
  1. F

    Issues with certificates

    Today I upgraded to Proxmox 7 and noticed my certificates were expired. I built these certificates myself with easy-rsa and had no problems installing them last time. However, after issuing new certs and uploading them, pveproxy stopped working with journalctl -xy giving...
  2. D

    SPICE connection issue after cert issue

    Greetings, I have a cluster with a few nodes. One of the nodes was accessible to the outside world so I decided to give Let's Encrypt a try within the PVE web interface... and successfully got it working with a LE cert my browsers liked. Then when it came time to renew I discovered that the...
  3. 8

    [SOLVED] Try to install SSL Certificat, then no access to WEB GUI

    Hi there, Tonight I tried to install my own certificate from let's encrypt already generated. Then Web GUI restart and I have no access anymore... Then in emergency I tried to find way, I found already topics on this forum but no one resolve my issue... Then after that I found this topic...
  4. M

    Certificate of repository server / Wiki page not correct

    First of all I like to use repositories with https if possible. Today I was about to upgrade mine proxmox ve host. I was also about to finally edit the source file of pve from enterprise to no-subscription. Unfortunately I ran in to a certificate error with following line: deb...
  5. A

    PBS to use existing PVE https certificates?

    It is so ordinary question but I can't find a 'official' way to implement it: I installed PBS on existing PVE server, and would like to use LE's https certificate o PBS web interface. I was quite surprised there is still no web-based certificate acquire interface but I understand this is not...
  6. G

    GUI Login with no cert?

    Greetings The https certificate of one my nodes expired yesterday and I noticed something: in the GUI login form, the menu "realm" is mandatory, but its content is loaded by an ajax request, which fails because of the bad cert. Thus it's not possible to login. Am I missing something? Regards
  7. P

    Wildcard certificate

    I'm trying to obtain wildcard certificate using new features in Proxmox 6.2, however, the GUI does not accept my input. Am I doing anything wrong?
  8. Y

    CERT error changing node ip address

    Hello, changing one node ip address, now i have this error on the chanded node: Error Connection error 596: tls_process_server_certificate: certificate verify failed I have tried pvecm updatecerts --force on this node, no errors but the certificate still fail.. Is it possible to solve in some...
  9. J

    FreePbx let's encrypt certificate via Proxmox

    Hey there :) I have a running FreePBX VM on proxmox and I need to install a valid SSL certificate (not a self signed). FreePBX allows to add it automatically but It can't resolve it. I'm a noob and just can't figure out how to add a valid let's encrypt certificate with this. FreePBX...
  10. M

    ACME Status 405

    Hi, Trying to add certificates to a node and followed the guide at https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Certificate_Management but I get an error as soon as I try ordering the certificate. Error is as follows: ~# pvenode acme cert order Loading ACME account details Placing ACME order Order URL...
  11. J

    PROXMOX VE6 -> Windows Server 2019 -> Cryptocard USB [OMNIKEY 6121]

    At the beginning I wanted to clarify that the problem only appears after updating the Windows Server problem appears. via RDP sent from a connected USB server is visible on another computer. but from the hook directly to the proxmox server, the virtual machine cannot see. conf is just the way he...
  12. K

    Certificate Error on Proxmox

    Hi, Sometimes I received Certificates Error on my Proxmox Cluster: kvm: -vnc unix:/var/run/qemu-server/105107105.vnc,x509,password: Failed to start VNC server: Our own certificate /etc/pve/local/pve-ssl.pem failed validation against /etc/pve/pve-root-ca.pem: The certificate hasn't got a known...
  13. T

    Proxmox https Certificates via commandline

    Hello, is there the possibility to add the Certificate for the hostname of the proxmox host via commandline? Currently we manage it using Host > System > Certificates and upload/paste key + fullchain. Thanks for your help in advance!
  14. K

    server certificate verification failed

    i can't update my proxmox 5.2 i try to find the line in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/75pveconf , but only this code inside please help
  15. grin

    [SOLVED] update from jessie fail: gnutls_handshake() failed: Public key signature verification has failed.

    I'm opening this issue here to actually document the solution. Upgrading from jessie to stretch, or actually from older to newer may result a non-working https repo which fail the certificate verification. The problem occurs when there was either no way to perform a dist-upgrade first, or...
  16. C

    [SOLVED] Getting SSL certificate into Proxmox fails

    Hi, I'm creating SSL certificate with Let's Encrypt on another server (HAProxy). The certificates follow the following naming convention: <subdomain>.<domain>.cert and <subdomain>.<domain>.key In my case: pve.biszumbitterenen.de.cert pve.biszumbitterenen.de.key In the "cert deployment step" I...
  17. D

    Certificate Validation Error Upon Trying to Install License

    Upon attempting to install a Proxmox VE license, I get the following error: "Invalid response from server: 500 Can't connect to shop.maurer-it.com:443 (certificate verify failed) (500)" I've attempted working with Proxmox tech support, but they've been quite unhelpful. My organization proxies...
  18. C

    Renew SSL certificate after ip change of the GUI

    Dear colleagues, I ran into a problem after I changed the IP of the GUI interface. The Web UI was still reachable, but when opening the VNC console, I got an a "failed to connect to server" error. I moved the files: /etc/pve/pve-root-ca.pem /etc/pve/priv/pve-root-ca.key somewhere else and did...
  19. H

    What's wrong about replacing /etc/pve/local/pve-ssl.* ?

    man pveproxy says this: Warning Do not replace the automatically generated node certificate files in /etc/pve/local/pve-ssl.pem and etc/pve/local/pve-ssl.key What's so wrong about replacing original snakeoil key+cert with eg. letsencrypt one? It seemed to work for me. I modified my...
  20. B

    Cluster - SSL3 - certificate verfiy failed

    Hallo liebe Community! Ich habe heute versucht ein Cluster aufzusetzen (Sparate Network Cluster) und stehe grade vor einer kleinen (hoffentlich) Hürde. Kurz vorab: Ich sehe auf beiden Server die Nodes aber auf jedem Node ist nur der eigene Online. BeispieL. Node 1 : one Node 2 : two Auf Node...