
  1. DynFi User

    PBS cron script works on three PMX and fails on one

    I have this cron script setup and working "ok" on three of four servers of ours : goal is to backup PVE directories and key directories in case of "server crash" for a fast restore. I am using client version: 1.1.5 and latest proxmox server 6.4.5 SHELL=/bin/sh...
  2. DerDanilo

    pbs client backup performance tuning

    I just started testing the pbs backup client for some advanced backup scenarios. One question of course is how to get the maximum performance out of the server that creates backups. In multiple larger infrastructures there are so called 'backupworkers' (VMs) who have plenty of CPU and RAM as...
  3. R

    Proxmox-backup-client interactive shell: restore - where are the files?!

    Hello together i am still testing around with Proxmox Backup Server and especially the backup-client. (About the installation of the proxmox-backup-client on ubuntu, see here.) I was abled to backup some user files from a VM that i wanted to restore in another VM. Backup up the files worked...
  4. R

    Using proxmox-backup-client to backup 1.8 TB of nextcloud user's files - took 22h !

    Hello dear Proxmox, for our university's institute (law...) i had to build a new server infrastructure for VMs. Since we successfully use proxmox since a couple of years now, of course i built the new infrastructure with proxmox again: Our setup: 2 Proxmox VE nodes with local zfs (uses ssd for...
  5. S

    cookbook for building proxmox-backup-client on CentOS/RHEL 7

    Hi, I have prepared a cookbook for building the proxmox-backup-client for CentOS 7. it's available from I'm looking for information to create an rpm package for ease of deployment. thanks for other patch and commit...
  6. R

    How to mount encrypted Backup

    Hello, How is it possible to mount an encrypted Backup on our PBS? I don't understand the Syntax in the Documentation. Do I need an extra Hard Disk or can I mount it to a local directory? Thank You!
  7. S

    Global Questions

    Hi. First of all thank you for this nice project but ich have some questions. * There is a backup client for debian. Is there also one for Ubuntu or RPM based distros like RedHat and Windows? * How can i see how much space a backup need? I see for a 20Gb VM in the PBS GUI that this VM needs...
  8. C

    Importing PV of a mapped (readonly) Backup Disk Image on its original VM

    Hello, I wanted to map a disk backup to the machine it originated from. On the disk are some partitions with LVM. This brings two issues with it: The PV UUID is the same The PV does not like beeing /dev/loop0pX and would rather be /dev/sdaX which it was before the restore Usually you would...
  9. C

    [SOLVED] Need a little help with proxmox-backup-client mount

    Hello, I was poking around in the man pages for the proxmox-backup-client and discovered the "mount" command and decided to test it. Firstoff: the man page is not complete proxmox-backup-client map <snapshot> <archive-name> [OPTIONS] Map a drive image from a VM backup to a local...
  10. M

    .pxarexclude not working as expected

    I have: root@tuxmaster:/srv/pve# cat .pxarexclude /dump/* /images/* /template/cache/* root@tuxmaster:~# find / -name "vm-10001-disk-0.qcow2" /srv/pve/images/10001/vm-10001-disk-0.qcow2 Yet root@tuxmaster:~# LANG=en strace -e openat -fff proxmox-backup-client backup --include-dev /boot/efi...