
  1. S

    Clone multiple vms from a template at the same time (Proxmox API)

    Is it possible that you can clone a vm or a template multiple times at the same time? And if yes what parameter must i use in this python request. HTTP: POST /api2/json/nodes/{node}/qemu/{vmid}/clone And if no what would be the best way to achieve to clone a template or a vm multiple...
  2. L

    [SOLVED] Proxmox boot with the hostname from template

    Hello I have created a template with the commands 178 apt-get install cloud-init 179 ls 180 reboot 181 ls 182 wget https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/jammy/current/jammy-server-cloudimg-amd64.img 183 qm create 9000 --memory 2048 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci...
  3. E

    How to spin new VMs with a template

    Hi everyone. I created an Ubuntu VM with some services inside running. I like what I did, and I would love to duplicate that VM for some friends to use with their settings. Is there any way to: Create a VM Install Ubuntu (with a custom IP address) Install and update the required packages...
  4. powersupport

    Unable to assign IPv4 and IPv6 to Windows server 19

    Hi, We have created a template for windows server 2019, it works okay if assing IPv4 to provision a VM, if we assign both IPv4 and v6, then there will be issues like sometimes IPv4 wrongly assign, or no IP shows, etc, anyone can advice on this ? Thank you
  5. S

    LXC Containter per Script auf ZFS-Pool Storage

    Hallo, ich habe ein Problem mit Proxmox VE. Da dies mein erster Server ist bin ich total unerfahren. Ich habe eine 2. Festplatte (SSD) eingebaut wo alle Container und VMs drauf sollten, Dateisystem ist ZFS. Ich habe Home Assistant per Script als VM auf die 2. Festplatte installiert (läuft...
  6. H

    [SOLVED] Change Email Template for Notifications

    Maybe I'm not using the appropriate search terms, but I can't seem to find where I can change the email template for notifications from Proxmox. I've configured postfix and SMTP is functioning perfectly, but I am not a fan of the way emails look; email name: vzdump backup tool (not ideal)...
  7. W

    Cloud-Init LUKS VM Setup?

    Hello all, I have seen an understand the benefits of setting up a base image/template with Cloud-Init, so similar VMs can very easily be setup when needed. My question is... can these Cloud-Init template/images can be setup with LUKS encryption without losing any features? Will it still be able...
  8. T

    [Cloud-Init] Can't find how to set UUID + Hostname with NoCloud + Template

    Disclamer: I never used Proxmox ever or QEMU / qm / cloud-init until about 1 weeks ago. There's probably things to do in a better way, feel free to send how you would have done the same (no ansible / terraform for this, I'm looking it aside that one) hello I'm trying to script the creation of...
  9. F

    Convert to template, where is the template stored?

    Hi There I stopped the container and converted it to a template. This worked because afterwards I could clone this template to a running container. However when I wanted to copy this template I noticed that I couldn't find it. I know that normally templates are in /var/lib/vz/ but it wasn't in...
  10. L

    CT Templates: Fedora 34 EOL and new Fedora 36?

    Hi Fedora 34 is going end-of-life this week and Fedora 36 has been released. Will Fedora 34 template be removed, and will 36 be added? I tried updating my templates and I'm still seeing 34 and 35. I converted to Fedora for v36 on the desktop and I absolutely love it so I'd like to try moving...
  11. E

    Proxmox Cloud-init template Windows

    Is there documentation on how to create a Proxmox Windows cloud-initiated template from scratch?
  12. K

    Proxmox LXC Container Template Configuration

    Hey guys, i've created a LXC container from a Debian 11 template, installed all needed packages and converted the container into a template. Now i wanted to update the template so I chrooted into the basevol and updated everything. My problem now is, that when I create a clone of this updated...
  13. B

    How to change template(windows) and update linked clones

    Hello, I created a virtual machine for Windows 10 and built template from it(after sysprep ...) . After that, I built 20 linked clone from the template. I added another hard drive to all 20 virtual machines and all the important files is stored on this second drive. Now I want to update Windows...
  14. powersupport

    Windows 2022 template

    Hi, I am trying to create a windows 2022 template for Proxmox, but there is an issue. the IP from cloud-init drive not getting into server. Already enabled qemu guest agent and Cloudbase init, but still IP not retrieving into the server. on the other hand, other templates(windows 2016 and 19)...
  15. R

    Ubuntu Template

    Hallo - ich wollte für die Installation von Nextcloud ein Installationsskript verwenden. Leider crasht das Skript im LXC Template von Ubuntu 20.04, weil im üblichen Verzeichnis /usr/bin einige Befehle fehlen, z.B. "echo". Gemäss meinen Recherchen sind diese Teil von core-utils. Das Paket ist...
  16. 3

    Jemand Cloud-Init Debian 11 auf pve 7.0/7.1 zum laufen gebracht?

    Hallo liebe Community, hat es schon mal jemand geschafft ein funktionierendes Debian 11 cloud-init template in PVE 7.1/7.0 zum laufen zu bekommen? Ich erstelle es ähnlich wie in der Anleitung und was man so auf Github findet so: wget...
  17. Z

    neuer Server und Probleme

    Hallo! Ich wollte meinen ersten Proxmox Server starten. Ich hab mir ein paar Youtube Videos angeschaut und wollte Docker installieren. Installation war ohne Probleme. Update hat auch ohne Probleme funktioniert. Jetzt wollte ich mit einem mit lxc Ubuntu Template einen Docker installieren Ja...
  18. L

    [SOLVED] ubuntu 20.04 liest die cloud-init meta-data nicht

    Hallo, ich habe ein Template von Ubuntu 20.04.3 durch Packer (1.7.3 apple m1) auf Proxmox (6.4-9 - ich weiß, es ist ein bisschen alt) erstellt, wo ich unter anderem auch cloud-init benutzt habe. In der Kernel Command Line gibt Packer das Folgende ein: initrd=/casper/initrd quiet...
  19. R

    cannot remove templates any longer after upgrade to pve 6.4

    This morning I upgraded my pve cluster (5 hosts) from 6.3 to PVE 6.4. Basically everything work fine except for one detail: I cannot delete VM templates. If I try I get an error message saying: TASK ERROR: rbd error: rbd: listing images failed: (2) No such file or directory My pve-version is...
  20. R

    was: cannot remove templates any longer after upgrade to pve 6.4

    Sorry selected the completely wrong forum. Reposted article in Proxmox Virtual Environment -> Proxmox VE: Installation and configuration . Sorry