
  1. T

    Seeking support for using qm create and specifying a bridge

    Hello Proxmox team, I have been trying to provision a VM to use a network bridge all evening unsucessfully. The following commands create a working VM that is configured via cloud-init. This works great and the VM starts up just fine. However, the `/etc/resolv.conf` file contains a nameserver...
  2. L

    Assigning secondary IP address using Cloud-Init

    Hi, I would like to assign secondary IP addresses to a single network device using the cloud-init configuration. I can read from the specification that this is possible to do. However, the Proxmox API and frontend does not allow to enter more than a single IP address. It would be great to allow...
  3. Y

    PVE API for cloud-init drive

    hey guys, I'm working on extending current salt cloud module to support cloud-init (for qemu new vm's/clones) from a first look, looks quite simple, just add ide[n] config with the following for example: "ide0" : "local:101/vm-101-cloudinit.qcow2,media=cdrom" (this varies based on the next...
  4. B

    Cloud-init and Centos 7

    Hi I'm completely confused with the proxmox support for Cloud-init so hoping someone can help. I've not done very much cloud-init work but I did test it out a few months ago on some VM's in Parallels on my Mac. For that I pretty much had to create a meta-data file, a user-data file and then...
  5. G

    CloudInit does not set gateway for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (netplan)

    I am using cloud-init to set up some Ubuntu 18.04 VM's (uses netplan for net config) They are all configured using static IPv4 address like 192.168.0.x/24 The gateway is The generated /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml file does not contain gateway4 attribute
  6. G

    CloudInit drive has no option for "move disk" in Web UI

    Maybe not an issue, but I couldn't easily move a cloud-init drive from a local to a shared storage (for live migration) The workaround was just remove&recreate the drive, but the "move disk" button is just a bit easier.
  7. M

    [SOLVED] Errors following doc: Preparing Cloud-Init Templates

    Hey, I'm following the docs on creating a cloud-init template via cli, and ran into some errors. Maybe it's me, maybe others can check as well. USER@HOST: user with root privs on current pve /var/lib/vz/template/iso # wget...
  8. P

    Getting the DHCP-assigned IP from a cloud-init clone

    I followed the instructions here and it worked as expected but I can't see the IP address assigned to the instance since it was assigned by DHCP. I can't SSH to this machine if I don't know the IP address. Obviously, accessing the console doesn't work. I ticked the "Qemu Agent" checkbox in the...
  9. G

    Adding a route through cloud-init

    Greetings I'm testing cloud-init on a brand new Ubuntu 18.04 VM. My problem is that the IP of the VM and the GW are not on the same subnet (which is quite usual for a floating IP), so I guess the whole process of setting network fails. I can see the parameters in...
  10. A

    Cloud-Init Options

    I'm a bit confused about what cloud-init options are supported by Proxmox. The 5.2 announcement blog post says: However, the cloud-init docs make no mention of configuring mount points or post install scripts. What am I missing?
  11. C


    Hello, I have tried a few images, i am currently trying CentOS 7 Generic Image and when it loads up, it will update cloud-init and the os and i cant login via the console even if i change the root password via Cloud-Init within proxmox. i have also disabled these in the cloud.conf ssh_pwauth...
  12. O

    cloud-init drive can't be set to other than qcow2

    Hello, There's a problem with cloud-init drive, when creating this drive you have the option to choose the image type as like normal disks (raw, qcow2 or vmdk) but when choosing type other than qcow2, (raw or vmdk), It will get ignored and pve will always create qcow2 format. What is the...
  13. K

    [SOLVED] Resize disk of cloud-init clones

    Greetings. I am trying to figure out a way to resize disks of cloud-init created clones. At the moment created VMs have just as much storage as the image. Note: I want to provision Centos 7 only VMs. If anyone can provide a different solution to provision centos VMs with custom disk space you...
  14. U

    VM live migration fails when Cloud-Init image is attached

    Hi guys, I setup a 3-node experimental cluster with LVM on iSCSI (FreeNAS) as storage. Live migration fails when the CloudInit drive is attached but it works fine without the CloudInit drive. Is this normal? Live migration with the CloudInit drive attached gives this error...
  15. S

    [SOLVED] Cloud-Init Default Settings

    Moin, Kann man irgendwo globale Cloud-init Defaults setzen und wird der cloud-init support in Zukunft noch ausgebaut? Was mir im Moment fehlt ist zb der qemu-guest-agent in den ubuntu cloud images. Da wäre es hilfreich eine Option zu haben die den agent via Cloud-init gleich installiert. Ich...
  16. J

    Cloud-init install packages

    After reading the documentation at ( I was able to start, access and restart the VM without problems, but I still had a question: In addition to the parameters reported in the manual, can I use other cloud-init parameters, such...
  17. X

    Cloud-Init Docs

    The docs for cloud-init are a little thin on the ground being such a new feature. What is the expected behaviour for this in proxmox? Should the cloud-init drive remain always connected? if so, after the machine is shut down and then started again, it fails with the error: qemu-img: Could not...
  18. D

    proxmox 5.1-52 Centos 7 cloud-image

    Hello I'm trying to use the Generic cloud image of Centos 7 and I would like to disable the login via SSH-Key, I can use a file cloud-config.yaml as user-data in proxmox ?
  19. L

    What kind of metadata will cloud-init use?

    Hello, First of all, any ETA on cloud-init? It's very important to us as it simplifies deployment hugely. I understand there might be support in a "testing" branch. How could I play with that, any docs? Second, will Proxmox use configdrive for metadata? Thank you