Hello to all.
I have used Proxmox since 3.4. the advances in the platform are definitely exciting to see!
We are using zrep to sync zfs volumes to a non cluster machine at this time. Thanks to Brown @ bolthole for his code. It works well. However I have a hankering to use the cluster features to sync the settings for vms across the 2 boxes. I think the replication and snapshots in the GUI are very good and want to use them for customers so that they can help themselves. ON testing however I ran into a problem.
I cannot rollback over multiple snapshots because newer snapshots exist. Now on ZFS we can see the list of all snapshots in conflict and then use -r to force the rollback. I realize that replication could be broken depending on the last synced snapshot being there yet.
For automating snapshots in the GUI I am using code from github.com/EnterpriseVE/eve4pve-autosnap.
The GUI shows these in a weird tree mode.
Is anyone here interested in making replication smart enough to recover after a rollback and making the rollback ask if we wish to force deletion of newer snaps?
Use case: VM update overnight screwup. then rollback to last night . Or ransomware on weekend rollback to friday night. Replication is done to "hotspare" on external premise connected vi VPN, Providing a backup offsite
I have used Proxmox since 3.4. the advances in the platform are definitely exciting to see!
We are using zrep to sync zfs volumes to a non cluster machine at this time. Thanks to Brown @ bolthole for his code. It works well. However I have a hankering to use the cluster features to sync the settings for vms across the 2 boxes. I think the replication and snapshots in the GUI are very good and want to use them for customers so that they can help themselves. ON testing however I ran into a problem.
I cannot rollback over multiple snapshots because newer snapshots exist. Now on ZFS we can see the list of all snapshots in conflict and then use -r to force the rollback. I realize that replication could be broken depending on the last synced snapshot being there yet.
For automating snapshots in the GUI I am using code from github.com/EnterpriseVE/eve4pve-autosnap.
The GUI shows these in a weird tree mode.
Is anyone here interested in making replication smart enough to recover after a rollback and making the rollback ask if we wish to force deletion of newer snaps?
Use case: VM update overnight screwup. then rollback to last night . Or ransomware on weekend rollback to friday night. Replication is done to "hotspare" on external premise connected vi VPN, Providing a backup offsite