
  1. F

    Windows 10 clone : Sysprep not work

    Hello, I created a Windows 10 VM on which I did all the updates, installed all the drivers, made all my personnal configurations and now I would like to be able to duplicate this VM. So, I wanted to convert this VM as a template but before, that I saw that it was necessary to run the SYSPREP...
  2. S

    benefits of a VM linked to a template?

    Other than the fast creation of a new VM is there any other benefit of converting a VM to a template? I don't think there is any way to update a template once it has been created. If I want to update the template, it would require creating a new VM, updating it and then creating a new template...
  3. S

    How to stop creating a user on Cloud-init template?

    Virtualization: KVM Is there any way to stop creating a new default user on newly created VM using Cloud-init template? Right now on my centos cloud-init template created by me has this config # nano /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg system_info: default_user: name: centos lock_passwd: false...
  4. S

    Proxmox cloud-init kvm template creation for hostbill automation - need help

    Hello! I am trying to to create a CentOS 7 template for my proxmox setup which I want to use with Hostbill for automated creation of VMs I tried everything but nothing works.. VM creates and online but can't login Right now I can create VM and they are online sucessfully But I can't login using...
  5. G

    [TUTORIAL] HOWTO : Wrapper Script to Use Fedora CoreOS Ignition with Proxmox cloud-init system for Docker workloads

    Hi, we are a small compagny ( Geco-iT ) from France that strongly relies on Proxmox PVE every day and as we find proxmox more and more powerfull, we want to give back to the community by providing some of our tools for PVE. We made a tool to use Fedora CoreOS as VM with proxmox cloud-init...
  6. D

    Make difference between VMs and Template VM

    Hi, When I list all my VMs with qm list how could I see if my VM is a template VM or a VM ? Thanks
  7. F

    IP Address duplicates/conflicts when cloning from a template

    Hi all, One of the first things I did after setting up my PVE was creating a basic installation of Ubuntu Server, get it set up with all the basic bits, and then convert it to a template. I have cloned (full clone) this template a number of times and I did notice that each time I cloned it...
  8. florian-n

    [SOLVED] Cloud-init isn't applied after linked clone of template via API

    Hi, currently we're trying to create template based clones using Ansible's community.general.proxmox_kvm. To make the clones configurable we stick with cloud-init. We are building the template using a hand rolled Packer configuration which deploys fine (locally as well as in our production...
  9. H

    Verzeichnis von Proxmox an Container weitergeben

    Hallo an alle, ich bin neu mit dem Thema Proxmox beschäftigt und scheitere an einer vielleicht leichten Sache: Mein Proxmox-Server hat ein Hardware-Raid-System mit zwei Anschlüssen. An Anschluss 1 hängen drei SAS-HD mit Raid5 und an Anschluss 2 hängen 2 SATA-HD mit Raid1. Die Hardware stellt dem...
  10. J

    qm template: what does it _do_? what makes a template different from a (k)vm?

    `qm template`: what does it _do_? what makes a template different from a (k)vm? Details I see references to how running `qm template [vm_number]` creates a template that makes future (linked or full) cloning better, more-efficient. But... what does `qm template` do to the (k)vm? (A bit of...
  11. C

    How to automatically update vm templates

    Hi All! Is it possible to update templates automatically? I'm guessing I'd need to clone the vm, update the os, then create the template over the old one. I'd like to do it for both windows/linux templates too. My use case is, If all the vm needs to do is update, I can keep it on a MUCH more...
  12. J

    Snapshots, templates, clones, backups: how do they all compare?

    PVE newbie here. 1. How does the following wiki page apply to LXC Containers? https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/VM_Templates_and_Clones 2. There's no mention of "snapshots" in the above wiki page, even though PVE 6.2-11 seems to feature snapshot feature prominently over "template." Is this above...
  13. S

    Entfernung eines Templates wegen nicht gemounteten Festplatten nicht möglich

    Hallo :) Ich bin seit kurzem von ESXi auf Proxmox gewechselt und somit in dieser Welt noch sehr neu. Ich habe mir einen kleinen Cluster aus drei Baugleichen Rechnern gebaut und hatte versucht die jeweiligen Festplatten untereinander zu Verteilen, was mit dem Fehler von nicht gemounteten...
  14. M

    [TUTORIAL] How to create a template for LXC ubuntu desktop with sound

    i am just posting this how-to steps to help those like me that are just starting with proxmox and LXC. Hopfully, you can find it useful and contribute to fixing the remainig issue with audio in the container. i post this in Reddit too because i know when i am looking for help i look anywhere i...
  15. T

    VM / VM template local-lvm: Which disk is it using?

    I have created some VMs and VM templates on a PVE node for testing. The node has a SSD and 4 SAS drives. I installed PVE on the SSD drive and assumed when i selected local-lvm as the VM disks the VMs would all use the SSD for storage too. When I look under Node > Disks now I see that the usage...
  16. R

    [SOLVED] Solved.

    Solved after read the manual carefully.
  17. F

    [SOLVED] Problem in creating template and cloning with an LVM VG

    Hi. I followed the instructions from this page to create a vm: wget https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/bionic/current/bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64.img qm create 9000 --memory 2048 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 qm importdisk 9000 bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64.img vms qm set 9000 --scsihw...
  18. C

    Cleanup image for template

    Hi, can you please provide instructions how to cleanup an image to be used as template? This wiki article documents some manual steps to be executed on the VM before converting to a template. Question: Is it sufficient to execute all steps documented here? This instruction is referenced in the...
  19. U

    German template rückgängig

    hallo ich bin noch recht neu in proxmox dachte template ist eine art von backup oder so... habe jedenfalls meine vm in ein template konventiert..... das hätte ich gerne rückgängig gemacht......
  20. S

    I can't login into centos 7 when I use official template.

    I use official container template to create a VM. And I set the password is 123456, but I can't login into system. It told me that Login incorrect. The template I used is : centos-7-default_20190926_amd64.tar.xz And another question, when I use images from...