
  1. M

    [SOLVED] cloud-init + ubuntu + template + vm + uefi + customization

    Hello everyone, I'm a recent vmware-->proxmox convert. So, please bear with my ignorance. Goal: Create cloud-init vm template customized (at parity) with my vmware cloud-init scripts to make cloning/creating new VMs an easy operation. Issue: I'm able to get an ubuntu 22.04 clout-init template...
  2. K

    I can't seem to have shared template

    Hello all, I am fairly new to Proxmox so forgive me if I am on a completely wrong path. I have three nodes into a cluster and a shared NFS storage (truenas). I have made a template VM on host1 and have successfully moved the disk on the NFS share. But, when I want to clone the template with...
  3. E

    How to import a raw Image to Proxmox to use it as a template

    Hello there, I have some raw template images (e.g. debian11.img) I want to import to my Proxmox VE instance to use them as templates to create KVMs. I use a ZFS volume, local-zfs. When I searched the web, I found this thread from 2015...
  4. P

    Unable to clone VM template after updating disk image

    I am trying to automate up to date cloud images for Ubuntu and Debian VM templates. Once a template has been cloned using linked clones, it is not possible to delete the template, so I just change the disk to be used in new clones, while the existing clones can still link to previous disk...
  5. A

    Import LXC container template from linuxcontainers.org

    How can one import a LXC container template from linuxcontainers.org? According to https://images.linuxcontainers.org/ there are many more LXC container templates then those available as predefined templates by PROXMOX. Understandably, since those in the template list are officially supported...
  6. D

    Cluster-wide template

    We have proxmox cluster with 3 nodes. We used to create VM template on each node and later creating new vms from those templates using "qm clone <template_vmid> <new_vmid>" In above case we need to keep managing 3 templates (as there are 3 nodes). So trying to see if there is way to have only...
  7. J

    Cloud-init VM with dhcp IP uses wrong hostname

    Hi folks- I'm new to Proxmox and I've run into a snag. I've got a script (below) to create a cloud-init template of Ubuntu Server (22.04 LTS), based on TechnoTim's video & blog. It creates the image, marks it as a template, and I even got it to resize the disk. The problem starts after I clone...
  8. G


    I installed the turnkey Gitlab 17.1.1 LXC template. After the installation weird behaviour is happening. I try to log in to GitLab with my root account and I get an HTTP 500 error. After that, I decided to register a test account, and redirected me to: http://$MY_HOST/users/sign_in#login-pane...
  9. G

    Hello everyone, I have a question about templates that I would like to ask. I hope everyone can give me an idea, thank you

    Due to usage scenarios, I cloned many virtual machines using a template within the cluster. However, when I tried to delete the template, I found that too many virtual machines were being cloned, causing the template to be being referenced. It was difficult to find which virtual machines were...
  10. C

    Anfängerfragen - LVM/ZFS, Template, Balloontreiber, Konsole

    Hallo zusammen :) ich bin noch ganz neu in der Proxmox Welt unterwegs und habe ein paar Fragen und würde mich sehr über euren Rat sowie Erfahrungswerte freuen :) 1. Meine Erste Frage dreht sich um den Storage. Macht es für den Heimanwender einen großen Unterschied ob man ZFS oder LVM-Thin...
  11. DynFi User

    Custom LXC container recipe

    Hello, I would like to build a custom LXC container and use it as a template (and be able to use it as any already existing template (like ubuntu 22, or debian…)), we need to add couple of customized settings into this Master template. Then we will use this template to setup customer's...
  12. G

    [SOLVED] My VM Templates can`t be excluded

    I create 2 templates and i can`t exclude
  13. O

    Unable to remove qcow2 from old template

    Please see attached image i am trying to remove it. I had a template but the 3 VM's i created i selected Full Clone to make them independent of the template But i cannot move it please can you tell me why or how i fix it? https://i.imgur.com/BtHRxDc.png qemu-img: Could not open...
  14. C

    [SOLVED] Debian 12.1 cloud image template network problem?

    Hi, I saw that Debian 12 was updated to 12.1 and I thought of making new cloud template. I run 2 Proxmox 8 servers, 1 in Hetzner and 1 at home, the problem i am facing can be reproduced in both of them. The steps I did to make the template are: 1) wget...
  15. S

    Clone multiple vms from a template at the same time (Proxmox API)

    Is it possible that you can clone a vm or a template multiple times at the same time? And if yes what parameter must i use in this python request. HTTP: POST /api2/json/nodes/{node}/qemu/{vmid}/clone And if no what would be the best way to achieve to clone a template or a vm multiple...
  16. L

    [SOLVED] Proxmox boot with the hostname from template

    Hello I have created a template with the commands 178 apt-get install cloud-init 179 ls 180 reboot 181 ls 182 wget https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/jammy/current/jammy-server-cloudimg-amd64.img 183 qm create 9000 --memory 2048 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci...
  17. E

    How to spin new VMs with a template

    Hi everyone. I created an Ubuntu VM with some services inside running. I like what I did, and I would love to duplicate that VM for some friends to use with their settings. Is there any way to: Create a VM Install Ubuntu (with a custom IP address) Install and update the required packages...
  18. powersupport

    Unable to assign IPv4 and IPv6 to Windows server 19

    Hi, We have created a template for windows server 2019, it works okay if assing IPv4 to provision a VM, if we assign both IPv4 and v6, then there will be issues like sometimes IPv4 wrongly assign, or no IP shows, etc, anyone can advice on this ? Thank you
  19. S

    LXC Containter per Script auf ZFS-Pool Storage

    Hallo, ich habe ein Problem mit Proxmox VE. Da dies mein erster Server ist bin ich total unerfahren. Ich habe eine 2. Festplatte (SSD) eingebaut wo alle Container und VMs drauf sollten, Dateisystem ist ZFS. Ich habe Home Assistant per Script als VM auf die 2. Festplatte installiert (läuft...
  20. H

    [SOLVED] Change Email Template for Notifications

    Maybe I'm not using the appropriate search terms, but I can't seem to find where I can change the email template for notifications from Proxmox. I've configured postfix and SMTP is functioning perfectly, but I am not a fan of the way emails look; email name: vzdump backup tool (not ideal)...


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