[SOLVED] Error writing [path] No space left on device

the "importdisk" command you ran is essentially an equivalent of :
 cp W10-BASE-02B2-disk1.qcow2 vm-100-disk-0.qcow
So not very useful for end result.

The IDE bus in KVM supports only one device per bus, afaik. You should really examine your VM configuration and understand what is being used and what is available. There are other options to use the for the disk, ie scsi with virtio.

If above commands are the only thing you ran, I suspect that you now have two (or more) entries in your configuration that all reference the same disk - including the offending "ide" one. You will need to use "qm set --delete" to clean the configuration up.
You can examine the VM configuration via "qm config 100".

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox - https://www.blockbridge.com/proxmox
No problem, when i added both disks to vm, i tried to start it (with errors), because of this, i opened the 100.conf file and delete them.

I finally added them by exporting an .ovf file from VBox, running the export command. This command generated 3 files in my case: 1.ovf, 2.vmdk and 3.vmdk. I have send this files via cifs to Proxmox and ran qm import, with all of them. The ovf one is the first, to create the vm with a ‘free’ vmid, then, qm import with the vmdk. Surprise! This works. I started my vm correctly.

I want yo apologise if any part of the text is hard to read, sorry for my english.

I want to thank you too bbgeek17, for your effort to explain me these things, i can now say that i understand a bit better Proxmox and how it works. Thank you!!
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