I've seen few threads about cloning the boot disks to another disk/SSD, some used clonezilla (which, as of this moment, still having problems cloning the Proxmox boot SSD), some use dd.
My problem is a bit different: I have a cluster of 3 nodes (prox,prox2,prox3, I've created the cluster from prox2 and this node has a problematic SSD), and since this is a cluster, one cannot simply copy the /etc/pve since it comes from the other nodes.
So, what is the short and a simple way to replicate my SSD on this prox2 node? delete the node, install Proxmox on a new SSD and join it to the cluster? any other ideas?
I've seen few threads about cloning the boot disks to another disk/SSD, some used clonezilla (which, as of this moment, still having problems cloning the Proxmox boot SSD), some use dd.
My problem is a bit different: I have a cluster of 3 nodes (prox,prox2,prox3, I've created the cluster from prox2 and this node has a problematic SSD), and since this is a cluster, one cannot simply copy the /etc/pve since it comes from the other nodes.
So, what is the short and a simple way to replicate my SSD on this prox2 node? delete the node, install Proxmox on a new SSD and join it to the cluster? any other ideas?