
  1. C

    Strange Small issue need help with.

    Today I was having some issue with getting pveam update to work. I was getting errors: download failed: 500 Can't connect to (Temporary failure in name resolution) 2025-03-01 05:48:03 update failed - no signature file...
  2. D

    Netzwerkkonfig verhauen

    Hallo, ich habe es geschafft, meine Netzwerkkonfig zu verhauen, leider keine Kopie gemacht ;(. Jetzt stehe ich geraqde ein wenig auf dem Schlauch, da ich unter /etc/network/interfaces nmicht genau weiß, wie es vorher aufgebaut war. Kann mir vielleicht jemand helfen? Hier wären die Infos:
  3. Z

    Network Interrface doesnt show up

    So i just installed a new interface which i had laying around (it was really cheap). And my goal is to use that INterface in a other Network. But i doesnt show up in the webgui and int the interface file it also doesnt show up. Is the Interface maybe incompatible with Proxmox or are some...
  4. A

    Network cards on Guest

    I'm installing a VM Guest Firewall appliance (Kerio Control) on proxmox (migrating from VMWare), but I'm facing an issue during all proxmox installation: Network cards do not recognize hardware cable status. Let me clarify: proxmox doesn't recognize when a cable is connected to an interface or...
  5. D

    Random USB NIC Disconnects (TP-LINK UE306 AX88179)

    Hey! So I'm really out of luck with this and have to ask for help because I might go crazy. We've recently had to add a couple of USB NICs to our cluster to be able to migrate our OPNSense Firewall VM, as we don't have managed switches or the budget for more dedicated network hardware, and have...
  6. T

    Proxmox 8.1.4: No traffic through vmbr0

    Hi all I'm testing a proxmox installation out of the box and stuck with connectivity from a (any?) virtual guest to my local network. I have following setup. [Internet] | [Gateway (] [Management Station (] |...
  7. P

    Has anyone created a DMZ inside Proxmox?

    I want to talk about interface assignment and internet access, as well as firewall.
  8. S


    I have 2 websites working fine on the same IP ( Is a ubuntu server on a VM. Now I need to assign one ip for every website. I edit the /etc/hosts fine, I just buy an additional IP and now I need to config the network. All servers are working fine, I just can't reach the new IP...
  9. G

    Cannot ping from Interfaces

    I have a simple setup: My PC: Proxmox: (enp11s0) pfSense (VM under Proxmox): (enp5s0) From my PC I can access pfSense just fine, however, NOT proxmox. I can't even ping Proxmox from my PC, nor from pfSense. /etc/network/interfaces: auto lo iface lo...
  10. T

    How to edit /etc/network/interfaces (with Ansible) correctly

    Hello Proxmox community, I'm currently trying to manage network interfaces in Proxmox VE using Ansible, and I'm running into a problem where the changes I make don't persist as I would expect. I have read the official Proxmox documentation and am aware that Proxmox VE does not write changes...
  11. N

    Proxmox does not recognize the server's network interface

    Hello everyone, everything good? I'm just starting out in this area of virtualizers and I wanted to see if any of you have already faced this situation and know how to solve it, which is as follows: I turned on a Dell R610 server and connected an ethernet cable to a mikrotik, I configured the...
  12. P

    ETH ports on SBC PCI card

    Hello, gurus!!! Please help me to understand if my required configuration is feasible. Current config: PCI shelf with one installed G25A - EMBEDDED SINGLE BOARD COMPUTER. According to G25A docs - there are 3 ETH ports on the front, indeed the LAN cable is connected to the upper ports and it's...
  13. E

    [SOLVED] gui dosen't work

    already two/three months I have proxmox ve installed, yesterday the web gui was no longer working. to access it I used: https://ipaddress:8006 can i restore it somehow? maybe configuring the two network cards from the shell? I don't want to lose all the data as it is quite important. btw I...
  14. L

    [SOLVED] Interfaces name

    Hi guys Host: OVH I'm trying to create a VM with 8+ failover ips. The problem is only ens18 to ens23 is being accepted. The network is not starting: Apr 12 19:48:07 Router systemd[1]: Starting Raise network interfaces... Apr 12 19:48:07 Router ifup[762]: Cannot find device "ens24" Apr 12...
  15. T

    No longer able to view network interfaces - can't create bridge

    When trying to create a Linux Bridge I noticed that I am no longer able to view the interface names for my quad NIC. They used to be labeled enp4s0f0, enp4s0f1, enp5s0f0, and enp5s0f1 but no longer show up with ip a, ip link show, etc. I also receive an error stating that the bridge port does...
  16. J

    Changing the IP address and subnet in all cluster nodes

    Good evening everyone! I have a production cluster with 5 nodes. All of the nodes have one network card with: A dedicated public IP address on eno1. A vmbr4001 bridge for the public subnet of the guests (LXC). A vmbr4002 bridge for the private subnet of the guests (LXC). A vmbr4003 bridge for...
  17. K

    Add network to VM ! Proxmox 7

    Hello, I'm newbie in proxmox / linux system admin. I've got a dedicated server with many ip fail-over connected through VirtualsMACs and i assign it to Proxmox Virtual Machine ! My host network interfaces is : I want to setting ip fail-over on my Virtual Mac. How can i setup my virtual...
  18. M

    Can't ping devices from vmbr1

    Hello, I took some time to try to resolve this myself, but like many, I'm new to this and wanted to reach out for some help. I'm trying to mount NFS storage to Proxmox from TrueNAS, which is one of my VM's of course!, and I have TrueNAS on my vmbr1 interface, however, I can't get connectivity...
  19. N

    [SOLVED] Ceph sending data through wrong interface

    Hello I have a 3 node cluster running with ceph. Each server has the internal 1gbe nic for management and a 10gbe nic for the ceph/vm network. It was all generated through the gui. For some reason all my ceph traffic is going through my 1gbe nics instead of my 10gbe nics so migrations are...
  20. S

    [SOLVED] Adding ixgbe after install with udev

    I just installed a SUPERMICRO AOC-STGN-i2S in my 5018D-FN4T. PCI passthrough is working fine for a VM. 1. How do I add this interface to pve with the system already setup? I know I can init the lines for a new iface in /network/interfaces, but there has to be more to it than that. I'm not...