Proxmox Android client - UPDATE: Version BETA released

I'm also experiencing the above issue. I can access Proxmox fine on my laptop browser but not my android handset.
If it helps in using a Galaxy note 2.

Very good this application. Just like to ask for a feature, the ability to record multiple clusters in the application, so that when I have to access the cluster from a client, do not have to enter the data from it or log out of another cluster.

In my case I have 4 clients with Proxmox and sometimes have trouble remembering the IP that each is using and passwords that I set for them. =/

Thanks in advance and even though this feature will not appear so early, I thank you for all the effort you took to create this great App.
I'm having issues connecting with QuadProx after the last "apt-get update" on ProxMox V3.2 server. It tels me "Unable to authenticate. Do you want to check authentication data?". It can connect without problems to another V2 ProxMox server that I am using, but there seems to be a problem with V3.
Ok, looks like the problem wasn't with the mobile app, but one of the cluster nodes hanged for some reason.
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Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Can not be installed。
Parse error
There is problem parsing the package.
This may be caused by apk not being completely downloaded or corrupted. Installation from an unknown source can help solve this problem.
Settings > Applications > Under Device Management, check Unknown sources > Finish.