Cloud-Init username/pass


Renowned Member
Nov 25, 2015
I have been struggeling for an hours trying to set a username/pass on a cloud image.

Using latest CentOS-7 cloud image directly - And have ProxMox 5.2-12. Followed the instructions in the manual step by step.

qm set 123 --ipconfig0 ip=XXX --cipassword="somepassword"--ciuser=root

Firs time I tried, I didn't set anything and the ProxMox GUI showed default and nothing - fair enough. Started over from scratch and then the root-user and a hidden pass was set in the GUI.

But no matter if I set the password using the qm command above - or setting it directly from the GUI, it only says wrong password when trying to log in using the console in ProxMox.

From Centos docs, I see that there are supposed to be a default user named "centos" on Cloud images. Tried to set a password on that user from qm and deleted vms/retried based on that. Didn't work either.

Have read the documentation, but I must have missed something.

Any help is appriciated!
Hey there!

I belive by default in centos 7 plain text login is disabled, You have to use a ssh-key to login to the instance so no matter how many times you set the password it wont work.

You could SSH in via the ssh-key then enable plain text in centos, then clone that vm for a template to save time on new vms.