
  1. N

    Proxmox NFS Backup/Remote Snapshots

    Hi there, I currently have some VMs which are hosted on and run from a shared NFS share by the Proxmox hosts. I currently use Proxmox to backup (snapshot) these VMs back to the NFS share but this seems inefficient with the reads from NFS -> PVE host and writes back from PVE -> NFS host...
  2. B

    Backup Task

    System: $ pveversion --verbose proxmox-ve: 5.4-1 (running kernel: 4.15.18-9-pve) pve-manager: 5.4-5 (running version: 5.4-5/c6fdb264) pve-kernel-4.15: 5.4-2 pve-kernel-4.15.18-14-pve: 4.15.18-39 pve-kernel-4.15.18-13-pve: 4.15.18-37 pve-kernel-4.15.18-12-pve: 4.15.18-36...
  3. S

    Snapshot blocked by pci-e device

    I am considering proxmox as a hypervisor for my home PC and I when I was testing, I tried to make a snapshot of a virtual machine with a GPU attached. Peoxmox gave me the following error: VM 100 qmp command 'savevm-start' failed - State blocked by non-migratable device...
  4. S

    Backup to NFS kills PVE Node

    I setup a new 5.3 two-node cluster and created some CT on a local LVM volume. When i backup a CT to a NFS storage it starts, says it cannot do snapshot and continues with suspend mode but never finishes. The node or better the PVE gui gets unresponsive, all NFS mounts hang and also a reboot is...
  5. Y

    Snapshot Rollback + Replication issue

    Hello, i have notice this issue: if i try to rollback to a zfs snapshot when proxmox5 replication are active, i can't, it's fail with error: more recent snapshot. So i have to stop and remove replication.. and finally rollback. I'm wrong or is it the only way to rollback ? Thanks!
  6. Y

    What is the differences between Zfs snap and qm snap ?

    Hello, what is the differences between doing a command line zfs snapshot and qm snapshot vmid ? Thanks!
  7. J

    Backup- und Restore - wie?

    Servus, ich plane, für ein Kleinstprojekt bei einem Kunden erstmals Proxmox statt VMware einzusetzen. Allerdings habe ich noch keine Ahnung, wie ich am Besten die Backups der 2-3 virtuellen Maschinen (1x Windows, 1x Ubuntu Server) vornehme? Die Datenmengen sind sehr überschaubar, sodass ich auf...
  8. Y

    Is Kvm vps snapshot on ZFS consistent ?

    Hello, is Kvm (qemu) vps ZFS snapshot consistent without qemu agent installed on guest ? There are differences between a snapshot of an LXC vps and a KVM vps using zfs ? Thanks!
  9. A

    Replication and Snapshots.

    Hello to all. I have used Proxmox since 3.4. the advances in the platform are definitely exciting to see! We are using zrep to sync zfs volumes to a non cluster machine at this time. Thanks to Brown @ bolthole for his code. It works well. However I have a hankering to use the cluster features to...
  10. S

    LXC Backup Issues

    Hi, I have 2 issues with LXC containers backup 1. some times it's show even few days it's processing for some container but not completing the backup and I need to stop the task manually. 2. some containers got this error: command 'mount -o ro,noload /dev/rbd5 /mnt/vzsnap0//' failed: exit code...
  11. T

    [SOLVED] Can you perform an action without a log entry appearing in the cluster log?

    So I recently made a cron job that, every 6 hours, would take a snapshot of every VM (just to have faster and up-to-date backups to protect against user error). Everything is flawless and I have yet to encounter any issues. BUT there is one hiccup that is getting rather annoying: the cluster...
  12. M

    ERROR: Backup of VM failed ... exit code 32

    I have an LXC container running on a Ceph pool. It's running just fine. It has a nightly backup set up to run. For the last week or so, the backup keeps on failing with: vzdump 60180 --mailnotification always --mode snapshot --mailto --quiet 1 --storage nas01-backup-7x...
  13. X

    Cannot delete snapshot because not findable.

    Dear Forum, the snapshot 'Secure' shows the state 'delete'. I tried to delete that snapshot, but I get: qemu-img: Could not delete snapshot 'Secure': Can't find the snapshot TASK ERROR: command '/usr/bin/qemu-img snapshot -d Secure /var/lib/vz/images/100/vm-100-disk-1.qcow2' failed: exit code 1...
  14. D

    Additional ZFS Volume and VM Snapshots

    I am currently using ZFS as my default storage solution for a one node PVE cluster. Each VM gets a RootFS- and SWAP-Volume from two different parts of the main pool. If a VM stores data (e.g. personal cloud), it gets an additional ZFS volume by path, so I will pass a block device like...
  15. Y

    Replicate VM's volume and Snapshot

    Hello, what is the best way to replicate to a separate ZFS volume ( on the same server ) a VM disk + Snapshot? Thanks!
  16. A

    snapshot reversion fails via vzdump; succeeds using rbd snap

    I have a situation where a snapshot reversion for a container (rbd backed) is failing with the error "unable to read tail (got 0 byte)" in the tasklog. doing a manual reversion using rbd snap works fine. proxmox-ve: 5.1-42 (running kernel: 4.15.3-1-pve) pve-manager: 5.1-46 (running version...
  17. A

    Ceph snapshot crashes VM

    Hi, We have an issue with virtual machines crashing during snapshot creation, can you please advise how to resolve this issue? Our system: proxmox4.4 ceph 10.2.7, backup - eve4pve-barc,5 servers, 30 OSDs. In the last month 3 virtual boxes on different nodes crashed with the same symptoms. We...
  18. Y

    Remove Zfs Snapshot - Best Practise

    Hello, what is the best practice to remove old zfs snapshot ? Can i remove only strating from newer or can i start olso from older ? Can i remove a random snapshot without corrupt others ? Can i remove all VM snapshot using one commant line ? Thanks!
  19. Y

    Zfs Snapshot fails - out of space

    Hello, on my server i can't do new snapshot: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- root@nodo5:~# zfs snapshot rpool/KVM/vm-105-disk-1@snap1 cannot create snapshot 'rpool/KVM/vm-105-disk-1@snap1': out of space root@nodo5:~# root@nodo5:~# zfs list -t all NAME...
  20. K

    no local-lvm after deleting snapshot with failure and following reboot of the host

    Ich habe am 29.3. gegen 9:12 Uhr einen Snapshot gelöscht um Platz zu schaffen, dabei gab es einen Fehler, diesen habe ich nicht weiter beachtet, nur gesehen dass in der WebGUI wo ich diesen Löschen wollte, dieser noch vorhanden war. Daraufhin beschloss ich einen Tag später den Host neuzustarten...