Proxmox Android client - UPDATE: Version BETA released

Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Unfortunately Android does not support the Java-Script that Proxmox uses so we can't use the console.

The Proxmox Console use java (not Java-Script). Anyways, all you need to implement the console is a working VNC client. Not sure if such thing exists on Andriod.
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Anyways, all you need to implement the console is a working VNC client. Not sure if such thing exists on Andriod.

They should do... Never looked, but given the number of RDP clients, I'd be very surprised if no one has ported an open source VNC client.

Edit: Just did a quick search - found
Might be worth looking at that and seeing if it can be manipulated into your client.
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Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

The Proxmox Console use java (not Java-Script). Anyways, all you need to implement the console is a working VNC client. Not sure if such thing exists on Andriod.

We already thought to implement Proxmox Console in our client, and as you suggested the idea was to redirect to a good working (and possibily free) VNC client, passing it all necessary data to open a connection.
By the moment you expressely asked for this, maybe we'll move this feature up in priority.

Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released


A small bug found in VMStatsActivity: The reading Cpu should be named Cpu Usage and also the returned value should be formated to: x[y[z]].h%

Apart from the above it would be a god idea if all the readings was formatted the way used in the PVE web interface. Eg. memory usage in KB, MB, GB and time readings in days, hours, minuts and seconds.

A nice feature would be if
VMStatsActivity when showing VM Details could be configured to reload automatically.

Apart from that thumbs up:-)

Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released


A small bug found in VMStatsActivity: The reading Cpu should be named Cpu Usage and also the returned value should be formated to: x[y[z]].h%

Apart from the above it would be a god idea if all the readings was formatted the way used in the PVE web interface. Eg. memory usage in KB, MB, GB and time readings in days, hours, minuts and seconds.

A nice feature would be if
VMStatsActivity when showing VM Details could be configured to reload automatically.

Apart from that thumbs up:-)


Hi Michael!

You're right, machine stats can't stay like that, this is a rude form of details, soon we'll format them in a better way.
About automatically update details, this client is based on Json api, this means that there's a Http client created in its own thread that makes a request to the Proxmox server and shows the resulting string. Constantly update means that we have to leave an Http client open for periodic request, or constant creation of this client, in both cases i'm not sure it's a good idea for smartphones resources. We'll check if there's a way :)

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Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Hi dietmar
during our development on Android App we cant understand so much the value for VM Statistic returned from the JSON API, for example:
Using "qEmu Monitor" (cli command: "info blockstats")


How can we read this value as VM Statistic? (The same question is related to network)
Many thanks for helping us.
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released


A small bug found in VMStatsActivity: The reading Cpu should be named Cpu Usage and also the returned value should be formated to: x[y[z]].h%

Apart from the above it would be a god idea if all the readings was formatted the way used in the PVE web interface. Eg. memory usage in KB, MB, GB and time readings in days, hours, minuts and seconds.

New version with better readability of VM stats available, you can find it here:

As Dimitri was saying, we have problems in understanding values about network traffic and disk io. As soon as we know more about them we'll add these too to VM stats view. Or maybe we'll move this stats to some graphs we'll try to implement.

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Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

New version with better readability of VM stats available, you can find it here:

As Dimitri was saying, we have problems in understanding values about network traffic and disk io. As soon as we know more about them we'll add these too to VM stats view. Or maybe we'll move this stats to some graphs we'll try to implement.

This is a great improvement:D

A suggestion: If possible it could be very convenient if the notes for each VM were available. The user would then have the choice of entering specific details for each VM and be able to read these details on the mobile device. Reason: As the number of VM's increases it can be very hard to remember the details for each and every VM.

Keep up the god work ;)
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

How can we read this value as VM Statistic? (The same question is related to network)

Sorry, I do not really get that question -there is no api for 'info blockstat'.
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Sorry, I do not really get that question -there is no api for 'info blockstat'.

Hi Dietmar
what i want to say is using this kind of api: "/api2/json/nodes/quadprox/qemu/105/status/current" we have a json string, in this string we can found some information and statistics about a VM. For our App we need to understand what unit type is "diskread" e "diskwrite", is the total read/write in byte/sec or something alse?
Many thanks for help
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

This is a great improvement:D

A suggestion: If possible it could be very convenient if the notes for each VM were available. The user would then have the choice of entering specific details for each VM and be able to read these details on the mobile device. Reason: As the number of VM's increases it can be very hard to remember the details for each and every VM.

Keep up the god work ;)

Notes added: ;)
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Thank you Dimitri for you work. What development environment (if any) are you using to develop quadprox-mobile?
I ask you because I'd like to add some features and I'm completely new to android development.

Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Thank you Dimitri for you work. What development environment (if any) are you using to develop quadprox-mobile?
I ask you because I'd like to add some features and I'm completely new to android development.


Hi Caracolla
Thanks to you but i'm a coworker of Pietro and is only to thanks Pietro for developing of QuadProx-Mobile :-) As i know he use Eclipse and Android SDK if you want to add new feature please post it and share suggestion with Pietro.
I say that because the our roadmap now is focus on:
- Create new Layout
- Improve Feature for VM

So please share your idea
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Thank you Dimitri for you work. What development environment (if any) are you using to develop quadprox-mobile?
I ask you because I'd like to add some features and I'm completely new to android development.


Yes, i'm using Eclipse+ADT plugin. If you need more info take a look on official android dev page:
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

This should get very interesting as the latest batch of $199 tablets (Nexus 7, Kindle Fire 2) start to ship.