Official DarkMode


If there were a poll for this, I wonder what the numbers would be at?

Can dark mode start becoming an option in most web apps these days?

I use an extension 'dark reader' to essentially dark mode sites I use often, but I cannot find a good setting for proxmox as it doesn't behave well with console (the console turns negative i.e.white background with black text.
+1 Sounds like a brilliant plan. I've been making use of dark-reader for the past year or 2 to achieve this, however graphs are left white, etc.. And it isn't accessible on every device. Would be a brilliant addition that I'm sure wouldn't take too much time to add.
+1 Sounds like a brilliant plan. I've been making use of dark-reader for the past year or 2 to achieve this, however graphs are left white, etc.. And it isn't accessible on every device. Would be a brilliant addition that I'm sure wouldn't take too much time to add.
I don't trust plugins for this, that's why I'm using PVEDiscord DARK on the least ''important'' node of my cluster to benefit from the dark mode, but still, it's not ideal, I wouldn't dare to install this on any node on the cluster at work.

Let me even extend this post to a new request.

Dark mode... Is vital (have you ever heard of the 2:00am screen death?, many victims rofl)

But THEMING is a very good tool by itself.

For example, TRUENAS has a selection of different themes (lights but mostly darks) that I found very useful to differentiate one instance to the other:

Personal instance / Work server / backup server / test server etc.
Especially when Testing manipulations and going back and forth between instance. This can help avoiding unrepairable mistakes.
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Here I am, new at proxmox, getting up at 2am to do some maintenance work. Turning on my computer, being blinded by the proxmox UI. I'm trying to find the setting to enable it. Can't find it, stupid me. While after a look on the internet it appears that there is no dark mode?!?
After all these years, no dark mode?

I'm sorry to say, but it makes me doubt to go for a subscription, as clearly you are not in touch -anymore?- with what the field needs (tongue in cheek ;-) ).

So yes, please, Dark mode for pve, pbs and pmb.
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+1 for the dark mode request, it is like 2023 in a few months...

I'm forced to chose between my eyes health and installing some random guy's code from some random repo. Not a great choice.
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The Bugzilla request is still marked as New after more than a year.
It doesn't look like this is anyone's radar yet.
I know it is the always ongoing discussion, but I am really curious, have you set the brightness and contrast levels of your screen to something normal?
Most screens have both set way to high. This usually leads to images having completely blown out colors andmissing nuance due to the high contrast.
Since I do have astigmatism I prefer dark text on bright backgrounds as bright text on dark background is quite a bit harder to read for me. But on all my displays, I need to adjust the brightness & contrast, usually to a setting of 50 out of 100 for the image to be usable.
I know it is the always ongoing discussion, but I am really curious, have you set the brightness and contrast levels of your screen to something normal?
Most screens have both set way to high. This usually leads to images having completely blown out colors andmissing nuance due to the high contrast.
Since I do have astigmatism I prefer dark text on bright backgrounds as bright text on dark background is quite a bit harder to read for me. But on all my displays, I need to adjust the brightness & contrast, usually to a setting of 50 out of 100 for the image to be usable.
Touching the OSD?... With my hands? I'm letting you a 5 minutes headstart before I call the police sir! ROFL
I'm currently using the discord dark theme onto the ''entry point'' node of my personal cluster, I let all the nodes from work vanilla, this way I will not mistakenly reboot a node at work when I mean to do it at home. (in case of distraction)
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What about this workaround?

Dark mode PBS​

Installation (as root)​

The installation is done via the CLI utility. Run the following commands on the PVE node serving the Web UI:


bash install

Or this oneliner

bash <(curl -s ) install


To uninstall the theme, simply run the utility with the uninstall command.