
  1. E

    noVNC console keep resetting

    Hello everyone, I'm having trouble with the noVNC console that keep resetting. I can use it, and suddenly there is like a refresh, the console reload and I can use it again. But this reload happens, like, every five or ten seconds. It started happening after the first renewal of our Let's...
  2. aPollO

    Spice Web Client

    Hi Folks, i found an interesting project called eye OS Spice Web Client. I know there are an official Web Client for Spice in development. But its still experimental and not full of features like the Windows or Linux nativ client. I watched out flexVDI...
  3. J

    NoVNC Problems: "Server disconnected (code: 1006)" in Safari, Firefox works

    I'm getting really strange behavior with the NoVNC console in PVE (4.4.40-1). Currently, when I try to view a VM console, I get the following results with different browsers: Chrome: The status bar says "Connected (encrypted) to: QEMU...", but I just get the stock VNC grey screen with the...
  4. J

    Passing a ticket to noVNC

    im using novnc to grant people access to the console of their VM through a custom UI instead of the default proxmox UI, however the default UI saves a ticket in the browser which it uses for the consoles. how to i pass a new ticket to the noVNC in my browser or how to i save one in my browser?
  5. C

    NoVNC cannot connect

    I cannot connect via NoNVC. I am running PVE 4.4-5. I get the attached message. Do I need to open a port or configure something? I would like it to configure an IP on a VM as I cannot connect to it as I haven't set an IP address. nc6: connection timed out TASK ERROR: command '/bin/nc6...
  6. J

    Remote novnc html 5, what do i need and how does it work?

    hello, i am trying to create a remote interface for my proxmox server and i want to give people access to the console of their VM's how do i do this? is there a way for me to use the console that is in the proxmox UI and have it show on my website? or in a pop-up? and how would i go about this?
  7. M

    PVE 4.1 cluster NoVNC problem

    This problem might have been discussed before on other threads, but I feel it is unique in my circumstances. I've installed PVE 4.1 on Debian Jessie on 2 separate machines, and clustered them together using instructions in the PVE Wiki. I'm not able to use the NoVNC Console in PVE using Safari...
  8. I

    Access noVNC via API

    I had a problem , I can not access noVNC from API or external webserver. please help me. thanks
  9. O

    [SOLVED] How to get connection?

    Hi; I'm student in Marseille. And I start a project to compare different virtualisation system. So you guess i don't whant to use ESXI or Vsphere. For me it's a Gnu/Linux system or nothing. Next my question. Proxmox seems installed correctly; I can use the web interface. I can connect to...
  10. H

    Can't login with console (noVNC)

    Hey there! I'm having a weird problem with my Proxmox server. I can't login to any of my virtual machines/containers using the console. I tried logging in with root, inserted my password, and I always get an error. I even tried to reset the password to 123456, and couldn't login... If I...
  11. C

    noVNC from my desktop

    I get downloaded the latest kanaka NoVNC and there's Host, Port, Password & Token fields in noVNC to connect a VNC server. so i did run commands to vncproxy generating ticket,cert, ... and vncwebsocket with vncproxy as argument and the answer from server is clear: post vncproxy: Array (...