
  1. N

    [SOLVED] Wrong Recipient Mailadress configured

    Hey guys, I'm running a small datacenter with 2 hosts. On one host was a wrong recipient adress configured before the 2nd host joined the datacenter. After the joining process I changed the root users mailadress under Datacenter > Permissions > Users. That made only a change on my first...
  2. itNGO

    Mail nach Größe filtern.

    Hallo zusammen, ein Kunde möchte alle E-Mails deren Anhänge größer als X sind in der Quarantäne sammeln. Ist so etwas konfigurierbar? Besten Dank!
  3. S

    [TUTORIAL] msmtp for sending pve notification mails

    My mailprovider was rejecting my pve mails. I didn't get it working with postfix. So I tried msmtp and found a working config. EDIT/Attention: Logfile needs to be at /var/log/msmtp because otherwise AppArmor profile will deny msmtp to write to it. This is not the most secure configuration. See...
  4. S

    [SOLVED] Unable to locate package libasal2-modules

    Guten Abend alle miteinander :) Ich habe vor mir E-Mail Benachrichtigungen schicken zu lassen, jedoch scheitere ich schon bei der Installation des Paketes "libasal2-modules". Ich habe schon gefühlt überall geschaut, aber ich scheine der erste mit diesem Problem zu sein.. Ich weiß einfach nicht...
  5. S

    disabling crontab mail notifications

    Hi everyone, about a month ago I wrote 2 crontab entries to run every 30 seconds (used to upload some data). Everything worked fine, until yesterday I opened my spam mail folder and found more than 86,400 mails (XD). every time the cron service runs an email regarding the job is sent, and this...
  6. S

    using msmtp as mta in proxmox

    Hello there. I was unable to configure postfix to work as a relay smtp server. I therefore switched to msmtp i installed the packages with apt install msmtp msmtp-mta and created a global config in /etc/msmtprc I can now send mail via msmtp or sendmail (now just symlink to msmtp) on the...
  7. J

    Change the hostname of the 2 Proxmox Mail Gateway cluster nodes

    Hi there, We've been testing Proxmox Mail Gateway for a while and would like to promote them to production. We would like to change the hostname of the 2 Proxmox Mail Gateway nodes that conform the cluster. For non-clustered nodes we've found this...
  8. H

    Proxmox Mails direkt an IMAP Ordner zustellen klappt nichts

    Hi, die Mails der automatischen Backups (den Bericht) möchte ich gerne direkt in den Ordner /Backup senden. Das direkte senden in einen Ordner funktioniert auch beim Senden von Mails über Outlook oder zB unattended upgrades. Proxmox liefert mir aber nach dem Backup Job den Fehler "ERROR...
  9. DerDanilo

    [SOLVED] User address in mail header

    We found a weird issue on several PMGs filtering mails exposing other users addresses in the mail header. This is GDPR wise an absolute fail and should be fixed asap. Apparently the spam header lists "Sender email is commonly abused enduser mail provider (......... list of other users...
  10. P

    Minimum configuration needed to configure e-mail alerts

    On a fresh install what is the simplest, cleanest, most beginner friendly way to setup e-mail alerts to a remote e-mail address? (assuming a single node on a home LAN)
  11. T

    MG reicht Mail an Exchange nicht weiter

    Hallo alle zusammen. Ich bin irgendwie ein wenig am verzweifeln. Ich habe bei mir einen Exchange 2016 laufen, vor dem ich nun ein Proxmox Mail Gateway schalten wollte. Seit ich den vor dem Exchange gehängt habe, geht nichts mehr. Hänge ich meinen Exchange direkt mit einem Port Forward ins...
  12. G

    Mail Gateway Freezing since last update.

    Hello, Since the last update, Proxmox Mail Gateway no longer boots up. When starting the server with the latest Linux available, 4.15.18-10-pve, the server will start and then freeze during the boot process. Console output attached. The server freezes here and becomes unresponsive. Starting the...
  13. P

    email_from format in Datacenter.cfg

    Hello, i can't modify /etc/pve/datacenter.cfg to set my SMTP domain ($hostname@domain.i2) LOG error: parse error in '/etc/pve/datacenter.cfg' - 'email_from': invalid format - value does not look like a valid email address But only this domain can send mail ! How can i do ??
  14. D

    Delete messages in Queue

    I would like to know if there is a way to only delete certain messages in a queue en mass. I have some messages building up in the queue but I don't necessarily want to delete them all, only the ones that I know are dead and will go no where. Is there anyway for me to granularly delete...
  15. R

    [SOLVED] Proxmox-Mailversand mit dynamischer IP / Testmail?

    Hallo, mein Heim-Server läuft mit Proxmox jetzt seit einigen Monaten wunderbar. Allerdings frage ich mich, warum ich noch nie irgendeine System-Benachrichtigung per Mail erhalten habe (dafür gibt man die Adresse doch beim Installieren an, oder?). Das kann nun schlicht daran liegen, dass es...
  16. N

    Mailserver as LXC or KVM?

    hey everyone, i planing to deploy a Mailserver on a proxmox host, and using the pmg as mx. Severals Questions: 1. should i use an LXC or an KVM machine as Mail Server? 2. how should i deploy it securely in my infrastructure: - putting the mailserver in the dmz and the pmg at a vps...
  17. L

    Can't Send Mail - Error Code 75

    Hi All, My Proxmox 4.4 server just does not want to send email anymore! It used to work fine but randomly stopped a week or so ago. Whenever I try to send an email I get the following output: postdrop: warning: uid=1008: No space left on device send-mail: fatal: lucam(1008): queue file...
  18. N

    Default mail configuration

    Hi, I somehow messed up my mail configuration on my PE 4.4. How do I reset it to default, so all mail is sent from root@proxmox directly to the specified address? I only use mail for SMART alerts. When I try to send a mail with: mail -s testemail < /dev/null This is the...
  19. J

    Issue with mail but only when sent by pve-ha

    Hello everyone, I'm not used to post on the forum so excuse me in advance if I'm not in the good place, and also excuse me for my English (French). OK so, I have issues with mails sent by ha mechanism, I show you : "This is the mail system at host I'm sorry to have to inform...
  20. K

    Ceph - OSD mail notification

    Hello everybody! We are using five nodes in one cluster, and we use ceph for the mainstorage. Now my question, is it possible to configure a mail notification for the status of the OSDs? The mail should send an email if one of the OSDs reaches the warn/health status "X near full osd(s)" at 85%...