Proxmox Android client - UPDATE: Version BETA released

Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Hi Proxmox community,

we're glad to announce first beta of our QuadProx Mobile, updated with a new layout! Check it out on our google-project page:

Download link:

Tell us if u like it, and of course fix suggestions!
Hi had just installed it when the news arrived:-) This release is very impressing!

I have be thinking of a very interesting feature which I personally would love to see. The missing feature is the ability to make a migration in the app. Since I miss this very much I intend to throw in some working hours and implement it myself. Do you have some guidelines somewhere on the project homepage how to get started?

Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Only committers can change source and apks in project page. I'll talk to Dimitri about the possibility to add more committers. In the meantime, post an issue for a review request on Issues section of the page, with the source code: request.

Anyway you're right, it's better to show days unit too, and it won't take much time to patch ;)
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Only committers can change source and apks in project page. I'll talk to Dimitri about the possibility to add more committers. In the meantime, post an issue for a review request on Issues section of the page, with the source code: request.
I am very close to have finished a new activity which enables the app to migrate any VM. The important parts are working but some parts of the UI needs refinement before it will be shown to the public. The activity is integrated by added a new menuitem to the VMStatsActivity activity which calls this new activity. As this is a rather large patch I would prefer if I could send it by email so is there some email address I can use?

Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

I am very close to have finished a new activity which enables the app to migrate any VM. The important parts are working but some parts of the UI needs refinement before it will be shown to the public. The activity is integrated by added a new menuitem to the VMStatsActivity activity which calls this new activity. As this is a rather large patch I would prefer if I could send it by email so is there some email address I can use?


Very good, thanks for your efforts Michael! If you wish you can send the patch to

Again thanks for trying to improve the client!
Reference views:
Click the program pop-up an interface to remind the user to set the server address and save.
The user name and password to have option to choose whether to remember.
Because the default remember the first landing on the information security risks.
Node list In addition to showing the number of nodes should be the total number of display vm.
VM details of the increased traffic and map information button, click the button can be asynchronous access proxmox ve flow diagram png image.Without real time traffic updates.My poor English, do not know if you can understand.
Finally thank you for your dedication,
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Very good, thanks for your efforts Michael! If you wish you can send the patch to

Again thanks for trying to improve the client!
Expect a large patch sometime tomorrow (today to be exactly ;))

A suggestion: The auth activity gives you the possibility of entering one login to a specific node. Given that a cluster can have many nodes and given the fact that the specific node for which you have entered your credentials could be down then this will require a new set of credentials. Since a VM (kvm-qemu) given it uses shared storage can be migrated to any other running node from any node, even if this node is down, it could be nice if the application can store more than one set of credentials and ask the user which credentials to use when logging on. Also changing the credentials at any given time could be nice.

Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Thanks MIR for Patching!
Can you post some screenshot of Proxmox cluster with a Multi Host Node?
Last edited:
Thanks to every guy on the forum for positive feedback!
A special thanks to MIR for help us with patch code!

Now how we can go on, this my wishing list:
1- Remote VNC Console
3- Graphics Chart for Statics for Node and VM performance
2- Hardware detail view per VM
3- Storage View
4- Add/Create/Modify VM
5- Task Log View

Please vote the main feature do you want to see for the next version of the APP.

I think the VNC console is very important feature we need some help so please share with us some idea of we can implement, at the moment the simple one is to have a string to call a VNC app.
Reference views:
Click the program pop-up an interface to remind the user to set the server address and save.
The user name and password to have option to choose whether to remember.
Because the default remember the first landing on the information security risks.
Node list In addition to showing the number of nodes should be the total number of display vm.
VM details of the increased traffic and map information button, click the button can be asynchronous access proxmox ve flow diagram png image.Without real time traffic updates.My poor English, do not know if you can understand.
Finally thank you for your dedication,

Hi bd5hty
Thanks for your suggestion so try to report your request:
- Enable or disable the password field on Login form
- View number of VM on Node list Page
- Realtime charts of VM detail

This is correct?
1- Remote VNC Console
Not that important. Who wants to work on a small screen devices?
3- Graphics Chart for Statics for Node and VM performance
2- Hardware detail view per VM
Less important
3- Storage View
4- Add/Create/Modify VM
Very important
5- Task Log View
Less important

And then one of my own wishes:
Be able to have more than one set of credentials and the ability to choose among those sets of credentials at any given time. Optionally have the choice to choose a default login.

I think the VNC console is very important feature we need some help so please share with us some idea of we can implement, at the moment the simple one is to have a string to call a VNC app.
Given the limited size of the display I don't see this as very important.

Thanks to every guy on the forum for positive feedback!
A special thanks to MIR for help us with patch code!

Now how we can go on, this my wishing list:
1- Remote VNC Console
3- Graphics Chart for Statics for Node and VM performance
2- Hardware detail view per VM
3- Storage View
4- Add/Create/Modify VM
5- Task Log View

Please vote the main feature do you want to see for the next version of the APP.

I think the VNC console is very important feature we need some help so please share with us some idea of we can implement, at the moment the simple one is to have a string to call a VNC app.
I think the fourth is not necessary, mobile system is the emergency use.:p
I think the fourth is not necessary, mobile system is the emergency use.:p
I disagree. This is the only way to keep a VM online which suddenly face difficulties with either hardware and/or resources. If a VM runs out of resources/hardware and you have no options to change its configuration then the only alternative is to bring it offline since a troubled VM could bring down the hole node.
Hi Mir
thanks for your suggestion!

I think VNC is useful because if you have a Table (like me!) there is no way to use Proxmox for debug or check your VM console, also i think if you want only check some problem (like: way not boot or hardware error) is very useful have a console also on your phone. What do you think?

So the best feature plan is probably :
1- Graphics Chart for Statics for Node and VM performance
2- Add/Create/Modify VM
3- Storage View

But i think about to VNC Console :-)
And then one of my own wishes:
Be able to have more than one set of credentials and the ability to choose among those sets of credentials at any given time. Optionally have the choice to choose a default login.


We had already in mind the possibility to create an authentication profiles system, we'll try to implement it as soon as possible.

Hi Dimitry,

I think VNC is useful because if you have a Table (like me!) there is no way to use Proxmox for debug or check your VM console, also i think if you want only check some problem (like: way not boot or hardware error) is very useful have a console also on your phone. What do you think?
Off course on a tablet the priorities change. But it is hard to run around with a tablet in your pocket:D
So the best feature plan is probably :
1- Graphics Chart for Statics for Node and VM performance
2- Add/Create/Modify VM
3- Storage View
This sounds like a god plan combined with Pietro's authentication profile system.

Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Thanks MIR for Patching!
Can you post some screenshot of Proxmox cluster with a Multi Host Node?
The only visual difference between a single node cluster and a multi host cluster is view listing nodes. A multi host cluster will obviously have more entries in this view. The view I am referring to is the one which can be seen to the left of this page:
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

The only visual difference between a single node cluster and a multi host cluster is view listing nodes. A multi host cluster will obviously have more entries in this view. The view I am referring to is the one which can be seen to the left of this page:

Hi thanks MIR
I have ask you only to have a much more "nice" full screenshot :-)