(pvecm) qdevice setup fails, can't get fixed pve-cluster package.


New Member
Jul 12, 2024
Recently, I've added multiple qdevices to several clusters running older versions of PVE without any issues, using command: pvecm qdevice setup 192.168.1.xxx -f and corosync-qdevice. Issue regarding certificate authentication.

However, my latest 2-node cluster is running VE 8.2.2, where the pve-cluster package (installed version 8.0.6) has an SSH communication bug preventing qdevices from being set up.

I understand this was fixed in pve-cluster versions 8.0.7 and newer*, but no built packages are available yet — only the source, which comes with a lot of unmet dependencies when trying to build and would be a total headache to try meet.

Has anyone found a way around this, or is there a timeline for when the fixed package will be built and released? I'm running the no-subscription repo.


*: https://github.com/proxmox/pve-cluster/commit/cc4b842c5c77075e27770001900b010395f86f82

*Moved to this category as it's more appropriate*