Same IPv4 address on every VM


New Member
Oct 23, 2021

I recently bought myself a DELL PowerEdge R470 Server and installed Proxmox 7.0.13 on it. It's working great, but all the virtual machines have the same ipv4 on the internet.
They only have different IP addresses on my local network. I looked a bit around but I couldn't figure out how to fix it. Moreover, the firewall of each machine cannot open, drop or reject any port requests. I have to configure this in my router settings...
All machines are running on a single node that's connected through a Linux Bridge.
Is there a way to fix this right away?

- Julian

same public IP adress ? If it's a domestic virtualisation, it's logic.
Hi Pifouney,

I never configured a domestic virtualisation. All machines have different local IP addresses but at the same time the same public IP address.
How can I set a own public IP for every VM. It's anoying to open different ports for everything that I want to run on my server. Like multiple Webservers or Gameservers and so on...
Generally your ISP will only give you one public IPv4 IP because they need to pay for it and they don'T want to waste money, so you can only use this one. If you rent a server from a hoster you will be able to buy additional IPs (and yes, you would need to pay for each of them) but at home you will have to live with that single IPv4 IP or switch to IPv6 (where you get a complete IP-Range) if your ISP supports this.

By the sounds like you should learn a bit more about the network basics before letting your server online, if the difference between public and private IPs and stuff like NAT is unclear to you. Hosting online servers is dangerous if you aren't completely sure what you are doing. If you don't understand how networks work in detail, you also don't know how to secure your server so they won't get hacked and start attack other servers as part of a botnet.
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Generally your ISP will only give you one public IPv4 IP because they need to pay for it and they don'T want to waste money, so you can only use this one. If you rent a server from a hoster you will be able to buy additional IPs (and yes, you would need to pay for each of them) but at home you will have to live with that single IPv4 IP or switch to IPv6 (where you get a complete IP-Range) if your ISP supports this.

By the sounds like you should learn a bit more about the network basics before letting your server online, if the difference between public and private IPs and stuff like NAT is unclear to you. Hosting online servers is dangerous if you aren't completely sure what you are doing. If you don't understand how networks work in detail, you also don't know how to secure your server so they won't get hacked and start attack other servers as part of a botnet.
Hey Dunuin.

Thanks for the detailed answer.
I defently need more knowledge in networking. And network security l. That's right. I already started some courses.
Would you explain me how I can use the ipv6 ranges. As far as I know my ISP should support that.
Would you explain me how I can use the ipv6 ranges. As far as I know my ISP should support that.
Thats a super complex topic. You basically need to redo your complete network infrastructure because IPv6 isn't compatible to IPv4. And also all your services need to be programmed to be able to handle IPv6 (which is sadly not the case for many important protocols). First you should learn how IPv6 works. There are multiple video tutorial series (dozens of hours long) on youtube explaining the basics of IPv6.
If you just want to switch to IPV6 because doing port-forwards is too annoying for you would be way more annoyed learning all the IPv6 basics. Because that is weeks of work. But always good to undestand IPv6, especially if you don't deactive it on every host on your home network. Because it is activated by default everywhere and it will backstab all your IPv4 security like firewalls and so on if you don't also configure everything for secure IPv6 traffic.
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