
  1. M

    [SOLVED] LC_PVE_TICKET not set, VNC proxy without password is forbiddenTASK ERROR: Failed to run vncproxy.

    Hello everyone! I recently upgraded from pve 6 to 7 and moved my cluster to a new network. Unfortunately the remote vnc console is broken now. I cannot access the "Console" of a VM from one node if the VM is not running locally. If the VM is running on the same node, the vnc connection...
  2. E

    External VNC console on Proxmox 7

    Hi all, I have attempted setting up an external VNC console for a VM using the instructions on the Wiki. This send to be either out of date of net relevant for PVE7: root@lair-pve01:/home/eroux# qm monitor 102 Entering Qemu Monitor for VM 102 - type 'help' for help qm> change vnc
  3. A

    ‘vnc change’ - New syntax in V7.0?

    Hi, I used to use, for example, vnc change change vnc in the monitor console to change VNC port. Since upgrading to 7.0, I get Expected ‘password’ after ‘vnc’. I tried the longer form described in, but couldn’t get that to...
  4. N

    VNC consoles extremely slow

    The issue I am seeing is that VNC consoles appear to be very slow, and with ~30 users connected, practically unusable, with keystroke latency reaching upwards of 10 seconds, intermittently but frequently. The VMs, however, are fine. RDPing or SSHing in shows that the VMs are just as responsive...
  5. D

    Having Login Failed, and partial failure of VM’s

    tldr; I have Ubuntu 20.04 in a VM, running Plex, Sonarr, Radarr, Transmission, Jackett, and PIA. The VM and Transmission are inaccessible. When I try to log into the server, it says the login is wrong. Help, I don’t know where to start. Reboot fixes, but it’s not viable to only reboot because I...
  6. M

    Failed to run vncproxy.

    Hello! When I want to run Windows VM, the VM do not see hard disk, and do not working.Task bar I see this error How I can fix it? Thanks in advance for your answer
  7. C

    VNC Konsole über die API öffnen

    Ich möchte die VNC Konsole zu einem LXC-Server über die API öffnen. Leider bekomme ich ständig die Meldung Connection failed (Error 401: No ticket). Ich habe auch schon versucht den "PVEAuthCookie" zu setzen mit dem Wert von dem "ticket" aus POST /api2/json//nodes/{node}/lxc/{vmid}/vncproxy...
  8. S

    How to connect to VM VNC console

    Is there a way to connect to VM VNC console externally? In this case qemu should listen port 5900-59xx
  9. D

    [SOLVED] Apply qm.conf VNC setting

    I have just added args: -vnc to a VMs qm.conf, but it seems to have no effect. Is there a command I need to run to apply it? root@pve:/etc/pve/local/qemu-server# qm config 114 --current args: -vnc it is showing in the config, but the server is not listening on port 5950...
  10. D

    Get VNC port from VM?

    Just started using proxmox. I like to use vnc viewer to connect to vms but UI have not been able to find anything about getting a VNC port from a running VM. I did find that you can go to the monitor tab and run "change vnc <IP:increment> where increment is some increment from 5900 and ip is...
  11. A

    Proxmox api vncwebsocket

    Hey guys :), I am currently trying to embed a console into a website. from what I read to this point the way to do it is : - vncticket = ticket from previous request ; port = port from previous request The first part works just fine.(I get a ticket in following format : PVEVNC:xxxxxxxx==)...
  12. Y

    [SOLVED] Connect to VM by vnc/spice

    Hi, I want to connect to my machine (currently PROXMOX on VM on my computer) through external VNC and not what's on the site. When I send the following command to the REST API:{node}/qemu/{vmid}/vncproxy I receive the following information...
  13. J

    Wrong keyboard input with VNC

    The keyboard input via VNC is randomly not correct anymore. This does not look like some other keyboard layout. For example the following changed: / is - ctrl + 8 is 9 I cant write ctrl c (cancel) and so on. They layout in Datacenter -> Option was set to "Default", I tried changing to English...
  14. C

    V5.4 : does qm vncproxy not support VeNCrypt/X509Plain anymore ?

    Hi, For some reasons irrelevant to explain, I used to connect to VMs with an external VNC Viewer (TigerVNC), by setting up inetd.conf on the server. Until PVE 5.1 everything worked fine. I just set up a 5.4 server, and now vncviewer only prompts for password, not for username. It seems PVE...
  15. X

    Proxmox port forwarding question

    Hello! So I would like to access my VM's on my public IP with VNC and I port forwarded the VNC Server ports on my modem, router and on the VM itself but it still doesnt let me connect to it through my public IP. I know the port forwarding itself does work because I launched a game server for...
  16. X

    Proxmox questions (Monitoring,Raid,VNC)

    Hello! I recently got 2 Dell T5610 Workstation machines and installed the latest version of Proxmox VE on them. They are running on my home network and I would like to ask for some advice here. 1. Can anyone recommend me a good way to monitor sensors in Proxmox in a web UI something like...
  17. C

    Setting VNC password permanently

    Hi! I have added in /etc/pve/local/qemu-server/100.conf the following line: args: -vnc,password but I don't know how to set a permanent password. I can set a password via the monitor of the VM, but when I restart proxmox I have to set the password again. Can someone help me...
  18. P

    VNC Not working after update

    I have updated all of my nodes to latest kernel and pve, since then I can no longer connect to any of the VM through VNC. I'm getting the attached error. Any help would be appreciated.
  19. D

    [SOLVED] Console not running without valid SSL

    Hi, Is this behaviour normal? kvm: -vnc unix:/var/run/qemu-server/807170.vnc,x509,password: Failed to start VNC server: The server certificate /etc/pve/local/pve-ssl.pem has expired TASK ERROR: start failed: command '/usr/bin/kvm -id 807170 -name Copy-of-NETops -chardev...
  20. L

    proxmox vncwebsocket

    I had some problems with proxmox. Please help me. I tried to connect to VNC using the proxmox API (local, not using the console in the proxmox web panel) through noVNC. I send POST requests to/api2 / json/nodes / {node} / qemu / {vmid} / vncproxy to get vncticket and port. Then, I pass the...