Hello community 
I currently plan on using proxmox to build my new virtualization environment. Before I actually rent the server for my project, I want to ask you about the storage possibilities I've got.
What I'll order:
4x 480GB DC SSD
So question is:
What's the best way to build this storage solution? Note that these drives also have to hold proxmox as well since I can only attach 4 drives in total.
I could do this:
· Order a HW RAID controller and make this RAID10 by hardware. Because I want snapshots, I would have to choose LVM. What's the best approach to make this work?
· Discard the idea of HW RAID and instead use ZFS to build a ZFS RAID10. However, I don't know how that would actually work here since I can't use the ISO installer and have to install Stretch first. Since I already need partitions for debian then, I could only create separate partitions of the same size for my ZFS pool then, wasting space because if I dedicate like 50G to proxmox already on the first drive, I can only use 430GB on the other drives as well as partitions have to be of equal size, wasting 150G in total PLUS my proxmox installation isn't redundant at all anymore since it sits on just one drive outside the RAID10 pool.
To be honest, my experience with ZFS is nil but I keep hearing good things in terms of reliability and flexibility so I'd like to give it a try. However as an oldschool RAID card type of gui, I kind of fear that since ZFS is software only, the next proxmox update could easily kill the whole RAID10, making everything on it inaccessible. Of course I'll do backups but it just adds a lot of downtime and work to everything.
Any way... I know, the proxmox installer ISO does a good job in making all the settings I need BUT I can't use it since I don't have any kind of IPMI or iDRAC interface to boot from iso.
Although Hetzner does provide LARA, some kind of KVM over IP console, I'm not sure I could use this to use the installer. Does anybody have experience here?
However, even if I could - which I don't know - the question remains of what would be the most robust und reliable storage solution with my given configuration. It has to work. Period. I/O performance and fast response is absolutely key for me.
Hopefully you guys can point me in the right direction. Thanks!
// EDIT //
Also, there's a thread out here, where there's people having like 3sec packet drops and everything with Proxmox5 under high load – ex. during backups. Is this problem still around and would you guys recommend to use Version 4.4 instead? I usually don't like using older software but since I need the system to be reliable and stable I'm curios about that.

I currently plan on using proxmox to build my new virtualization environment. Before I actually rent the server for my project, I want to ask you about the storage possibilities I've got.
What I'll order:
4x 480GB DC SSD
So question is:
What's the best way to build this storage solution? Note that these drives also have to hold proxmox as well since I can only attach 4 drives in total.
I could do this:
· Order a HW RAID controller and make this RAID10 by hardware. Because I want snapshots, I would have to choose LVM. What's the best approach to make this work?
· Discard the idea of HW RAID and instead use ZFS to build a ZFS RAID10. However, I don't know how that would actually work here since I can't use the ISO installer and have to install Stretch first. Since I already need partitions for debian then, I could only create separate partitions of the same size for my ZFS pool then, wasting space because if I dedicate like 50G to proxmox already on the first drive, I can only use 430GB on the other drives as well as partitions have to be of equal size, wasting 150G in total PLUS my proxmox installation isn't redundant at all anymore since it sits on just one drive outside the RAID10 pool.
To be honest, my experience with ZFS is nil but I keep hearing good things in terms of reliability and flexibility so I'd like to give it a try. However as an oldschool RAID card type of gui, I kind of fear that since ZFS is software only, the next proxmox update could easily kill the whole RAID10, making everything on it inaccessible. Of course I'll do backups but it just adds a lot of downtime and work to everything.
Any way... I know, the proxmox installer ISO does a good job in making all the settings I need BUT I can't use it since I don't have any kind of IPMI or iDRAC interface to boot from iso.
Although Hetzner does provide LARA, some kind of KVM over IP console, I'm not sure I could use this to use the installer. Does anybody have experience here?
However, even if I could - which I don't know - the question remains of what would be the most robust und reliable storage solution with my given configuration. It has to work. Period. I/O performance and fast response is absolutely key for me.
Hopefully you guys can point me in the right direction. Thanks!
// EDIT //
Also, there's a thread out here, where there's people having like 3sec packet drops and everything with Proxmox5 under high load – ex. during backups. Is this problem still around and would you guys recommend to use Version 4.4 instead? I usually don't like using older software but since I need the system to be reliable and stable I'm curios about that.