
  1. N

    Storage mounten und direkter Zugriff auf Daten

    Hallo, ich habe das "Problem" wenn ich ein Storage über NFS oder SMB mounten möchte legt Proxmox seine eigenen Ordner woe "templates" oder "iso" an. Ich habe aber schon vorhandene Daten auf meienr NAS die ich dirket in Proxmox nutzen kann. Wenn ich z.B. eine VM oder LXC anlegen möchte und dann...
  2. M

    Eigenen file Storage auf sda zwecks Mountpoint setzen?

    Einen wunderschönen guten Morgen, als proxmox Anfänger bitte ich um deine Hilfe. Nach einer Standardinstallation belegt Proxmox sda, was bei mir ein SSD Verbund im Raid 1 ist, der im folgenden SSD-LIN genannt wird. SSD-LIN (mit 2x 480 GB SSD Platten) habe ich für Proxmox und alle weiteren...
  3. M

    [SOLVED] Lxc unprivileged - mount from /etc/fstab file

    Hi Community, I don't know if it's possible but I'm trying to add an nfs mountpoint in my container via the /etc/fstab file. This one is not mounted when starting the container, if I run manually /bin/mount -a, I have the following error: mount.nfs: Operation not permitted Host server logs ...
  4. S

    [SOLVED] Missing storage on root disk

    Hello, I have a server with two harddrives, each of this has 2 TB. Like on the screenshot, the proxmox system is running on the SDA harddrive - SDB is an external storage which I have mounted in proxmox. But in Proxmox I can see of the SDA harddrive only the "vg0-root" partition (16 GB). How...
  5. N

    How to backup a mount point of the container

    Hi, I have an alpine container running postgres database, and I mounted a local LVM-thin to the /data/ directory to store the database data. I got two questions here: 1. Is there a way I could preserve this mount point when I delete the container? 2. Is there a way I could backup this mount...
  6. J

    Unable to mount thin-provisioned LVM volume?

    Hi, I have six Proxmox hypervisors (various licenses) running 5.4 which I began upgrading this week (to 6.2-4). I'm on the second machine today and running into the same problem that I had on my first upgrade. There is an LVM volume defined from the 5.4 Proxmox install which is tagged with...
  7. K

    Two USB for Backup

    Hi Everyone, im pretty new with ProxMox and Linux system, and i would be happy if if i get some help with my problem. i have 2 USB and i would like to configure the ProxMox in such a way that it automaticly backup in my USB, the thing is that how can i configure it in a way if i remove USB1...
  8. Z

    Löschung volume mount Disk bei LXC Container bei pct destroy <id> über Konsole

    Es wäre praktisch eine Abfrage zu implementieren, bevor einem die gesamte 2. angehängte Disk (als mount point wohl gemerkt) unterm Hintern weg gelöscht wird, oder diese schlicht zu ignorieren, wie bei anderen mounts. In meinem Fall war diese als "volume mount point mpX" angehängt und wurde...
  9. D

    Fuse in proxmox 6.1

    I'm trying to get fuse working properly in proxmox 6.1 inside of an LXC container. In my configuration, I have the following: mountpoint (mp0) backupVolume/path >> Works and mounted Options --> fuse=1 So I think* its all OK, but I'm not sure. Inside the LXC container, I am trying to get...
  10. T

    LXC backup fails - unable to open the dataset 'vzdump'.

    Hi, I have noticed this issue where all of my LXC fail to backup while all of the the VMs do backup successfully. This is similar to This Thread which has been marked "Solved", though that sounds like a workaround. This is the error I am seeing: INFO: Starting Backup of VM 110 (lxc) INFO...
  11. I

    proxmxo managed cephfs mount on external computer (non porxmox) cant access file content

    i have usefully integrated ceph(proxmox based) in all the lxc containers, now i want to integrate it outside of proxmox for some user for read only access , to replace the current nfs share, what do i need to do ? what params to put in /etc/fstab
  12. P

    [SOLVED] Mount storage to lxc with lvm

    Hey ! I'm trying to do quite a simple thing. I want to add a storage to a lxc container. I want it to be a lvm-thin (so I can make snapshots, I don't need to share the storage). The storage I want to use is in a empty hard disk. I encrypted the hard disk with luks. I manually created a lvm pv...
  13. Proxygen

    Cannot Move Disk To ZFS Storage, Name Does Not Match

    # cat /etc/pve/storage.cfg lvmthin: lvmt_containers1-nvme1 thinpool lvmt_containers1 vgname lvmt_containers1 content images,rootdir nodes node2 dir: local disable path /var/lib/vz content snippets maxfiles 0 shared 0...
  14. Z

    Mount Data Volume Hard Drive to Existing VE (Windows Server 2012)

    Hi, I created a windows server 2012 with configuration on it. I previously have my own file server but decided to virtualize. How can i mount 2nd HDD with DATA to VE i created? Thanks!
  15. E

    Same RAW for both CTs

    Hello I'm using two LXCs, and is it possible to use the same RAW file for both containers? CT 100: CT 102: Common HDD: VM-100-disk-0.raw When I try to run container 102, the runtime stops due to an error. root@prox:~# systemctl status pve-container@102.service ●...
  16. B

    Unable to use NFS share within LXC container

    I have managed to set Proxox 6.0-4 up in a virtualbox vm and have created an Ubuntu 18.04 container with which I will run Plex media server. I have also managed to get Proxmox to see my Synology NFS share (see screenshot) but I have spent 2 days attempting to attach the NFS share to the...
  17. Y

    Mountpoint blockieren bis zfs load-key

    Hi, ich habe mein System auf zfs native Verschlüsselung umgestellt. Wie auf wird automatisches laden des Schlüssels nicht angeboten. Ist auch nicht tragisch, kann man ja per cronjob o.ä. machen. Der Knackpunkt ist aber, ich habe ein Directory-Storage...
  18. P

    [SOLVED] Mounting Part of a Volume to a Hardrive in a VM

    Hey, I'm wondering if it's possible to mount part of a volume to a hard drive in a VM. I have a hard drive that I'd like to give every VM a portion of (~50GB), and I'd like to make it appear as a drive to be compatible with all OSes. If this is possible, please let me know.
  19. A

    RBD hangs with remote Ceph OSDs

    Hi there, I am running a 2-node Proxmox-Cluster and mounted RBD images on a remote Ceph cluster (latest Mimic release). Currently we are using the RBD image mount as backup storage for our VMs (mounted in /var/lib/backup). It all works fine unless an OSD or an OSD-Host (we have 3, each...
  20. T

    [SOLVED] Permission issue in container with mount

    I have mounted my ZFS share /tank/to my container (8002) with this command: # pct set 8002 -mp0 /tank/,mp=/mnt/tank/ But now when I boot up the container (running ubuntu 18.04) I don't have write permissions. I also can't change the permissions in anyway. How do I give my root user in the...