Hardware conflicts between HP Z400 and Proxmox


New Member
Sep 17, 2022
Hey guys!

I just bought a second hand HP Z400 for almost nothing a few days ago, trying to put a huge VM of kali in there, use it as a NAS and those general home server things. First, I used an HDD I had lying around (old 120GB Laptop HDD), which worked fine, but my VM is 80GB in .raw format. I buy a brand new 2TB HDD, mount it through the web console according to a YT video, all good. I SCP / winSCP the file to my server, and that went fine. 12 hours later (this evening) I turn on my PC and Z400, only to hear electric noise coming from time to time from the PSU. After some intense troubleshooting, I discover that running a live non-ram linux version does not have this effect, even mounting the HDD and giving it some time. A while later, I discover that even running the setup (during the first leg of the installation was the first instance) the PSU puts out some arcing noises. I tried different configurations (putting in only one HDD, both of them and reinstalling), ultimately all those lead to the same outcome - PSU buzzing during runtime.

This is exactly the source where I got it:

TL; DR - PSU buzzes with proxmox, but not with other OSes, seems like. There is still some potential troubleshooting to be done, sure, but until then, awaiting your ideas
Did you write the HDD manufacturer about how your PSU sparks when you run a VM on it with lots of little writes causing high-frequency switching between low and high loads?
I know that Proxmox won't let the drive go into low power/sleep mode because of it gathering statistics. Let us know if VMWare ESXi or VirtualBox has the same issue or not.
But seriously, please stop using that (old?) PSU. I'm afraid that the fire department will not find this post as funny as I do.
I turn on my PC and Z400, only to hear electric noise coming from time to time from the PSU.
the PSU puts out some arcing noises.


Sorry to be that sarcastic, but I find it quite fascinating that you think it is or could be a software problem, while in the meantime your perhaps 13 year old [1] and with unknown origin PSU is starting to blow off.

As leesteken said, please stop using it immediately and contact the seller respectively return the whole thing.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HP_Z#First_generation
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