After banging my head for about a day as to why a CentOS 7 VM created via the latest official cloud-init image just wouldn't have networking at all, on both a Proxmox 7 & a Proxmox 8 server with routed networking at Hetzner, here's a short guide that might benefit others...
As always, your...
ich habe einen Hetzner Server Debian V12 und habe nun Proxmox erfolgreich installiert und wollte nun mehrere VMs erstellen. Dies habe ich auch getan bis ich während der Konfiguration der ersten VM bemerkt habe, dass ich Probleme habe eine Internet Verbindung herzustellen. Ich gehe davon...
I've a Proxmox 7.4-17 Server on a dedicate Hetzner server with this networking config:
auto enp7s0
iface enp7s0 inet static
up route add -net netmask gw dev enp7s0
Dear Proxmox-Community,
I'm running Proxmox VE 8.0.4 on Debian GNU/Linux 12 (Bookworm) using a Hetzner dedicated server. The server comes with one IPv4 address, one MAC, and an IPv6 subnet (/64). I have booked an additional IPv4 and MAC address for a specific VM that needs to be reachable via...
I do have 3 identical Hetzner servers that I configured with their Installimage script - Hetzner-Installimage - and configured Network Bridged setup accordingly to their documentation - Hetzner-Proxmox-Network - configuration of network is similar on each host.
Hosts are fresh, no VMs...
Hallo zusammen,
ich habe aktuell Schwierigkeiten mit meinem dedizierten Proxmox Server. Zum Aufbau meines Netzwerkes.
In der Hetzner Cloud ist eine pfsesne virtualisiert, mit der IP, dort sind auch noch Remotedesktops virtualisiert, deren IP-Adressen aber denke ich irrelevant sind...
We have quite a few installation running OPNsense on Proxmox and they all run fine. Since a couple of months we also have one instance on a Hetzner root-server (EX101, Intel Core i9-13900) that causes me a lot of headaches and I still cannot figure out the cause for these issues:
- getting the...
Good morning,
I have searched far and wide on the internet, even tried hetzner's own guide, I cannot configure my vm's network on proxmox.
I have installed on windows server 2019 on the virtual machine, but I need to make it comiunicate with the outside making it reachable via rdp.
I am at my...
I use Proxmox since version 4.4 in my homelab, and recently set up my first Proxmox instance on a Hetzner Root Server. The machine has a single public IPv4 and the usual /64 IPv6 subnet. While most of the setup is working, I have an issue where I need some more ideas.
For IPv6, the host...
i have following setup:
Proxmox Server with some VMs (64GB ECC UDIMM RAM, 8 Core CPU, ZFS Storage Pool) (own dedicated server in datacenter)
Proxmox Backup Server (64GB RAM, ZFS Storage Pool) (rented dedicated server from hetzner)
I have connected the Proxmox Backup Server as storage...
Hi all,
I'm working on my first setup at Hetzner and I can't find any examples of what I am attempting to do. I'm hoping for some insight, an interfaces config or step by step if it's available would both be very helpful! While there's plenty of instructions with regard to hosting OpnSense...
ich bin Neu hier und habe wahrscheinlich wie schon mehrere Menschen vor mir dasselbe Problem. Ich habe die anderen Posts schon durchgesehen und nichts gefunden was mir geholfen hat.
Vorweg bin kein Linux Profi, habe aber Spaß an der Materie.
Meine Ausgangssituation gerade:
1x Dedicated...
I bought the BX11 Storage Box offering from Hetzner and also do have a dedicated server with Proxmox (v8.0.3) installed on it.
Network etc. works, but I stuck in adding the BX11 to my Proxmox setup.
Current status:
- A directory on BX11 at "/home/backups/myproxmox" has been created
Hello all :)
The following scenario...
My proxmox server at Hetzner is running with the following network config:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface enp4s0 inet manual
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
address xx.xx.xx.58/27
gateway xx.xx.xx.29
bridge-ports enp4s0...
Hallo zusammen :)
Folgendes Szenario...
Mein Proxmox Server bei Hetzner läuft mit folgender Netzwerkconfig:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface enp4s0 inet manual
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
address xx.xx.xx.58/27
gateway xx.xx.xx.29
bridge-ports enp4s0...
Ich habe jetzt in den letzten tage so viele Beiträge gelesen und getestet aber noch bin ich nicht am ziel wie erwartet.
So kommen wir mal zum Problem: Ich habe eine Haupt IP nenne wir die mal <1>.244 und habe mir jetzt eine einzelne Zusatz IP gekauft die wir <2>.253 nennen. Das Problem ist...
Hi guys, I'm unsuccessfully trying to setup a vm with subnet, can you help?
my configuration
auto lo
iface Io inet loopback
iface enp195sO inet manual
iface enxea5c652e737d inet manual
auto vmbrO
iface vmbrO inet static
address 168. 119.xx.xx/26
bridge-ports enp195sO...
I thought i'd share what I've done to install Proxmox 7.4 on my Hetzner AX-102 server, hopefully it'll help others going through the same process.
I've done a Proxmox install on bare metal previously. The first two times, the instructions here worked well for me...
Hallo zusammen,
vielleicht hat jemand einen Tipp für mich bei folgender Herausforderung:
Ich habe mir gedanken zum Thema verschlüsselte Backups gemacht und bin auf folgende Anleitung gestoßen...
Hey everyone,
For the past few days I've been trying to get the additional ip on my Hetzner box to work on my vm, but I haven't been very successful. The vm's internet connection just doesn't work, attempting to reach any outside ip results in the ping returning no feedback, even after ten...
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