ProxmoxVE will change LICENCE?

So there is no way to remove "No valid subscription" message that paying for the support ? At least for Client logins.
I have put some of my clients to ProxmoxVE as virtualization platform with their own access to Console. Now when they log it seems that i'm stealing the software :(|
So there is no way to remove "No valid subscription" message that paying for the support ? At least for Client logins.
I have put some of my clients to ProxmoxVE as virtualization platform with their own access to Console. Now when they log it seems that i'm stealing the software :(|

If you do business with Proxmox VE I recommend to buy at least the community subscription. It just a very low 4.16 EUR per host/cpu and months, so every company should be able to do it.
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Just wondering how did you calculated price 4.16, why not 3.90 or 4 :)
so it's 4.16 for one physical CPU on host machine, no matter how much cores.. ?
Just wondering how did you calculated price 4.16, why not 3.90 or 4 :)
so it's 4.16 for one physical CPU on host machine, no matter how much cores.. ?

4.16 * 12 = 49,92 i.e. as close to 50 (per annum) as you can get with whole cents
If you do business with Proxmox VE I recommend to buy at least the community subscription. It just a very low 4.16 EUR per host/cpu, so every company should be able to do it.
Well, in any case, this might pose a problem. The licensee (potential or already paying one) is the entity running the PVE on their servers, and not the end user, whether the licensee makes money or not. And it is very misleading and confusing for an end user. They have no idea why they're shown a license warning, they might even think that they are illegally using software on the vps they're logging into via the console. This can create an unnecessary stream of support calls to your own (PVE) subscribers from their end users and unncecessary confusion. Nagging the company running the PVE is one thing, but relaying this to the end users users is another story. Please think about it.
They have no idea why they're shown a license warning, they might even think that they are illegally using software on the vps they're logging into via the console.

I am quite sure that any user (which is certainly an IT related person, because he have manage VMs) know exactly what that message means.
How to buy a licence withnout VAT, when you are EU registered VAT payer ?

Just register yourself on and the VAT with be calculated automatically according to international tax rules. if you are outside EU, not tax will be added.
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If your are inside EU provide your VAT ID.
Anyway it will be imho more fair to display subscription message just to the root, not to the users... for more reasons...
I am quite sure that any user (which is certainly an IT related person, because he have manage VMs) know exactly what that message means.
That's not necessarily the case at all. We can't assume any end-user knows exactly what license the nag window is talking about. Well anyway I'm unable yet to upgrade to 3.1 anywhere, I'll try to make my stance after that.

I completely understand your matter as I myself are running a nonprofit-hosting for several customers. I, on the other hand, do understand Proxmox very well. The effort they're putting in the solution as well as supporting it (even on the forum which is taking time of the people working at proxmox) - great service.

If I compare the pricing with VMWare, RedHat KVM or any other subscription I really think there's no way of not going to buy a license.

To be honest:
- Ubuntu Canonical isn't free - and IIRC far higher than the €50/Socket for proxmox
- Oracle VDI (which no longer exists) has a tremendously high price per socket
- VMWare ESXi is free - true. But to get the Life Migration Features it'll cost you IIRC USD300/Socket/Year.

So, please, don't make a drama out of this. You still actually *can* use Proxmox for free - with two "disadvantages":
- Reminder when logging in
- Faster (but maybe less stable) updates.

I see no way why this is going to hurt.

actually. to get a comparable feature set in VMware (HA mostly), youd have to shell out 2000-3500$ /CPU plus another non-optional(!) 1000$ support subscription. Plus VMware has a history of arbitrarily changing prices / licensing (last time they added a memory limit iirc).
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actually. to get a comparable feature set in VMware (HA mostly), youd have to shell out 2000-3500$ /CPU plus another non-optional(!) 1000$ support subscription. Plus VMware has a history of arbitrarily changing prices / licensing (last time they added a memory limit iirc).

True, but there are many possibilities to get a better price from VMware… Depending on the Enterprise, Enterprise Plus etc. license...

And it depends if you're a non-profit or normal organization, too.

But in general: You're right - I forgot a 0 there :rolleyes:

As a proxmox user, and other virtualization platform user for years, I will respond to this so everyone can calm down a bit

1) Should ProxMox be paid? Yes
2) Did I buy a license? Yes
3) What do I want changed?

a) Monthly licensing so I can manage our cash flows

b) Different ticketing system (ie I don't like the whole 1, 2, 5 ticket thing) - this is what Hostbill did and they tripled price of their services so I'm a bit afraid of using Proxmox ...

c) I guess the counter to that is 3.1 runs great for us so we can always just run the old version indefinitely

I am happy to pay the few hundred a year to support Proxmox - but I am currently doing some tests. (ie 2 cpu vs 4 cpu servers etc)

Keep up the good work guys
As a proxmox user, and other virtualization platform user for years, I will respond to this so everyone can calm down a bit

1) Should ProxMox be paid? Yes
2) Did I buy a license? Yes
3) What do I want changed?

a) Monthly licensing so I can manage our cash flows

That, indeed, would be great, but I see a problem there: You could (in theory) just buy a monthly subscription every three monthes, run the updates and let the subscription expire…

To be honest, I also believe that this would top up the administrative work for proxmox big time - so probably a 3-month or 6-month subscription would be more practical.

b) Different ticketing system (ie I don't like the whole 1, 2, 5 ticket thing) - this is what Hostbill did and they tripled price of their services so I'm a bit afraid of using Proxmox ...

c) I guess the counter to that is 3.1 runs great for us so we can always just run the old version indefinitely

You can run 3.1 w/o subscription, too - but not with the enterprise repository. Which, as far as I am concerned, is fair.

I have a subscription for all my servers and am going to buy licenses for all of my customers servers. Now that the login screen shows up I have a good argument for them to buy subscription services :-)

Perhaps I should think about becoming a reseller...

I am happy to pay the few hundred a year to support Proxmox - but I am currently doing some tests. (ie 2 cpu vs 4 cpu servers etc)

Keep up the good work guys

I stay with 2 Sockets most of the time. If you want a modestly priced infrastructure you're stuck with 1-2 Sockets - otherwise it's going to be really expensive. I run a hosting-business besides my day-to-day-work. I don't have to live from it - but I don't want to put money form my other job in it. In short: It has to be self-paying.

My overall budget there is about 10-20k/year - and this works just fine...

I understand the need to fund this project, but a nag dialog is a step too far.

Your patch removes enterprise subscription features, which we do not want to promote here. Therefore, I removed/edited your posting.