
  1. S

    @Proxmox team, alleged kernel optimization could slash power draw by 30% Not sure exaclty how this would fit (or not) but it's worth a read.
  2. M

    [FEEDBACK] Add 'Depends On' Option for Virtual Machines and Containers

    Hello folks! I would like to do a suggestion for Proxmox (I hope this is the correct place to do so, I thought it was the best place of them all). It would be nice to add a 'depends on' option for QEMU and KVM virtual machines and LXC containers so that with this multiple things get started at a...
  3. E

    A Conversation about Backup Strategies and PBS

    I would like to have a constructive conversation with both the Proxmox team and the community about the conceptual backup strategy that this product is currently following. This may not be the best place for such a topic, but I wanted it to be in the sight of the community rather than just a...
  4. 2

    Erster Homeserver: Passthrough, ZFS, SSD Cache, Partionierung - Hilfe gesucht

    Hi zusammen, der Titel verrät es: Ich baue meinen ersten Homeserver zusammen, der vor allem als schneller Fileserver für die Foto- und Videobearbeitung und für eine Ubuntu und Windows VM mit entsprechenden Diensten (Plex, Nextcloud, Docker, Time Machine, etc.) dienen soll. Nun bin ich am...
  5. dcsapak

    Preview, Feedback wanted - Cluster Dashboard

    Hi all, i am currently working on a cluster dashboard, which shows some cluster-wide information. Here is a Screenshot of the current state: i already posted a little earlier version to the user and devel mailing list, and already got some good feedback. (for example: i think about how to...