
  1. D

    LDAP for admin users?

    Hi everyone, Can anyone point me in the right direction for getting LDAP auth working for admin users? (not just the Quarantine) I've been searching in vein for a couple hours now with out much success. (I have LDAP configured and users are showing up under the LDAP config)
  2. Z

    How to bounce unknown recipient / alias

    Hi - I'm trying out PMG with on-premises Exchange prior to a potential production deployment. Please excuse newbie questions... Is it possible to bounce incoming mail for unknown Exchange/AD recipients and recipient aliases BEFORE any spam processing (with an 'unknown recipient' message)? And...
  3. J

    2FA TFA LDAP funktioniert kurz nach Einrichtung und einen Tag später nicht mehr

    Ich habe aktuell folgendes Phänomen, ich habe eine Nutzerauthtentifizierung per LDAP eingerichtet was auch problemlos funktioniert. Nun wollte ich den Login weiter absichern und 2FA aktivieren was in erster Linie auch funktionierte .. also im Endeffekt 2FA angelegt über "totp" und den dann im...
  4. T

    Konsole wenn User mit LDAP angemeldet ist

    Hallo zusammen, sobald man über das LDAP Login angemeldet ist, kommt man nicht mehr auf den Nodes in die Konsole. Vermutlich da der User nicht auf der Linux Umgebung existiert. Gibt es hierfür ein Best Practise/Workaround (Damit man auch seine LDAP User in Linux nutzen kann?) Vielen Dank im...
  5. X

    how to LDAP cached db-files automatic cleanup ?

    the LDAP entries are synced hourly - the result is in cached db-files in /var/lib/pmg ('users', 'dnames', 'groups', 'mails', 'accounts', 'memberof') there are too many files here and i have free space problem I do not use a very large structure How can I clean this place automatically I am...
  6. S

    Mail Gateway tmp.db file about

    Hello there, What data does the accounts , names , groups , emails, member of, users files hold? I want to delete them, is it a problem? file extension is .db the directory where he put the file is /var/lib/pmg/ldapdb/ Mail Gateway versions : 6-1-3 Thanks
  7. T

    [TUTORIAL] Configuring FreeIPA LDAP server with Proxmox

    Hi, I was not able find on step by step tutorial on setting up the LDAP authentication for FreeIPA so I am writing this guide for someone like me who is unable to find the guide for this. Please feel free to add anything that I am missing. Step 1: Go to Datacenter -> Realms -> Add -> LDAP...
  8. K

    [SOLVED] Evaluierung PMG

    Wir evaluieren gerade ProxMox Mail Gateway, um von MDaemon umzusteigen und scheitern noch an an der Übergabe des AD-Users via ldap. Lt. syslog wird am Ende immer noch ein @pmg an den AD-User angehängt. Eingabe: rp01 --> Systlog: user=rp01@pmg msg=no such user ('rp01@pmg') Eingabe...
  9. M

    Proxmox LDAP / AD with Azure

    Good morning, I have been trying to connect our Proxmox VE cluster to our LDAP service from Azure for a few hours now. The following problem has arisen, I am entering the data correctly, server & port are correct as well as SSL enabled. Under Sync options I have defined a bind user...
  10. M

    Proxmox LDAP / AD mit Azure

    Guten Morgen, ich versuche jetzt seit einigen Stunden unser Proxmox VE Cluster mit unserem LDAP Dienst von Azure zu verbinden. Folgendes Problem ist dabei entstanden, ich trage die Daten korrekt ein, Server & Port sind korrekt sowie SSL aktiviert. Unter Sync options habe ich einen Bind User...
  11. L

    Virtual users / mailbox aliases and PMG

    How does PMG handle virtual users and aliases? I've got PMG in front of Postfix. Postfix is looking up domains, users and aliases in MySQL. When domain is added in MySQL, I also add the domain in PMG with an API call to /config/domains. Does/can PMG know about the alias...
  12. H

    [TUTORIAL] How to join a Proxmox cluster to an Active Directory Domain

    This tutorial will walk through the steps necessary to join your Proxmox server to Microsoft Active Directory on a Windows 2019 Server. You will be able to sync your users and groups into the Proxmox Permissions Panel in the GUI, and log into the web console with active directory credentials...
  13. Q

    Active Directory Sync - user & group filter format?

    Hello, i am trying to figure out which format the "User Filter" and "Group Filter" of the Sync Option in the Active Directory integration should be!? I tried to define as DN notation, the official LDAP notation, also only define the an "objectClass", but nothing will accepted. The following...
  14. C

    Authentication using LDAP / AD stopped working

    Hello Everyone Our proxmox hosts stopped authenticating using AD credentials, that we use regularly. Only difference from the environment was an update on the windows 2016 server with kb4601092 When trying to login using AD credentials, syslog prompts immediately: pvedaemon[3067869]...
  15. R

    [SOLVED] PMG adds @pmg realm to LDAP authentication

    Hey, I set up the synchronization between PMG and my AD and the Users are synced just fine. However, when I try to log in with user@domain.com it fails. In the Syslog, I can see that PMG added @pmg to the user -> user@domain.com@pmg The authentication for the quarantine UI is set to...
  16. S

    [SOLVED] Postfix Zugriff auf Proxmox integerierte LDAP-Benutzerabfrage

    Grüß Euch, ich nutze Proxmox Mail Gateway 6.4-4. Mir ist bewusst, dass es schon ettliche Posts gibt zwecks Postfix und "Reject bei Unbekanntem Empfänger", aber alles ist nicht so recht das, was ich mir vorstelle. (Ich möchte nicht am Exchange-Server die SPAM-Filterfunktionalität aktivieren...
  17. S

    [SOLVED] where is LDAP database located

    Good day everbody, I use Proxmox Mail Gateway 6.4-4. Under "Configuration / User Management" I created a LDAP query to my domain to get existing email-accounts. My question is: where is this LDAP-result located? I've searched path und db-files on the server but didn't find any file with that...
  18. L

    [SOLVED] Additional domains not listed in quarantine

    Hello, PMG is configured to allow quarantine access via LDAP users. The LDAP connection to our Active Directory is working and I have configured "mail proxyAddresses" as "EMail attribute names". The list below also shows the additional domains when I double click on a user. Login with an user...
  19. D

    Integration of AD and pve

    I am currently testing integration of AD with PVE including syncing and found the documentation and wiki somewhat incomplete. Especially there were two points can I use bind_dn and similar with AD as well (yes) how to filter a set of users and/or groups. Luckily there are options documented in...
  20. I

    LDAP Sync Empty User filter?

    Hi, I'm setting up ldap sync on PVE as below, my understanding is I'm setting up the User classes and Group classes so that users and groups with that objectClass would be fetched regardingly. However with the User Filter and Group Filter, I want to fetch groups starts with pve_ and all users...


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