
  1. M

    No shell privileged container

    Hello, I had a great install of CentOS on a container in Proxmox, with several users set up. I had to then change the container to be privileged as I needed to be able to create and used tun interfaces. Since that time I can no longer SSH into the container (but the webserver GUI I had set up...
  2. A

    [SOLVED] Host key verification failed on shell

    Hello i got 4 nodes on my cluster, 23,24,28 I just do some daily checking on my main node 28 and when i open shell 21 the error was shows up @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @...
  3. D

    Warum sind mit qm create erstellte VMs langsamer als händisch erstellte?

    Guten Tag, ich habe das Problem das wenn ich mit dem Befehl qm create eine VM erstelle diese viel langsamer als eine in der GUI erstellte VM ist. Außerdem kann ich bei einer VM welche über die Shell erstellt wurde weder hin noch raus pingen. Habe das ganze schon mit Linux Ubuntu 20.04 und Win10...
  4. C

    Minimize Shell and re-open

    When I minimize a shell on Proxmox, I'm not quite sure where it goes to re-open it (other than open a new shell) Any help please?
  5. S

    xterm.js 'shell' support for virtual machines

    I understand there is support for the 'shell' terminal management option available for the host, containers and serial but it would be fantastic if there was this support for virtual machines after I guess installing a bit of software. Please let me know how I go about setting this up...
  6. F

    [SOLVED] Running "qm start" in a cron shell script

    I face a stupid problem: - I want to run "qm start 800" in a bash script - this works fine when I run directly the shell - but does not work when the same script is placed as a cron job. - the job is created and run by root - I have tested the usual tricks in such situarions, with and without...
  7. L

    keine Verbindung zu GUI-Shell

    Hallo, Ich habe ein Problem bei Verbindung zum Server durch die GUI-Shell. Ich bekomme diesen Fehler: timed out waiting for client TASK ERROR: command '/usr/bin/termproxy 5900 --path /nodes/blade10 --perm Sys.Console -- /bin/login -f root' failed: exit code 4 Ich erinnere mich daran nicht genau...
  8. E

    [SOLVED] Console seems to have broken on 5.2-7

    Hi all, The title says it all. When attempting to connect to the console via web-interface, I get a blank screen with a cursor. I'm currently using Firefox. The console worked just fine in 5.2-6. Connecting to the node via ">_Shell" works just fine. Syslog around the time I tried to connect...
  9. D

    Shell (JS) not working

    Good day! I install proxmox ve 4.x on Debian 8 and update it to debian 9 and proxmox ve 5. (i do it then released proxmox 5) After update new Shell JS not working. NOVNC work perfectly. Then i try to strart shell(js) i got this error in console: failed to open socket: Invalid argument TASK...
  10. V

    Linux VM gpu passthrough UEFI shell stuck (SOLVED)

    EDIT: THIS HAS BEEN SOLVED Hello! I have GPUs working for windows, but when I try to do same for linux, I get UEFI shell at boot and I'm unable to continue from there. If I go to FS0: -> cd EFI -> cd ubuntu -> grubx64.EFI Then I can get machine to boot, but restarting will cause same UEFI...
  11. I

    Cannot transfer files larger than 48 kb via SFTP or SCP to Proxmox Server

    Hello All, I have been using Proxmox now for quite some time and never had this problem in the past. Back in December a server failed and I had to do a fresh install on a new server and and restore my VMs. Since that time, I have not been able to transfer files larger than 48 kb via SFTP or...