
  1. A

    Proxmox api vncwebsocket

    Hey guys :), I am currently trying to embed a console into a website. from what I read to this point the way to do it is : - vncticket = ticket from previous request ; port = port from previous request The first part works just fine.(I get a ticket in following format : PVEVNC:xxxxxxxx==)...
  2. Y

    [SOLVED] Connect to VM by vnc/spice

    Hi, I want to connect to my machine (currently PROXMOX on VM on my computer) through external VNC and not what's on the site. When I send the following command to the REST API:{node}/qemu/{vmid}/vncproxy I receive the following information...
  3. D

    PHP API VncProxy und VncWebSocket

    Guten Tag, ich bin mittlerweile mit meinen nerven am Ende. Ich versuche gerade über meinen WebServer eine VNC Verbindung zum Proxmox Server aufzubauen. Steuerungen wie neustarten und stoppen von VMs mittels der Api funktioniert. Allerdings das einbinden der VNC geht nicht. Aber ich verstehe...
  4. C

    V5.4 : does qm vncproxy not support VeNCrypt/X509Plain anymore ?

    Hi, For some reasons irrelevant to explain, I used to connect to VMs with an external VNC Viewer (TigerVNC), by setting up inetd.conf on the server. Until PVE 5.1 everything worked fine. I just set up a 5.4 server, and now vncviewer only prompts for password, not for username. It seems PVE...
  5. F

    Windows VMs stop on RDP or local console

    Hello Everybody, I have some serious problems regarding some Windows VMs (Server 2016 and 2012r2), which are stopping without any reason or trace to any log (either /var/log/syslog or (after vm reboot within Windows Eventviewer)). The Server 2016 is running as MS AD DC, the 2012R2 Server is...
  6. M

    TASK ERROR: Failed to run vncproxy.

    Hello everyone! I have two Proxmox machines in a cluster (Promox1 and Proxmox2) both running Proxmox 5.3-5. If I log into Proxmox1's web UI and select any VM console in Proxmox2 then I receive this error: Permission denied (publickey). TASK ERROR: Failed to run vncproxy. The same thing...
  7. P

    VNC Not working after update

    I have updated all of my nodes to latest kernel and pve, since then I can no longer connect to any of the VM through VNC. I'm getting the attached error. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. J

    [SOLVED] Failed to run vncproxy

    Hi, I have a two node setup. From the first node, when I pull up the console for a VM on the second node, I get this: Debian GNU/Linux 9 Permission denied (publickey). TASK ERROR: Failed to run vncproxy. I can't tell if this is an SSH issue or a vncproxy issue. I have verified that the...
  9. C

    Renew SSL certificate after ip change of the GUI

    Dear colleagues, I ran into a problem after I changed the IP of the GUI interface. The Web UI was still reachable, but when opening the VNC console, I got an a "failed to connect to server" error. I moved the files: /etc/pve/pve-root-ca.pem /etc/pve/priv/pve-root-ca.key somewhere else and did...
  10. U

    vncproxy error

    Hi! I've got error with connection to vnc console. When I click on the button Console, sometimes the console connects immediately, but sometimes I see error: nc6: connection timed out TASK ERROR: command '/bin/nc6 -l -p 5900 -w 10 -e '/usr/bin/ssh -T -o BatchMode=yes /usr/sbin/qm...
  11. M

    Proxmox API vncproxy

    Hallo, ich versuche gerade eine VNC-Verbindung über die API herzustellen. Wie genau muss ich da vorgehen wenn ich die Daten von der API-Schnittstelle bekomme? Auf den angegebenen Port und die IP der Node verbinden ist klar, aber wie authentifiziere ich mich? Welche Authentifizierungsmethoden...
  12. R

    Proxmox 4 NGINX Proxy and VNC problems!

    Hi all, I hope somebody can help me. i have some problems with my NGINX Proxy and the VNC Console in Proxmox. i can use the vnc console on every machine no problem, but i can type some times and after a few seconds ( 20 -25 sec.) the console hangs! i can type nothing more, if i switch to...
  13. S

    VNC Connection Timeout ?

    Hey everyone, I've just installed Proxmox on a fresh Installation of Debian 7 and after some trouble of not being able to start the VMs because i haven't had added the Network Bridge. Now everything is working fine, kinda. I'm not able to use the Console of any VM since I'm always getting the...
  14. S

    Accessing guests internal VNC through noVNC from the WebIF?

    Hi, I'd like to know if I could disable the VNC that comes with the virtual machine and somehow forward the machines own VNC server. Because I've setup an OS X machine, I currently use with SPICE and virt-viewer which works okay, but I'd like to use OS Xs own VNC through noVNC. Would this work...
  15. C

    noVNC from my desktop

    I get downloaded the latest kanaka NoVNC and there's Host, Port, Password & Token fields in noVNC to connect a VNC server. so i did run commands to vncproxy generating ticket,cert, ... and vncwebsocket with vncproxy as argument and the answer from server is clear: post vncproxy: Array (...