
  1. E

    proxmox stuck at "Loading initial ramdisk" after changing /etc/modprobe.d/vfio.conf

    Hello fellow server admins, I have a proxmox hypervisor for my VMs and the file system is raidz1. Today I was wondering if I could install an nvidia card and run 3D Applications so I found a promising tutorial about gpu passthrough here...
  2. O

    Ubuntu VM cannot boot after increase VM disk size

    I move my Ubuntu vm disk from one thinpool to another then I have increased my this vm disk from 200 to 400, and then I rebooted for it to regconize the new config, but it cannot boot anymore. Please help me, thank you guys !!!
  3. M

    VM's open ports not visible from outside of VM

    Hi, I just installed a Discourse forum engine on Ubuntu VM. The installation went great, but I am unable to open the Discourse site from my network over 443. When I check open ports of the VM from external I see this: But from inside (of the Ubuntu VM) I see this: So, apparently no ports...
  4. H

    Hostname problem on Linux VMs

    Hello, I come to you because when I put a hostname on Proxmox on a VM (Ubuntu for example), and when I type the command "hostname" on the VM, it doesn't show me the right hostname at all. For example, when on Proxmox I set the hostname "", on the VM I get "pve1" only. I don't...
  5. Q

    Configure SPICE in vm.conf to avoid GUI/WEB to generate connection file

    Hi, I can generate a file via WEB/GUI without any problems and connect to my Ubuntu VM, but as you know the file that is downloaded on my PC is not usable after 30 seconds. I want to configure VM to always be available for ma Remote Viewer by simply typing "spice://", without...
  6. J

    SSH Rredirection

    Hi, I have a K8S cluser installed on proxmox host. To access VMs created in Proxmox, I obliged to connect to the Proxmox server and then make another SSH connection to the desired VM . This is not very practical in addition to posing obvious security problems. is there a way please to do a...
  7. Q

    Ubuntu Camera Passthrough

    Hi, Does anyone knows how to passthrough camera from my Windows through RDP to Ubuntu 22.04, I know that this is not that much related to the ProxMox, but my Ubuntu 22.04 is on the ProxMox 7.4-3, and I saw some comments online that people did it through USB being added to the Ubuntu in the...
  8. H

    When I start my windows and linux vms at the same time I get corruption

    Hi!, I am not really sure it's data corruption but it just seems like it. So, I have 2 vms that have separate GPUs assigned to them. When I start both of them, the one vm freezes for a bit and then it starts working again, but after I turn off the pc and boot it up again I get fsck on the screen...
  9. V

    PVE v8.1.3 | Probleme beim Starten einer neu erstellten VM (QEMU exited with code 1)

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe kürzlich eine neue VM in Proxmox VE erstellt und stoße auf ein Startproblem. Nach der Konfiguration und dem Versuch, die VM zu starten, erhalte ich die Fehlermeldung "QEMU exited with code 1". Hier sind die Schritte, die ich bisher unternommen habe: VM mit Ubuntu 22.04...
  10. I

    ZFS-Local Deletion

    Hello, I do not want a zfs-local partition on my server so I deleted it from the gui by going to datacenter>Storage>and clicking remove. However I watched a networkchuck video where he did this with a lvm-local instead. He said that once it has been removed from the GUI you need to remove it...
  11. A

    [SOLVED] mount: /mnt/sda: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'.

    Hallo, ich habe mir leider meinen Proxmox Server beim rumprobieren zerschossen. Daher musste ich Proxmox leider neu installieren. Glücklicherweise, waren alle wichtigen Daten auf einer zweiten Festplatte die in das System ein gebunden war. Auf der SSD hatten drei VMs einen zusätzlichen...
  12. P

    No Bootable Device nach Neustart des Hosts

    Hallo, wir sind heute umgezogen, also hab ich mein Proxmox Host ordentlich heruntergefahren und am neuen Standort wieder hochgefahren. Alles hat erstaunlicherweise ohne Probleme funktioniert. Nur eine Linux Maschine (SLES11) meint auf einmal das es kein bootable Device mehr hat. Hab die VM...
  13. L

    Schrift hat sich automatisch verändert

    War auf dem Debian Server am Arbeiten und plötzlich hat sich die Schrift verändert, als ich wieder aus einer Datei herausging. Nichts wurde angepasst oder verändert. Ich habe keinen Schimmer, wie das passiert ist und wie man dies wieder zurückstellen kann. Ist dies ein Proxmox Problem?
  14. V

    Raid Controller Treiber falsch

    Hallo Proxmox Community, Ich habe einen Intel Corporation C600/X79 series chipset SATA RAID Controller verbaut. Im Bios habe ich den Controller von AHCI Mode auf Raid Mode gestellt. Dann habe ich im Bios ein Raid-Array aus 4 HDD Festplatten erstellt und dieses Volume1 genannt. In Proxmox wird...
  15. M

    Running fsck on a Linux vm

    Is there a way to run fsck on a linux vm? As I understand it, the vm can't be running because the vm's system disk has to be unmounted before checking it with fsck. So I'm thinking I have to leave the vm shutdown. Can I fsck the vm's disk from the Proxmox console? Eric
  16. M

    [SOLVED] Proxmox VE 7.4-13 High I/O Delay Only With Windows 11 VMs

    Hello everyone! I'm experiencing high IO delays (18% - 30% and sometimes higher) when I start a Windows 11 Pro VM on Proxmox VE 7.4-13. I suspect it might be caused by running everything on a ZFS RAID 1 storage but then again I do not experience high IO delays when I run a Linux's only...
  17. D

    issues with nested proxmox in proxmox

    I am trying to configure nested virtualisation but am getting errors. when I start a nested VM created by proxmox. this is the configuration of the PVE system root@wlsc-pxmh01:/etc/pve/qemu-server# cat 10037.conf agent: 1,fstrim_cloned_disks=1 args: -object...
  18. K

    Unable to Passthrough Nvidia T1000 to Linux VM

    Hello I've been stuck on this issue for what feels like weeks now with no success. I will try provide as much detail as possible but please if needed ask questions where necessary! The basis of the situation is I recently build a Proxmox server with a Ryzen 7 5700x and Nvidia T1000 8GB and am...
  19. K

    Promox on Linux@Power CPU - IBM Power System S822L?

    Hi, it looks like we might be having the option for accessing some older customer machines of IBM Power System S822L - with just medium specs like 512GB RAM, etc. Now they...
  20. W

    Crash ohne Log

    Guten Tag Gemeinde Ich habe folgendes Problem bei dem ich eure Hilfe benötige und hoffe, dass sich einige Experten unter euch befinden, welche ein ländliches Problem auch schon hatten oder damit umzugehen wissen Seit ca. 1.5 Jahren setze ich erfolgreich einen Minisforum HM80 mit Proxmox...


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