Proxmox Android client - UPDATE: Version BETA released

Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released


is it possible to have this thread pinned up in this forum section? This way we'll get more feedbacks about the app. Thanks!
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released


is it possible to have this thread pinned up in this forum section? This way we'll get more feedbacks about the app. Thanks!
The code update today seems to lack of documentation?log_list_menu.xml?
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Hi bd5hty,

yes, it was my fault not adding some new files during yesterday development. The matter is that i use that git code to port the same at home to keep working on it, and sometimes - apart my push mistakes - it's not complete. Right at this moment there's a new version updated, but with an authentication view incomplete cause i'm implementing custom realms selection. There's anyway the new complete log system there :)

As soon as possible i'll update source code in a complete form.
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Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Hi bd5hty,

yes, it was my fault not adding some new files during yesterday development. The matter is that i use that git code to port the same at home to keep working on it, and sometimes - apart my push mistakes - it's not complete. Right at this moment there's a new version updated, but with an authentication view incomplete cause i'm implementing custom realms selection. There's anyway the new complete log system there :)

As soon as possible i'll update source code in a complete form.
Found a serious bug,Access to the node list of nodes on the machine or cluster failure state will be a validation error.
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Hi everyone,

we've completed a new version, with a cluster logs viewer and VMs migrate action (thanks @mir for patch code). We kindly ask to community to test it, especially for the migrate part by who has more than one node available.

EDIT: look below for a new reply with a version fixing some bugs.

Thanks for support!
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Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Hi bd5hty,

i'll adjust dialog in order to show a more general authentication error, depending from wrong inserted data or failure reasons.
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Hi bd5hty,

i'll adjust dialog in order to show a more general authentication error, depending from wrong inserted data or failure reasons.
Ah, the best physical node failure is also displayed in the list of nodes, rather than a validation error.Thanks for your efforts.
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Ah, the best physical node failure is also displayed in the list of nodes, rather than a validation error.Thanks for your efforts.

Can you post a json string of nodes list in the case a failure like this is present?
You can have it pointing (after having logged from browser to server) at : https://yourserver:8006/api2/json/nodes

Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Hi community,

the previous release i asked you to test had some bugs. I hope to have corrected them (thanks @mir for tips and VMs migration patch).

Here you will find the new apk:

Again, please test it and reply with bugs/feedbacks.

Thanks to all the Proxmox community for tips and support,
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

First, I just want to say thank you so much for your work on this! Awesome concept!

I just wanted to put this out there for other people to think about. Personally, I'm very paranoid when it comes to security to my proxmox hosts are not accesible beyond our firewall. In order to use this you'd have to really open port 8006 to the world to make it useful from mobile phones. Personally, I would consider pairing this with either a VPN of some sort (openvpn?) or for people to do port forwarding using ConnectBot to an SSH host that is secured. This way you do not open direct access to proxmox to everybody. I'm not suggesting this as being done with development, just wanted to put that out there for people considering using this. I've tested it by using port forwarding with Connectbot and it works quite well.

Again, thanks for your work! I look forward to watching this continue to be developed!
@dups Check out the Openvpn for Android app. It works beautifully, even without root. Once logged in using OpenVPN, you can get to your Proxmox server(s). You could even run your OpenVPN server as a VM inside Proxmox, although that may be a bit of a gamble.
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

thanks, I just installed it via market on my galaxy s and it crashed - but I am using an alpha version of CM10 (jelly bean), so don´t worry here. in the description you write "Quadprox Mobile is the compendium to Proxmox .."

please note, Proxmox is the short name of Proxmox Server Solutions Gmbh, its not the name of the virtualization product - "Proxmox VE". Please correct this, thanks.
@dups Check out the Openvpn for Android app. It works beautifully, even without root. Once logged in using OpenVPN, you can get to your Proxmox server(s). You could even run your OpenVPN server as a VM inside Proxmox, although that may be a bit of a gamble.

