
  1. T

    Proxmox ignores custom cloud-init from --cicustom paramter (tested with Ubuntu/CentOS)

    Hi, I'm getting crazy to create a vm provisioned with cloud-init. Here is what i do: # create template wget qm create 9000 --name centos-ci --memory 2048 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 qm...
  2. M

    CentOS 7 Cloud-init Inserting Unexpected DNS Server

    Below is the cloud-init network configuration for the VM: But when the VM boots, there is an additional DNS server being inserted by cloud-init: The DNS server `` is being added but is not apart of the configuration and is not functional: Here are the steps I used to create...
  3. C

    How do I properly prepare a Cloud-Init image for CentOS 7?

    Hello everyone, I'm struggling to properly prepare a CentOS 7 Cloud-Init image, there doesn't seem to be an already prepared image like on Ubuntu and many tutorial are extremely different from each other and I just can't find a way to do this... I've searched for so many tutorials, yet none of...
  4. J

    cloud-init reset root password in proxmox is not working

    Hello, Proxmox Version 6.2-4 Template VM OS : Centos 8 Cloud-init Version : 18.5 I am try to reset root password while on boot, it's not working in cloud-init. This is my cloud-init config file, [root@c8templatserverip ~]# cat /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg users: - default disable_root: 1 ssh_pwauth...
  5. F

    Docker with Cloud-Init Problems

    Hello, a few days ago we had the problem with several VMs(qemu) that after some time they don't connect to the internet anymore. After some searching, we found out that Docker changes the network configuration(initially set by cloud-init) by itself (the server doesn't have an IPv4 address...
  6. F

    Creating a windows cloud-init VM

    Hello, I'm trying to create a windows VM with cloud-init. I've downloaded the windows 2012 r2 image from cloudbase, but I have not been able to run int successfully. The problem is when I start the VM, it starts booting from disk, windows logo appears, but it suddenly restarts, and again same...
  7. V

    cloud-init and UseDomains=yes

    1. Setup I use the PROXMOX 6 (proxmox-ve: 6.1-2) I set up a DNS server with dnsmasq dnsmasq is configured to send search-domains The VM is running Arch Linux Within the VM systemd-networkd and systemd-resolved are used I use "cloud-init" 19.3 with netplan 0.98-1 2. Problem There are no...
  8. D

    cloud-init making no changes on new vms

    Hi all, I've setup Proxmox 6.1-7 and build a Centos 7 and Ubuntu server 18.04 vm. I installed cloud-init on both the vms, cleared out the vm config as recommended in this video: I then closed...
  9. C

    cloud-init and Buster generic image network problem

    Did anyone try Buster cloud images (specifically the generic image) with Proxmox and cloud-init yet? I tried with both nocloud and configdrive but can't get the network settings to apply. The cloud-init template seems to assume net0 is eth0, but it is changed to ens18. But even if I replace eth0...
  10. A

    Ubuntu cloud image issue

    Hello, I followed the instructions from this article Cloud-Init Support wget qm create 9000 --memory 2048 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 qm importdisk 9000 bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64.img local-lvm qm set 9000 --scsihw...
  11. I

    Create VM templates

    Hello, We having issues to create VM templates for PROXMOX VE. PROXMOX VE is installed and we added Moudules garden proxmox cloud module (modulesgarden dot com >>products>>whmcs>>proxmox-cloud) for linux distributions it requires cloud-init. for windows server OS is requires cloudbase-init...
  12. V

    BUG: No routing in VM with cloud init (ubuntu 18.x - 19.4)

    It´s possible a bug in the network setting from proxmox to VMs with cloud-init and ubuntu. I have see many forum entries about the same problemas! The big problem is a wrong routing and only with a manual work arround the VMs will runs! That can been, that a routing with a gateway neer the same...
  13. I

    Cloud-Init: can't login to newly created Debian 10 VM

    QEMU config: PVE version: I've used OpenStack image from Debian repo, but for some reason I can't login at all - SSH is disabled, not installed or network is not working for some reason, and it doesn't accept my local credentials. What the hell? Cloud-Init used by Buster is newer that...
  14. T

    Has cloud-init been changed between 5.3 and 6.0?

    Hello, I maintain a project that bootstraps a Kubernetes cluster on Proxmox using Ansible. My code has always worked reliably when tested on 5.3, however I recently upgraded my server to 6.0-4 and now cloud-init is behaving strangely. It successfully sets the IP Address, Subnet, and Gateway to...
  15. R

    Set additional options to cloud-init generated interface configuration files.

    Hi. On a Centos 7 based cloud-init image I am setting IP address and Gateway of the interface using GUI and it generates network interface configuration file like this: # /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 # Created by cloud-init on instance boot automatically, do not edit. #...
  16. I

    Cloud-Init username/pass

    I have been struggeling for an hours trying to set a username/pass on a cloud image. Using latest CentOS-7 cloud image directly - And have ProxMox 5.2-12. Followed the instructions in the manual step by step. qm set 123 --ipconfig0 ip=XXX --cipassword="somepassword"--ciuser=root Firs time I...
  17. V

    Cloud-Init wrong IP in eth0 when Fedora29/30

    With all other image I have not so a big problem, but only with Fedora 29 and Fedora 30. The Cloud-Init works fine, so expl. User/Passwort-Set and the MAC comes with qemu is set for eth0 too, but the IP will not replaced and when the VM is started I have everytime in. A manual set in...
  18. A

    NoVNC glitches with cloud-init/serial console

    Im having this strange issue when I open the console from a cloud-init vm on a node other than the one im actually on it glitches noVNC. So Im pointing my browser to node A then when I open a cloud-init vm on node B the console keeps restarting. Works fine when I open a cloud-init vm on node A...
  19. A

    Cloud-init and ifcfg-eth0

    Hi, I have a template on which cloud init is installed, I do fullclone from it and after that I change the ip and gw parameters. Option 1 - qm set 123 --ipconfig0 ip = / 24, gw = Option 2 Post request / nodes /% s /% s /% d / config in the body of which new parameters ip...
  20. J

    cloud-init and disable_root

    I have been playing with cloud-init support in PVE and am loving it ... however, one of the things I want to disable on certain VMS (for good or for bad, please don't lecture on security) is to enable the root user to be able to ssh into the VMs (at least while we're building them and scp'ing...