hard disk

  1. S

    [SOLVED] Backup only a disk

    Hello all, I have a container that has 2 disck in the configuration. I would like to do a backup of only one of them (the main one with root) but when i do the back I would like to skip the data contained in the second (wich is a mounted device in the FS) Is it possible? how? thanks to all
  2. S

    The PVE can't boot up and stuck on "Loading Initial ramdisk …"

    Hi! I am new to PVE, and I am facing a problem that I don't know how to solve, I hope to get some help, thx! My computer's PVE can't boot up after moving to another location (it was working before), every time I try to boot up PVE, it gets stuck with this: Loading Linux 6.5.13-1-pve … Loading...
  3. I

    Idling Unused Hard Drives

    Hi All, A very quick question. I have 4 hard drives installed into my proxmox server, they are totally unused, don't even have a GPT partition on them. How can I get Proxmox to spin them down when not in use? For reference, I know that spinning down HDDs will ultimately reduce their life...
  4. M

    Migrar SO já existente em outra estação

    Boa tarde comunidade, espero que esteja bem . tenho uma máquina com ubuntu server 22.4 rodando uma aplicação do GLPI e gostaria de adicionar essa aplicação inteira dentro do Proxmox, mas sem perder dados, alguém sabe se é possível migrar sem ter que formatar do zero ? Eu posso simplismente...
  5. P

    Need help with replacing crashed disk in zpool

    hi all, I've searched around and read pretty much every thread about zpool related issues, but alas... the pool in question is status faulted, one of the disks is unavailable (and physically removed to make space for replacement. I've located the pool with "zpool import -f" but can't import it...
  6. L

    Best ZFS Configuration for 15 Drives

    So i'm doing a new Proxmox install and I'm trying to figure out how I should do it. I have 15 12 TB Hard Drives with a 64 core EPYC CPU and 1 TB of RAM. I've seen some people say for this I should run in a single Raidz3 that way I have 3 drives that could go out and be fine and at the same time...
  7. F

    Creating RAID Storage for media

    Hello all, I'm VERY new to Proxmox and am completely in over my head on starting a server. I've only touched the surface in understanding how any of this works but am plenty willing to learn. A friend of mine gave me their old pc to use as a Plex media server for my kids and family, and I've...
  8. C

    Advice Required for Best Practice Configuration of cluster disk drives

    I have 3 hosts (HP EliteDesk Mini i7-9700 each has 2 x nVME slots or can have 1 x nVME and 1 x SSD) which I have placed in Cluster. These machines were Windows 11 previously and I had to change some bios settings to boot and cancel some windows specific security. The attached image shows the...
  9. S

    Remove Hard Disk virtio

    Hi, I have a Mac VM with Ventura running on it. I have added some virtio disks to it and now I want to remove one disk from the System. I am unsure if I can strait remove it from the hardware tab of the VM. I am afraid that i will have some booting errors later. The hard drive has only 3...
  10. E

    [SOLVED] No hard disk found

    Hi, I'm trying to install Proxmox VE 8.0-2 on an old laptop (Dell XPS 15 9560). I can start the installation but then I get a "No hard disk found" error. I know there is no issue with the hard disk as I just booted Windows 10 from it. So the hdd works just fine, but maybe the fact that Windows...
  11. H

    How to merge a disk

    Hello I am newbie in Proxmox, i have a question When i installed proxmox, it created 2 disks - local 72GB and local-lvm 152GB. My hard drive is rated at 256GB How can I combine these spaces so that they can be used as one? Thank you
  12. C

    Festplatten und andere Hardware Konfiguration

    Hallo zusammen, ich möchte einen neuen 2HE Virtualisierungs-Server für Proxmox (und evtl. VMware als Vergleich) konfigurieren und bin Neuling sowohl was Virtualisierung, als auch Server angeht. Ich hoffe, dass wir zum Testen erstmal einen vorhandenen Server oder eine Workstation zur Verfügung...
  13. H

    When i booted into ProxMox this morning this error appeared

    Proxmox used to work a couple of days ago normal like It's supposed to do, but this morning when I tried to boot up normally like I do, suddenly a ton of errors appeared. To make a thing clear, I didn't do anything tot the hard drive, I didn't format it or any stupid thing, I just booted up. I...
  14. S

    2 hdd 8tb - best solution raid1, zfs mirror or backup

    Is a noob question but I do not have to much experience I have an intel nuc apolo lake with 1 sata conector and 4 usb3.0 16gb ram I used for around 2 yers an debian with 2hdd toshiba 8tb mounted on usb 3.0 raid 1 on hdd I have samba , (for windows ), torrent, open cloud, http and personal...
  15. R

    Moving Drives between VM's? Please Help

    Hello, I have 2 vm's for windows. One is windows server and one is windows 10. My problem is whilst moving the os using clonezilla to the ssd (from a hdd) it has eventually corrupted the os files (no the virtual drive has been deleted and away from the system). I had a share with a separate...
  16. G

    high IO delay

    Hello. I am having big IO delay problems using Proxmox 7.2 and i see major speed issues, sometimes VM appearing to freeze. My current configuration is CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor RAM : 64 GB DDR4 HDD: 2x12TB TOSHIBA MG07ACA1 (configured in software RAID1 probably) Speed...
  17. G

    Please help a Novice

    Hey guys! I'm just a guy who has Proxmox to run a server at home. After running the server 24/7 for months, I cannot boot Proxmox anymore :(. I tried to fix the boot running the setup but I didn't fix it. I install a new version in a USB and I can see the SSD in Disks, but usage is 'NO', GPT...
  18. P

    Hardware conflicts between HP Z400 and Proxmox

    Hey guys! I just bought a second hand HP Z400 for almost nothing a few days ago, trying to put a huge VM of kali in there, use it as a NAS and those general home server things. First, I used an HDD I had lying around (old 120GB Laptop HDD), which worked fine, but my VM is 80GB in .raw format...
  19. J

    Hardware RAID to store VM

    Hi everyone! I just bought a server and installed Proxmox VE on a ssd device. Now I want to run only one VM with Windows Server 2022. The VM should be stored on my Microchip Adaptec SmartRAID 3101E-4i Controller with 4 SATA SSD devices, which I turned into a RAID10. That worked very easy. The...
  20. P

    Hard drive passthrough

    Hi All, Still Learning proxmox Can any one let me know what wrong i am doing here . I can see my hard drive in my VM but when i click on it, i can't access it.