@mlanner - I know this, this is what I was trying to make a point of suggesting to others ;)

We use Vyatta ( in a bare metal install with a VM setup for failover. Its similar to pfSense for those who are unfamiliar with vyatta. This provides our openvpn server but SSH Port forwarding was faster to setup on my phone since you only need one port as opposed to generating keys and copying the config file over to it. In the future when they have VNC capabilities and such and it might require more ports, then it might be easier/better to VPN in instead but for now connectbot with ssh port forwarding to our bastion host works perfectly! :cool:
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

thanks, I just installed it via market on my galaxy s and it crashed - but I am using an alpha version of CM10 (jelly bean), so don´t worry here. in the description you write "Quadprox Mobile is the compendium to Proxmox .."

please note, Proxmox is the short name of Proxmox Server Solutions Gmbh, its not the name of the virtualization product - "Proxmox VE". Please correct this, thanks.

You're welcome Tom, this client was intended to thank you guys for this awesome product too.

For the mistake on app description on market, i've just fixed it, turning it from "Proxmox" to "Proxmox VE". Sorry for having missed it.
Regarding app crashing on JB, i've just tried the app on a JB emulator, and it's working like a charm. It could be something different on CM10, i'd need a list of differences they applied comparing to stock version. In case you can point me a link with some more info on what differs from stock on CM10, i could give it a look :)

Have a nice work on Proxmox VE!
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@mlanner - I know this, this is what I was trying to make a point of suggesting to others ;)

We use Vyatta ( in a bare metal install with a VM setup for failover. Its similar to pfSense for those who are unfamiliar with vyatta. This provides our openvpn server but SSH Port forwarding was faster to setup on my phone since you only need one port as opposed to generating keys and copying the config file over to it. In the future when they have VNC capabilities and such and it might require more ports, then it might be easier/better to VPN in instead but for now connectbot with ssh port forwarding to our bastion host works perfectly! :cool:

Hi dups,

thanks for appreciating! I bet many will like your advice about moving traffic to a VPN! We were hoping too to implement a VNC console, but sadly it seems there are no VNC Android clients supporting TLS protocol yet, at least not free. We'll try to monitor the situation from time to time to see if something will change. Of course if someone of you would suggest us a solution we would check it!

Hi, thanks a lot for the program! Just to give you an idea, I don't use VPN but ssh tunneling instead (so I connect https localhost 8006 that is tunneled to remote proxmox private ip:8006). This way only ssh is open, more secure than a web frontend :) Don't know if you can add to your program, or is just a matter for me to connect with a ssh client and then run your program, like I would do with a computer.
I would love also if you can put your program in repository, I try to avoid Google "market" as much as possible because you can't filter for FOSS only project (you have to check the license one by one... sigh).
Hi, thanks a lot for the program! Just to give you an idea, I don't use VPN but ssh tunneling instead (so I connect https localhost 8006 that is tunneled to remote proxmox private ip:8006). This way only ssh is open, more secure than a web frontend :) Don't know if you can add to your program, or is just a matter for me to connect with a ssh client and then run your program, like I would do with a computer.
I would love also if you can put your program in repository, I try to avoid Google "market" as much as possible because you can't filter for FOSS only project (you have to check the license one by one... sigh).

Hi mmenaz
thanks for your suggestion, the best feature for us is to have VNC console working but is not so simple... Also there are a lot of things to implement on QuadProx for example create/modify vm and launch backup so we must give a priority to this feature but we can create a TODO List.
Please share suggestion on feature priority.
Hi Proxmoxers :)

new version available on market, with app widget and alarm notifications by mir (thanks too much for the great work mir :)). Source code updated yet, enjoy!
Hi Guys,

I use this app constantly! It is very good for checking the status of your cluster, especially with the new widget.

I'd say VNC is a low priority as you can simply ssh over VPN from your Android device - what would be very useful however is the ability to create new containers/ VMs from the app.

Good work guys - I love the app. If you need any beta testers, let me know. I have a Nexus 3.

