Official DarkMode

Did PVEDiscordDark recently get broken? Like in the past couple days with an updated?
It's possible. I haven't downloaded the new\changed script from two days ago. I still have the older script and usually after an apt update\upgrade on my pve host I have to run the script again which makes sense since the script changes default files which get reverted with apt upgrade sometimes.
Imagine the Proxmox staff uses a perfectly finished dark theme internally since years and everytime someone requests a dark theme, they are laying on the office floor with tears in the eyes from laughing. KEKW.png
Imagine the Proxmox staff uses a perfectly finished dark theme internally since years and everytime someone requests a dark theme, they are laying on the office floor with tears in the eyes from laughing. View attachment 35638
I would bet there are some staff members using the inofficial dark theme on the developer workstations because they also hate looking at white screens all the day. I guess they are more professional, but when I need to decide what to code next for myself, I always fix the stuff that annoys me the most. Maybe we should take the inofficial dark template repo offline, so they get a reason to officially integrate it ;)
I had to finally stop and make a user to comment to this thread. Dark mode is really needed in this kind of software. A lot of the nerds out there only manage through their days with the help of dark mode. Please stop punishing our eyes with forced super light UI.