
  1. H

    No external connection randomly

    so I have a problem where randomly vms switch external access like vm with ID 100 i can connect with no problems for some time till randomly i cannot anymore but i can connect vm with id of 101 there is no pattern to this as of right now and there is only one way to force it to switch it back to...
  2. D

    Proxmox Neuling verunsichert mit Netzwerk config

    Hi, Ich bin dabei das erste mal ein proxmox server aufzusetzen und habe mich jetzt bisschen in die netzwerk config eingelesen. ich will bloß auf Nummer sicher gehen das alles was ich da so getippert habe oder copiert habe, auch sinn macht. auto lo iface lo inet loopback iface lo inet6...
  3. H

    VM(s) not getting internet connection

    I have a problem where the vm(s) i create are not able to connect ot the internet i use a dedicated server from hetzner the vmbr1 - * are vlan tests that aren't connected to the vm(s)
  4. B

    Backup failing randomly every night

    Hi all, I have a two node cluster running on Hetzner and use their Storage-boxes as a backup target. The storage box is a SMB/CIFS-mount configured with default settings via the GUI. The mountpoint (as config:ed in the GUI) looks like this //u123456.your-storagebox.de/u123456-sub1 on...
  5. A

    PVE + Hetzner vSwitch network issue

    Hello, I am having a very odd issue with my setup - it is on PVE (7.1-10) running on a Hetzner dedicated box and using vSwitch additional network. Background and setup: I have a Hetzner vSwitch attached to my server. That vSwitch has an additional /28 public network on it. When working with...
  6. C

    [SOLVED] HOST / VM & Container config only works partially

    Hello everyone, Hetzner Dedicated Server 168.xxx.yyy.aaa / Main Server IP 168.xxx.yyy.zzz / Main Server Gateway 168.xxx.yyy.111-333 / additional IPs (3 single) On Proxmox i have a VM install in which Proxmox Back Server runs - using vmbr0 / 168.xxx.yyy.111 And that works perfectly (IN/OUT)...
  7. T

    IPv4 + IPv6 Hetzner configuration

    I have a dedicated server from Hetzner auction and a public IPv4 and IPv6 address assigned to it. Can I use IPv6 for Proxmox in the interfaces settings and assign IPv4 for example via vmbr1 as WAN for OPNsense/Pfsense? Thank you for your advice.
  8. M

    Transferrate bei ~4MB/s Proxmox 7.1-9 auf Hetzner root Server mit Gigabit Anbindung

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe einen Hetzner Dedicated Server mit Proxmox 7.1-9 installiert. das läuft alles wunderbar. Lediglich die Tranferrate ist zum System maximal ~4MB/s. Das ist egal ob ich auf den Hypervisor selbst oder in eine VM Daten übertrage. Es spielt auch keine Rolle wie ich versuche...
  9. T

    Hetzner VLAN with Cloud Networks

    Hey! I use Hetzner and have a vSwitch there, which was connected to the so-called "Cloud Networks" by me. The steps for this were taken from here: https://docs.hetzner.com/cloud/networks/connect-dedi-vswitch/ I did not use the network config 1:1, but adapted it to my setup. The problem: I...
  10. T

    [Neueinsteiger] RAID Konfig Problem bei Hetzner

    Moin moin zusammen, ich bin grade mir etwas PROXMOX anzueingen und möchte daher PROXMOX auf einem Hetzner Dedicaed Server betreiben. Leider bekomme ich über die INSTALLIMAGE Lösung nicht zwei getrennte RAID 0 eingerichtet. Ich habe 2 SSD's zur Verfügung und 2 HDD's. Ich finde leider nicht die...
  11. S

    Keine Internetverbindung in VMs

    Hallo liebe Community, ich wollte eine Routed-Netzkonfiguration einrichten und habe auf meinem Host die folgende Konfiguration eingepflegt: auto lo iface lo inet loopback iface lo inet6 loopback auto enp2s0 iface enp2s0 inet static address netmask pointopoint...
  12. J

    VLAN-aware, transparent bridges vs traditional bridges with one NIC on Hetzner using vSwitches

    Hello everyone! I have finished setting up two dedicated servers with Proxmox 7 (Debian Bullseye 11) on Hetzner. Both hosts, once in a cluster, are expected to have two type of VMs: 1. Those with a private IP address and an additional public IP address (e.g. web server). 2. Those with just a...
  13. S

    nach Upgrade auf 7.0 keine verbindung mehr [Hetzner]

    Hallo zusammen, nach langen hin und her, viele Tutorials und der Offiziellen Hetzner Anleitung komme ich nun zu euch mit meinen Problem. Startsituation PVE 6.4/Deb10 mit 3x VM in brigde mode mit mehrere singel-IP adressen für die VM Irgendwas hat mich dazu getrieben sowohl ein Distr als auch...
  14. T

    Hetzner Vlan Slow

    I have 2 servers on Hetzner Dedicated. I would like them both to talk to each other. My test configuration looks like this: Server 1 has Pfsense connected to WAN (vmbr0) with an additional Ip address from hetzner. A test server with debian on it. A jenkins server that hosts a website on...
  15. T

    [SOLVED] Proxmox IPv6 Problem Hetzner

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe mein Proxmox Server auf die Version 7.0 geupdatet und seit dem funktionieren die IPv6 Adressen auf den VMs und LXCs nicht mehr. /etc/network/interfaces des Hosts auto lo iface lo inet loopback iface lo inet6 loopback auto enp2s0 iface enp2s0 inet static address...
  16. B

    Proxmox on Dedicated Hetzner, on the VM with pfSense ping works but TCP only works sometimes

    Hello everybody, I have a dedicated on Hetzner on which I have installed Proxmox. The problem I have is that with both Bridge and Routed configuration, I only have ping which works 100% while TCP connections only work sometimes (3/10 or so). Configuration: Host with Debian 10 and Proxmox...
  17. M

    Proxmox Hetzner DNS Issues

    Hello, I have been having some issues with getting the LXC / VM to resolve domains, I was previously able to configure IPv6 and this worked without any issues, However, since purchasing an IPv4 Subnet I have not been able to use the boxes. They can be pinged from a remote host, and I have...
  18. E

    Centos7/cpanel guest 2 subnets on Hetzner not working, help appreciated

    I got a second subnet to put on the centos 7/cpanel server but can not get the second network to run, configs below The original working subnet is the one on vmbr 5 and the new one on vmbr6 Host cat /etc/network/interfaces # network interface settings; autogenerated # Please do NOT modify...
  19. A

    [SOLVED] Hetzner => ProxMox => PfSense not reachable

    Hello guys! Iam trying to setup PfSense on my ProxMox hosted at Hetzner. I want to use the PfSense as a router so i have 2 public ips from Hetzner. The problem is i cannot access the webui via the "wan" IP and i already did "pfctl -d" to allow it to use the wan ip. That is my ProxMox Host...
  20. A

    [SOLVED] Hetzner ProxMox VM's keine Internet Verbindung

    Hallo auch! Ich habe aktuell das Problem, dass meine VM's keine Verbindung raus zum Internet haben. Ich habe 2 Linux Bridges sowie IPTables/NAT konfiguriert! vmbr1 für die Kommunikation zwischen ProxMox und PfSense vmr1 => WAN (PfSense) - Die Weboberfläche erreiche ich daher...