Proxmox Android client - UPDATE: Version BETA released

I'd say VNC is a low priority as you can simply ssh over VPN from your Android device

Unless you're trying to watch a KVM machine boot up when someone's called you to say (for example) the Windows server has stopped working.
That said, I agree the ability to create new VMs, etc would be far more useful. Although if you create a new VM and then discover it doesn't have SSH or similar, you're stuck again without the VNC.
Hi Guys,

I use this app constantly! It is very good for checking the status of your cluster, especially with the new widget.

I'd say VNC is a low priority as you can simply ssh over VPN from your Android device - what would be very useful however is the ability to create new containers/ VMs from the app.

Good work guys - I love the app. If you need any beta testers, let me know. I have a Nexus 3.



Hi James, thanks for your feedback :)

we'll work for new features, and VZ/VM creation is one on the list. I would like to ask, what you mean with Nexus 3? Do you use QuadProx Mobile on a Galaxy Nexus? Which Android version?
Hi pi_anto,

I would like to ask, what you mean with Nexus 3? Do you use QuadProx Mobile on a Galaxy Nexus? Which Android version?

Yes, that's right - Samsung Galaxy Nexus. I am currently on 4.1.2 stock, soon to move to 4.2.0 when the OTA comes out. I also have a tablet on 4.0, but have not installed QuadProx yet... not sure if it's compatible. If it is, I'll get it running soon.
Wow, this app is really cool.

Just restarted a misbehaving vm while eating in the steakhouse.

I am just wondering, I can start and stop vms, but the functionality to shutdown a vm is not there.

Can you implement this ?

Thanks so much for this real wonderful app ...
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released


Great stuff! I added remote vnc console support. (sorry, i use github :cool:).

I added the android-vnc-viewer to project (license is gpl2), added the TLS/X509 authenticate (this need to proxmox). and add a new menu to open the console. watch the commits.
There is a show menu button in vnc view, because androvm hasn't menu button, this need to open the options menu.
(i can tested the suff with qemu only, because we haven't vz guests)

The vnc console need some fix like working F1-F10/arrows/etc, but it's vnc-viewer issue.

Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Great stuff! I added remote vnc console support.

Awesome stuff! This will make it so much easier to handle those quick fixes when I'm out of town.
Just need to find some time to test it out now...
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released


Great stuff! I added remote vnc console support. (sorry, i use github :cool:).

I added the android-vnc-viewer to project (license is gpl2), added the TLS/X509 authenticate (this need to proxmox). and add a new menu to open the console. watch the commits.
There is a show menu button in vnc view, because androvm hasn't menu button, this need to open the options menu.
(i can tested the suff with qemu only, because we haven't vz guests)

The vnc console need some fix like working F1-F10/arrows/etc, but it's vnc-viewer issue.


This is a great news! We'll try to check and merge th feature as soon as possible! It's a busy period in other stuff for us, thanks for the help in making QuadProx better!

Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Client updated with VNC support! Check out new version on Google Play store or Google Code source page!
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

just updated my nexus 7, seems to work! I would not say that this will become my favorite way work with such a console all day long but its great to check the status of the console of a VM/CT on the road if no full notebook is with me - so far a big step forward.
will you be adding support for proxmox v3? am lost now i updated to v3 and now this app is no longer logging me in.
will you be adding support for proxmox v3? am lost now i updated to v3 and now this app is no longer logging me in.

Was just wondering where these errors were, thanks mir :)

In fact i've received some complains about QuadProx not working with Proxmox VE 3.0, but i've tried 2 times last versions on some VMs, and everything works fine here. As mir suggests, probably you're missing server ports, let me know if you successful login adding it.

Hi Team,

thanks for the great app. Unfortunately after the upgrade of proxmox to 3.0, the app does not let me log in. The usr used to connect is


Is there a way to check any logs to see why and where its causing the error.

The only thing that comes up on the screen is

unable to connect
Do you want to retry or review server address?

