proxmox mail gateway

  1. D

    Allowing access to Tracking Center from the Quarantine Manager role.

    Hello Proxmox users, We switched over to the Proxmox Mail Gateway a few months ago and have been very happy with it since. Currently I am the only user who has access to the Mail Gateway, and my most common task is checking the Spam Quarantine / Tracking Center. I access these menus when one...
  2. L

    Configuration of pmg for internal server mail( internal usage only)

    Hello everbody, i really need help on this subject, I have a postfix mail server on who has postfix for sending email and dovecot (POP3) for the reception on port 110, i can send internal email on my domain and this is my purpose, for exemple can send to...
  3. E

    PMG with office365

    hi, i am trying to setup O365 mail to go through PMG. I set up the mx on the dns. Proxmox mail gateway seems to receive the emails, but i get this error message in the logs: 2024-07-11T08:00:15.752753-04:00 gateway postfix/smtpd[53817]: connect from[]...
  4. S

    Error 554 is deffered instead of bounced

    Hey there, so today I noticed that sometimes a SMTP 554 is a DSN=4.0.0 for the Proxmox Mail Gateway and is handling the Mail as 400 errors. Can I somehow honor the 554 error? 2024-06-26T10:28:48.553610+02:00 mx postfix/lmtp[154285]: 2B8644095D: to=<Somerecipient>...
  5. J

    Proxmox und SMTP Authentifizierung für LDAP User

    Hallo zusammen, ich bin neu in der Welt von Proxmox und habe mir ein kleines LAB gebaut. Ich habe das Gateway vor meinen Exchange Server gesetzt und versuche über ein externes Programm , Mails mit Benutzer Authentifizierung zu versenden um das ganze für den Produktiv betrieb zu testen. Ich...
  6. A

    Greylist in O365 - proxmox setup

    Hi, I had the greylist active on my Proxmox mail gateway, now that is disabilitated I can't still receive emails from some domains. Is it possible and where can I clean the greylist's database? I already tried to restart the server, in network I already added the O365 networks and whitelisted...
  7. A

    Proxmox Mail Gateway as out going SMTP

    Hello, I try to set up Proxmox Mail Gateway for out going SMTP, with smart house configuration on Relaying. My question and confusion while using Proxmox Mail Gateway is Relay Domains, what value should I enter in Relay Domains so that all out going transactions can be sent. The value i...
  8. Z

    PMG: upgrade from 7.3-8 to 8

    Hello! I'm trying to upgrade PMG but it seems there's an issue with some repositories. The source.list and source.list.d/pve.list has the following content: deb bookworm main contrib deb bookworm-updates main contrib # security...
  9. V

    [SOLVED] proxmox let in phishing mail

    My colleague just received this mail 1694008476810.png This is the mail log Sep 6 04:54:40 mail postfix/smtpd[385982]: connect from[] Sep 6 04:54:41 mail postfix/smtpd[385982]: Anonymous TLS connection established from...
  10. W

    [SOLVED] DKIM Cname

    Hello now that we have gotten DKIM signing to work im sitting here thinking what if worst case senario came to pass.. all devices gets encrypted. handing out the TXT record that the users need to enter into there dns servers what if it changes so you have to start from scratch. this got me...
  11. T

    cluster node outside internal network - is it possible?

    hi, I currently use following setup: - router(Mikrotik RB3011 UiAS)) with 2 public IPs (PublicIP1 and PublicIP2), from diffrent ISPs - Internal network with addresses in - VM host(dedicated machine) - Proxmox Mail Gateway Master on (Router NATs PublicIP1:25 here)...
  12. J

    /var/run/clamav missing in brand-new installation on LXC

    Hello everyone! I just installed PMG 7.2 on a LXC with the Debian 11 Bulllseye template in my 4-node Proxmox cluster by using the following command: apt install libclamunrar p7zip-rar proxmox-mailgateway-container Then I configured a number of aspects via the Configuration: Mail proxy and...
  13. C

    [SOLVED] ClamaV did not catch virus

    Hi Guys, We use proxmox mail gateway but seems like clamaV did not catch the virus: MIME type: application/octet-stream File name: RFQ#1180004562&amp;1180004538.gz File size: 187.80 kB Virus name: VIRUS: Trojan.Zmutzy.867 Antivirus: Kerio Antivirus engine version/Signature count: (AVCORE v2.2...
  14. S

    [SOLVED] Kunde erhält NDR "403 4.7.0 encryption too weak 0 less than 128"

    Hallo Freunde, ich habe einen Kunden, wenn der mir eine Mail schickt bekommt er seit dem 20.6.22 einen NDR darin steht, dass der Zustellungsstatus der Mail, dieser ist: 403 4.7.0 encryption too weak 0 less than 128 Daraufhin habe ich per // email / test getestet. Die haben mir dann...
  15. F

    Proxmox Mail Gateway regex from and to

    Hi, I would like to block all email arriving to and where sender is not or I've tried to do like the following under who-object but looks like doesn't work...
  16. O

    DNSBL Resolution Issues

    I have one DNSBL that always has issues, not sure where the issue lies. Possibly DNS, but I'm not 100% sure. Looking for some ways to troubleshoot to verify the issue. You can see the warnings here for spamrats: Apr 14 17:22:46 smtp postfix/postscreen[3157]: warning: dnsblog reply timeout 10s...
  17. O

    [SOLVED] Mail Proxy Whitelist Regex

    Hello, I'm trying to verify that my regex looks good, in theory, it should be fine, but I'm seeing this in the logs: Apr 13 18:18:11 smtp postfix/smtpd[1039]: warning: regexp map /etc/postfix/senderaccess, line 1: Invalid preceding regular expression Apr 13 18:18:11 smtp postfix/smtpd[1039]...
  18. N

    How can i block .zip and .rar files with certain size ?

    Hi, I want to know a way to block .zip and .rar files with certain size (e.g under 100Kb). I'm currently using Proxmox mail gateway 7.1-1 If possible, please tell me. Thanks a lot , Best Regards
  19. CarstenMartens

    [SOLVED] Mail in Blacklist eintragen

    Guten Morgen, wir wollen unser Mailgateway von ASSP auf PMG umstellen. Das Email-Empfänger von der PMG als Spam getagte Mails in die Whites/Blacklist eintrage geht - über die Mail von der PMG - einwandfrei. Wie können Email-Empfänger aber Mails, die von der PMG nicht als Spam erkannt wurden, in...
  20. A

    How can I block .zip and .rar files that contain only .exe files?

    Hello, I want to know a way to block .zip and .rar files containing only .exe files through Proxmox Mail Gateway. Allow .zip and .rar files that do not contain .exe files. Thanks. Best regards.