
  1. R

    PVE update removing proxmox-ve kernel

    Hi, I'm trying to update my PVE production instance version 8.3.2 with enterprise subsctiption enabled and got this message. I'm not quiet sure why and what causing this, any clue to resolve?
  2. I

    Proxmox PVE 8.2-1 unresponsive after a few days

    Greetings. Proxmox PVE 8.2-1 host becomes unresponsive after a few days. It responds to ping, but no SSH or Web Interface. VMs are also unresponsive. The server needs to be power cycled in order to recover. In a few days again the same thing will happen. Here are the errors that repeat from a...
  3. M

    Umstellung auf remote PBS, bitte um Review

    So, nachdem ich jetzt einige Wochen Erfahrung mit Proxmox VE und PBS sammeln konnte, wird es Zeit das Thema Backup zu konsolidieren und auf eine dauerhafte Lösung umzustellen. Ich bitte um Review und Kommentare zu meinem Plan: In den Backup sollen: VMs und CTs eines Proxmox VE Clusters...
  4. M

    OpenVPN on LXC

    Hi there all, A few questions onto running OpenVPN within an LXC container on PVE. - are the information's provided here still accurate for the latest PVE builds (8.3.x) ? https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/OpenVPN_in_LXC - on the same host, I'm passing through a /dev/ppp device, simply through...
  5. B

    Proxmox Backup task keeps running after backup is done

    I have recently setup a new PBS and pointed the pve to backup to that. PBS (3.3.2) PVE (8.3.2) Here's the backup log INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 993 --storage bulk-pbs --notification-mode auto --node pve1 --remove 0 --notes-template '{{guestname}}' --mode stop INFO: Starting Backup...
  6. E

    Needed permissions for PVE to use a PBS datastore?

    Hello lovely people, Ive installed a PBS instance in our test setup and set it up. Next was adding PBS to PVE as a new datastore. I didnt want to use the root / administrator user for this so Ive added a new user named "pve". Ive read the manual...
  7. M

    [SOLVED] can't get backups to PBS working over pfsense wireguard tunnel

    I have 2 PVE hosts and one PBS host. PVE A is located at the same location as PBS and works fine. PVE B is at a second location and backups seem to get stuck at 0% and never progress. Both sites are running pfsense firewalls. I have a wireguard site-to-site tunnel between each. MTU &...
  8. V

    LE SSL Certificate question

    If I acquire SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt, for example on my PC and I want to add it via CLI to proxmox node, how can I do that? I know that /etc/pve/local/ is the path, but what service I have to restart for changes to take place and what config has to change (basically skipping GUI) ?
  9. K

    Adding lxc.idmap fields into container template

    Hi all, I use a couple of container templates for deploying remote desktops, some servers, etc. For certain types of authentication (non-local), I've found the following fields to be necessary in container configuration (this is a sample that was provided to me, I am assuming based on sssd...
  10. C

    Please, can you help me

    We use the PVE8.2+CEPH hyper-converged architecture in the production environment, with a total of 8 physical nodes. These 8 physical nodes use exactly the same hardware configuration. THE SERVER MODEL IS DELL R750 However, in the past six months or so, there has been a physical node crash, and...
  11. X

    [TUTORIAL] Proxmox PBS LXC mit USB-Festplatte für Backup-Synchronisation einrichten

    Hallo zusammen, ich bin seit einigen Tagen dabei, mich in Proxmox einzuarbeiten, und habe bereits erste Fortschritte gemacht. Allerdings stoße ich jetzt auf ein Problem, bei dem ich Hilfe benötige. Aktueller Stand: Proxmox VE (PVE): Läuft auf meinem PC und ist produktiv einsatzbereit...
  12. R

    [SOLVED] PVE Backups Question

    Hello, I am having a strange issue with VM backups direct from PVE. I have configured the backup jobs under Datacenter->Backups, going to an SMB share. My backup storage is running low, so I ran a Prune on each of the VM's to free up space. I can see that the extra restore points have been...
  13. S

    [SOLVED] Hello, I have a question about the noVNC 401 (No Ticket) error.

    I am currently developing an integrated web application for Proxmox. The frontend is built with Angular, and the backend uses Node.js with Express. After deploying the application using Docker and testing the noVNC connection, I consistently encounter a 401 error. Below is the relevant code...
  14. C

    Proxmox VMs/CTs all stopped after failed backup to PBS

    The other night I forgot Proxmox was going to run the backup schedule to the PBS in the middle of the night, so I temporarily shutdown the PBS that night - thus the PVE was unable to perform the scheduled backup. Now, all the VMs/CTs have the greyed out question mark and say "Status: unknown"...
  15. M

    pfsense vm: WAN NIC passthrough issue with 2.5G connection to fiber router

    Hi all, I'm encountering an issue with my Proxmox setup where a WAN NIC passed through to a pfSense VM stops working after around 2000 pings. To restore connectivity, I need to access the pfSense interface, navigate to the NIC settings, and click "Apply" without making any changes. This seems...
  16. B

    Proxmox installed on 16Gb

    Hello Proxmox communitiy, I am currently working on a small proof of concept build to show off Proxmox and its functionality for my organization. I have the following hardware: 3x Dell R240 E2236 CPU 64GB memory 4-Port gigabit NIC 2-Port Mellanox 40/56GB NIC 4xDell Enterprise PM883 960GB per...
  17. C

    reboot whole cluster because of CPU throttling, after new update

    We have a cluster of 25 nodes, all machines are backed up on PBS. The last update to the latest version, on proxmox nodes on which we have VM and LXC, was carried out on 24.11. However, on 3.12 in the morning, a problem appeared with one node. CPU load on one node increased to 100%, it was...
  18. H

    [SOLVED] Bildschirmauflösung Windows Server VM´s

    Moin, ..ich komme leider nicht dahinter. Wir betreiben mehrere Windows Server auf einem Proxmox Cluster. Versionen 2016-2022. Bei einigen Servern kann ich die Bildschirmauflösung nicht verändern, was lästig ist. Treibe sind auf der VM installiert. Ich habe die Einstellungen zwischen den VM´s...
  19. N

    Management interface in MGMT VLAN

    Hello, I have 3 VLAN's on my UniFi Network: Client (default): IoT: MGMT: I would like the Proxmox host to get an IP from the MGMT VLAN. It is currently in default ( When installing the...
  20. A

    Can't connect to shell from web ui after change ssh port

    Hi, I have issued can't connect to shell another node pve cluster after I changed ssh port with custom port