Regarding the "what to display"; I'd like to see an information per node on "Current PVE/Software version", as well as an information on if there are patches available or not, if possible distinguished by "regular maintenance" or "urgent security issue" (maybe based on a color etc.). Also I'd like to get some information if there are maybe errors or alerts on a node (little exclamation mark?) that need immediate attention, as well an information on the uptime of each node.
we already have some plans for something like a "notification area" which would display things like fencing events, available updates, etc.
but our todo list is already long ,
current version is not a simple thing, because we would have to make an api call for each node, and i really want to avoid that
(incorporating the version into the /cluster/resources call would be a solution, but i think this is impractical and would bloat it unnecessarily)
uptime should be no problem
My only request is that the information stored on this page can be queried via API. This would make it easy to automate auto-balancing and scaling across an environment, as well as monitoring your cluster at a high level.
i already use the api call, by accumulating the values from the /cluster/resources api call
another api call which basically does the same makes no sense to me really
It would be great if you can incorporate info like ceph-dash (Ceph Cluster Placement Group Status) too.
Just a small column or value is sufficient. Even though this can be monitored from Proxmox GUI, but we relied a lot on ceph-dash to see the PG status, especially when re-balancing in place.
after the cluster dashboard, i am onto reworking the ceph status dashboard of the nodes