LVM Partition's emty using iSCSI


Jan 14, 2018
Hi Everyone,
I have a serious problem, we installed a SAN for 3 nodes FUJITSU 2540 and 1 Stocking Harbor, I created 2 LVMs partitions on Stocking (SAN_VM for VMs and SAN_BACKUP for BACKUP), all Disks of VMs are stored on SAN_VM.
today, after a power failure, I restarted the elements of our SAN, the SAN_VM seems look like Empty.

root@pve1:~# pvs
PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree
/dev/mapper/FujitsuSAN-part2 iscsi_vm lvm2 a-- 14.24t 14.24t
/dev/mapper/mpathb iscsi_backup lvm2 a-- 7.12t 312.00g

is there a possibility to recover the iscsi_vm VG ?

thank you in advance for your help
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Hmm - if the PV says, that it's almost empty - I would check the SAN logs for what might have happened!
* else it's always helpful to check the journal (`journalctl -b` for the complete logs since the last boot) for hints to where the problem is
* `pvs -a`
* `vgs -a`
* `lvs -a`
could also provide some insight

the state of multipath can be checked with `multipath -ll`
the state of iscsi with `iscsiadm -m session -P 3` ( see

I hope this helps!
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