

    Hi, we have a 2-node cluster with latest updates (installed with proxmox iso). Using the webinterface of node2, the novnc console of any vm (hosted on node1 and node2) works only for a very short time (1 - 5 sec) and then error "failed to connect to server". In the pveproxy log ist this error...
  13. H

    NoVNC funktioniert nicht (pveproxy - unknown ca)

    Hallo zusammen, bei uns tritt ein sehr seltsamer Fehler auf. Wir haben ein 2-node pve cluster auf dem neusten Stand (direkt über die proxmox isos installiert). Wenn wir über die Weboberfläche von node2 die novnc console einer VM öffnen, taucht kurz das Bild der VM auf und man kann sie auch...
  14. D

    [SOLVED] Im LAN noVNC auf dem iPad & iPhone

    Hi, Ich bin neu in der VM - Server welt. Ich bin so begiestert von proxmox nur müsste ich die VM auch vom iPhone und iPad steuern (gui- mit maus) Das problem ist dass das offenbar nur mit einem ssl zertifikat geht (ich arbeite nur lokal im LAN). Weiss einer von euch wie ich das umgehen oder so...
  15. L

    proxmox vncwebsocket

    I had some problems with proxmox. Please help me. I tried to connect to VNC using the proxmox API (local, not using the console in the proxmox web panel) through noVNC. I send POST requests to/api2 / json/nodes / {node} / qemu / {vmid} / vncproxy to get vncticket and port. Then, I pass the...
  16. J

    Random Console Issue (stuck at "noVNC ready: native WebSockets, canvas rendering")

    Dear all, I have a cluster running pve-manager/4.4-22/2728f613 (running kernel: 4.4.98-6-pve) and sometimes when I hit Console it won't connect, it stays stuck at "noVNC ready: native WebSockets, canvas rendering". At other times it will work just fine. From what I see in the developer tools...
  17. R

    Proxmox 5.1-46 NGINX noVNC Probleme IPv6

    Hallo zusammen, ich konnte mein Problem nun mit Proxmox 5.1-46 und Proxmox 5.1-41 nachstellen. Auf beiden Systemen kann ich über den NGINX the Console(JS) benutzen, jedoch nicht die normale Console (noVNC), da bleibt das Bild schwarz. Auch in mehreren Browsern sowie nach Cache Löschung Die...
  18. R

    noVNC with Proxmox nginx IPv6 Problem

    Hi, I have the problem that i can't use noVNC with Proxmox 5.1 and nginx. i always have blank screen but i used this config but still the same error, if used the adress over port 8006 direct, i have no problems. is there any fix for...
  19. S

    Ubuntu 16.04 noVNC

    I am having an issue with Ubuntu 16.04, and Proxmox's KVM noVNC console. I am not getting a login prompt, and it was working prior to doing updates. I have tried adding many flags to the grub boot prompt, and have had no luck on getting a prompt within the noVNC console. The VM's are utilizing...
  20. H

    shell noVNC terminal ($TERM) emulation setting(s)

    Good day, What is the exact terminal emulation used by the noVNC shell (for a proxmox hypervisor node)? The problem: I'm using iterm2-shell-integrations, but those cause very long lines that should be coloured etc. when using a (true) xterm emulation, but isn't as it seems the terminal...