
  1. B

    Nested ESXi - vm's don't start

    I'm trying to run ESXi 7.0.3 under proxmox v8.0.4 on an AMD Ryzen host ESXi installs OK but I can't get a VM to start. I think the PVE Host is configured ok as I am able to run a VM on a nested PVE instance. ESXi VM config balloon: 0 boot: order=sata0;ide2;net0 cores: 6 cpu: host ide2...
  2. U

    ESXi->Proxmox, 1G->10G Planning

    Hi, i want to migrate from ESXi (Essentials) to Proxmox and while there i'm thinking about switching to 10G for the main cluster. Reasons: - replication/migration for Proxmox goes faster (only needed for 2-4 VMs right now) - i use CARP for failover alot, so there are machines running on both...
  3. J

    Transferring several ZFS machines from Proxmox to VMware ESXi

    Hello everyone! I'm new to the forum, but I couldn't find any useful information regarding my problem. I have several machines on Proxmox Virtual Environment 7.2-4, and I need to move two of them to ESXi version: 7.0.3. I tried the following approach: zfs send rpool/data/vm-ID-disk-0 >...
  4. G

    Provide raw trunk to an ESXi guest VM

    I have Proxmox 7.4-4 on baremetal server - it is fed with a trunk which I have working tagged on vmbr0. Within proxmox I have an ESXi guest VM to which I wish to provide the raw trunk vmbr0. I've successfully got it working by creating entries in my config eg: auto vmbr0.172 iface vmbr0.172...
  5. S

    Proxmox guest VMs under nested virtualization do not apply DHCPOFFER replies

    I've read through dozens of similar posts, but none seem to relate to this specific issue, and it's a weird one. If I install Proxox 7.4VE as a guest VM under an existing VMware environment (on metal), the networking/DHCP/everything in VE works as expected. If I then install an Ubuntu guest VM...
  6. RolandK

    Ransomware threats/attacks to hypervisor platforms are real

    not sure if this has been brought up here, but i cannot remember and it cannot do harm to re-post :
  7. bbgeek17

    [TUTORIAL] Proxmox VE vs VMware ESXi performance comparison

    Many discussions have compared Proxmox and VMware from a feature perspective, but almost none compare performance. We tested PVE 7.2 (kernel=5.15.53-1-pve) and VMware ESXi 7.0 (update 3c) with a 32 VM workload to see which performs better under load with storage-heavy applications. The results...
  8. D

    [TUTORIAL] Migrating VM from ESXi to Proxmox

    Hi, I've created a video which demonstrates how to migrate VM from ESXi/vSphere to Proxmox in few steps, without any special scripts. (I hope it's OK to publish the link to the video).
  9. R

    esxi ubuntu migration VM wont boot

    Hello Community, i am struggling with a fairly "easy" task which is described pretty often but unfortunately does not seem to work with my setup I am having a Standalone esxi host running a linux ubuntu VM, i would like to migrate the VM to my proxmox Server. I am able to export the ovf & vmdk...
  10. N

    My unqualified comparison between ESXi and ProxMox

    I have recently changed from ESXi 6.7 to ProxMox and thought to write down my first impressions. I had uses ESXi starting with version 5.0 for my home lab. I have chosen ESXi after a longer evaluation between the hyporvisors available at that time. ESXi was the only one fulfilling all my needs...
  11. L

    [SOLVED] Migrate ESXI VM to Proxmox server

    Hi, We have 2 Vmware ESXI servers and 1 proxmox server. I am new to proxmox and I need to move my VMs in the esxi server to proxmox server. Vms storage are mounted on a NFS server. I went through the proxmox documentation but it's not clear to me. Can someone please help me with this. I really...
  12. C

    [SOLVED] Convert LVM to vmdk

    Hello all, I've got a VM running on LVM storage. The storage is /dev/vmstorage/vm-102-disk-0. I want to convert this to vmdk for import to an ESXi 7.0U1 host. What/which commands can I use to get this done as fast as possible? The VM is down, so there is no issue copying storage to vmdk...
  13. K

    ESXi VM Migration Failing

    I am following this guide for migrating V2V (VMware to proxmox): I have exported the VM to .ovf/.vmdk and scp'd them over to proxmox. However, the qm command is failing. Output: root@proxmox1:~# qm importovf 200 /root/awstats2.ovf...
  14. L

    [SOLVED] Live migrations failing: Error 255 (for OVFTOOL/ESXi imported VMs)

    G'day there, With the help of the Proxmox community and @Dominic we were able to migrate our ESXi VMs across to PVE - thank you! (for anybody interested) The migrated (ex-ESXi) VMs are now part of a 3-node PVE...
  15. S

    Pfsense with VLANs migration from ESXI

    I have been using ESXI for 5 years now on a 2011 mac mini with no issues. The setup is: - Dual NIC (one on board, one thunderbolt adapter) - One NIC is dedicated to WAN - The other NIC goes to a managed switch in a trunk port that has 3 VLANS + untagged for LAN - The switch connects to a unifi...
  16. L

    [SOLVED] Migrating VMs from ESXi to PVE (ovftool)

    G'day from Australia, We've got a predicament that we'd appreciate some guidance with. 4x managed VMs run on 2x ESXi hosts (2+2), and there's no supported pathway to migrate them (ie. ditch ESXi in favour of PVE). Across the remainder of our infrastructure, ESXi has been gladly purged and our...
  17. R

    [SOLVED] Centos 7 won't start after migrate from ESXi

    Hello, I have migrate a Centos 7 server from esxi to proxmox, but he doens't start up. i get: Warning: /dev/centos/root does not exist Warning: /dev/centos/swap does not exist Warning: /dev/mapper/centos-root does not exist i tried have different scsi controller options, but doens't work...
  18. M

    Imported Windows 10 from ESXI

    hi I have successfully imported Windows 10 from esxi to proxmox ve by following the guide i did this to make it to boot sed -i 's/scsi/ide/g' /etc/pve/qemu-server/130.conf i've installed all the drivers and enabled QEMU as well. how do i change this disk to SCSI ? will changing it improve...
  19. S

    Migration ESXi 6.7 to Proxmox

    Hello everyone, I am currently using ESXi 6.7 on my primary server but thinking of migrating to Proxmox which runs on my backup server. According to the manual the described process is having server A with ESXi and server B with Proxmox and migrating the VMs from A to B. Unfortunately this is...
  20. Max P

    Debian 9.4 not starting on nested ESXi

    Hi, We have a 4 node proxmox cluster (5.3) where we have a nested ESXi (mostly for migrating old vmware VMs to ceph). On this nested ESXi a Windows 10 VM (uefi) starts and runs fine. A Debian 9.3 VM runs and starts fine too. But a Debian 9.4 VM does not start (when booting a 9.4 netinstall you...