
  1. J

    [SOLVED] LXC hostname refuses to resolve on the network

    Dear, For all proxmox VM i simply configure the hostname and the DHCP service maps it to an FQDN so i can ping myhost.sub.sub.mydom.tld Except for the one container i'm running, that does not work at all, whatever i try. The only difference i notice is the dhcp client here is udhcpc but i've...
  2. K

    Search Domain reverts to "local"

    My PVE 6.2-12 installation insists on reverting the search domain back to "local". The first time or two, I thought I forgot to set the domain, today was the third or forth time I changed it to the correct domain. How can I fix this? It's causing trouble in PMG where senders expect to find...
  3. M

    CentOS 7 Cloud-init Inserting Unexpected DNS Server

    Below is the cloud-init network configuration for the VM: But when the VM boots, there is an additional DNS server being inserted by cloud-init: The DNS server `` is being added but is not apart of the configuration and is not functional: Here are the steps I used to create...
  4. J

    containers do not map their dhcp lease

    dear, for this setup i use a pf based firewall appliance also running unbound as dns and assuring dhcp leases are distributed and the local domain is resolved. For all VM the DNS works fine. Except for the one CT i'm using, there the hostname does not resolve for the domain. DNS lookups work...
  5. J

    How to disable auto-updates of /etc/hostsname, /etc/resolv.conf (& maybe others)?

    PVE newbie here. How do I disable the following "auto-change-files upon startup" behavior? I have very-specific settings in /etc/hostname and /etc/resolv.conf (read: I know what I'm doing) in my Ubuntu 20.04 LXC container. PVE appears to be auto-changing values in these files upon every...
  6. F

    Fehler beim Aktualisieren.

    Hi, ich hab gerade erst Proxmox aufgesetzt und versuche es zu aktualisieren. Leider kommt dann immer diese Fehlermeldung: Err:1 http://ftp.at.debian.org/debian buster InRelease Cannot initiate the connection to ftp.at.debian.org:80 (2001:858:2:1::10). - connect (101: Network is unreachable)...
  7. W

    Docker containers don't resolve DNS

    Hi guys, Sorry to bother, but I got perhaps a fairly easy problem, but I can't seem to be able to solve it. I have 1 host with 3 VMs, all of them can reach Internet and resolve domain names, but Docker containers running on said VMs can't resolve DNS (ping google.com fails), but can reach...
  8. A

    Can't add certificate with ACME DNS / Cloudflare

    Hi there, The new ProxMox 6.2 looks nice and we were very interested to try out the new DNS verified ACME certificates. Unfortunately, we were not able to get it to work with the Cloudflare DNS plugin. This is on a host with a fresh new ProxMox 6.2 install. We first added an account and a...
  9. Z

    Suggest a DNS Server and which better at server side (virtual) or networking side (device)

    Hello, For experts... I was wondering which best choose for DNS Server to install and where (virtual server or at network device) and does proxmox had such service? Best Regards
  10. V

    cloud-init and UseDomains=yes

    1. Setup I use the PROXMOX 6 (proxmox-ve: 6.1-2) I set up a DNS server with dnsmasq dnsmasq is configured to send search-domains The VM is running Arch Linux Within the VM systemd-networkd and systemd-resolved are used I use "cloud-init" 19.3 with netplan 0.98-1 2. Problem There are no...
  11. T

    Public Domain for VMs

    Hello, I have setup proxmox and 3 VMs in it (Debian, Ubuntu, windows). I have 2 public domain and need to forward them to linux servers and keep windows only locally available. I also have ddwrt router connected directly to network and physical home server. I want to know should I forward...
  12. R

    [SOLVED] Proxmox 6.0-9 DNS Host settings reset every time

    Hello everyone, I have a big problem with DNS Settings in Proxmox 6.0-9. If I edit DNS Settings via Webinterface (Host -> System -> DNS) every time the settings will be erase after 1-2 minutes. I enter two other DNS Servers and save settings, now for about 1-2 minutes settings work but after...
  13. N

    How to get remote access to Proxmox AND assigned DNS?

    Hello again Proxmox Community, I'm very new to Virtual Machine Management and Networking in general. So far I've successfully installed Proxmox on my server and spun up 2 VMs. My next goal is to: 1. Get remote access to Proxmox 2. Assign an HTTPS DNS address to Proxmox (i.e...
  14. B

    (DNS) routing questions

    I would like to make some of my VM's accessible remotely. When I rented VPS's in the past i got access via an address like vps1058. (random example). Given I only have 1 IPv4 atm, how could I do something similar? For example machine 1 would be reachable with SSH via...
  15. R

    How to change my DNS?

    Since a couple of weeks ago, proxmox sends me a DNS error message, and I would like to know where I can change the DNS.
  16. L

    Can't ping LXC after rename

    After changing an LXC container Hostname under its DNS setting, I can ping it, but can no longer SSH to it. Other containers are accessible and the renamed container was accessible before the Hostname change. Is this a known issue or any suggestions? Thanks.
  17. N

    openVPN via Port 53 doesn't get any connection

    Hey, I'm using NAT for my VMs and anything is working fine. Even openVPN on Port 1194 or any other port works great. Just bring up a machine, forward the source- to the destination-port, finish. Now I want to run a openVPN server which is listening on port 53 udp. But it always get the following...
  18. Y

    Inherited a proxmox server. No ipv6 resolution

    I recently inherited a new proxmox server. It seems to have some ipv6 issues. When I run "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade" it hangs. If I run "apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true update && apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true upgrade && apt-get -o...
  19. T

    Seeking support for using qm create and specifying a bridge

    Hello Proxmox team, I have been trying to provision a VM to use a network bridge all evening unsucessfully. The following commands create a working VM that is configured via cloud-init. This works great and the VM starts up just fine. However, the `/etc/resolv.conf` file contains a nameserver...
  20. D

    Local DNS Resolver and Error releasing spam

    Hi all, I followed the article here: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/how-to-local-dns-resolver-for-proxmox-mail-gateway.41189/ And it seems to be working OK, but when I go and release a spam message, I get an error delivering to the end host. If I switch back my resolvers back to my...