
  1. B

    [SOLVED] Update 7 to 8 issue with cloud-init

    Hi, I updated a server from v7 to v8 (for now it's only for tests purpose ;) ). Everything seems to goes OK but when I restart the server, no web GUI :( SSH is ok so I dig and it's nearly the same problem as here :
  2. H

    Cloud-init on Centos8 ( set-hostname not working )

    I have a problem with my Centos8 template I created a template based on the cloud image provided by centos (official) as a provider we give as hostname the same name as the vm but in this case (centos8 temp) the hostname of the vms deployed via centos 8 template keeps the previous hostname...
  3. A

    Cloud Init Template Creation Script

    Hi all Haven't posted on here before but long time lurker. Apologies if something similar to this has been posted in the forum previously. As part of my learning with Proxmox I've wanted to learn how to build a script to create vm templates so that I can clone a template into a vm quickly...
  4. J

    cloud-init does not use search domain as fqdn

    I have a VM provisioned with qcow2 image, and have set in the cloud-init a search domain. However, the cloud init is using vmName + search domain as the FQDN, which is not as expected. An earlier VM created with the same image and cloud-init settings (except with a different search domain)...
  5. herzkerl

    Cloud-init ohne package upgrade?

    Hallo liebe Community, ist es möglich, trotz Verwendung von eurer Cloud-init-Implementierung dort die automatischen Paketupdates zu deaktivieren? Ich habe versucht, in der VM die user-data.txt zu bearbeiten, aber nach einem Neustart stand dort wieder package_upgrade: true
  6. Y

    cloudinit via api

    Hi:), I saw a documentation how to attach a cloudinit drive to vm, and I want to do the same from the API. 1. I have created a vm (vm id: 9000 ) 2. I have downloaded cloudinit image and uploaded it to ISO Images (/var/lib/vz/template/iso/focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.img) 3. ?? I want to add...
  7. Z

    Ubuntu Cloud Init, fehlende Underscores in Console

    Hi, Ich habe mit dem Ubuntu Cloud Image (jammy-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk-kvm.img) unter Proxmox 7.1-8 ein Template angelegt. In das Template habe ich eine Serical Console eingebunden (qm set 9000 --serial0 socket --vga serial0). Wenn ich von diesem Template nun eine VM (Full Clone) erzeuge und...
  8. F

    cloud-init rockylinux generic image

    Hi, I created a template for rockylinux generic cloud image. It loads but screen is stuck at: any ideas why?
  9. M

    Fedora 35/36/37 cloud-init does ignore network-config settings for nameservers (patch for v2)

    I have an environment, where i need to provide the nameservers and do not get the "right" ones from dhcp. While ubuntu cloud image has no problems to parse the nameserver entry, fedora cloud image ignores the nameserver setting in cloud-init v1. After reading the code in proxmox, i foud a...
  10. W

    Cloudinit disable dhcp6 and accept-ra

    Im currently running proxmox 7.3. When provisioning Ubuntu VMs (20.04/22.04) the vms auto assign IPv6 addresses in addition to the ones defined in cloudinit. This makes it a bit difficult to manage firewall rules and such. Is there a way to adjust the cloudinit image proxmox generates to include...
  11. S

    Cloud-init ubuntu cloud-image example broken apparently The link above refers refers to the example below: # download the image wget # create a new VM with VirtIO SCSI controller qm create 9000 --memory 2048 --net0...
  12. N

    [SOLVED] Q: How best to work with cloud-init and lxc ?

    Hello all, i have some hosts running on a local proxmox server and on the hetzner cloud. On proxmox I work with lxc containers. I try to script the setup of these machines as much as possible and strive to define them completely with 'source code' . In this context I learned about...
  13. S

    Cloud-init sets network config; --cicustom is cleared; network config erased on next boot

    I have cephfs:snippets set up with cloud-init files. This is for creating Ubuntu 20.04 VMs. Here's an example: # cat /mnt/pve/cephfs/snippets/net107.yaml version: 1 config: - type: physical name: eth0 mac_address: '36:9d:01:aa:42:d8' subnets: - type: static...
  14. P

    Proxmox debian cloud-init disk name unstable

    Hi I have the following script qm create "$VMID" --name "debian-docker" --memory 10240 --sockets 1 --core 4 --net0 virtio="46:4A:5E:3C:8A:55",bridge=vmbr0 --description "Debian bullseye cloud image" --agent enabled=1 qm set "$VMID" --ide2 "$STORAGE:cloudinit" qm set "$VMID" --serial0 socket...
  15. M

    [SOLVED] Cloud-Init Drive Not Auto-Regenerating

    Hello, I am experiencing an issue with the CloudInit Drive 'auto-regenerating' after a clone, a virtual hardware hotswap, or even a reboot. The Regenerate Image button must be manually clicked in the GUI. I have used Packer to create an image of Alma 9 Linux with cloud-init installed. It also...
  16. K

    [SOLVED] Ubuntu template created with packer disables default user account

    This is my packer config for template creation in Proxmox ubuntu-server-focal-docker.pkr.hcl # Ubuntu Server Focal Docker # --- # Packer Template to create an Ubuntu Server (Focal) with Docker on Proxmox # Variable Definitions variable "proxmox_api_url" { type = string } variable...
  17. G

    Adding CloudInit Drive as a normal user

    Hi I'm trying to solve a problem with adding CloudInit Drive as a normal user. I have a normal user account with pool permissions: - PVEAdmin - PVEDataStoreAdmin - PVECloudInit. What to do to make it possible to add CloudInit Drive without root account? There is a similar topic on the forum...
  18. E

    Windows cloudinit base password setting problem

    Cloudinit password modification does not support Windows Cloudinit base. I need to modify META_ DATA to complete the password modification function. How to modify the META generated by proxmoxVE_ DATA
  19. J

    Cloud-Init Server auf neues Host-System übertragen

    Hallo, ich möchte mein alten Proxmox-Host auf einen neuen übertragen, ich nutze aktuell die Proxmox Version 7.2.7. Da ich zum virtualisieren Cloud-Init verwende frage ich mich wie ich am besten die VM´s übertragen kann, meine aktuellen versuche die VM´s zu übertragen sind gescheitert, da sich...
  20. W

    Cloud-Init LUKS VM Setup?

    Hello all, I have seen an understand the benefits of setting up a base image/template with Cloud-Init, so similar VMs can very easily be setup when needed. My question is... can these Cloud-Init template/images can be setup with LUKS encryption without losing any features? Will it still be able...