ubuntu 20.04

  1. C

    Ubuntu 20.04 auto-login stopped working after backing up VM

    I have a Lubuntu 20.04 VM running on my Proxmox 8.2.5 server. It was configured to auto-login at boot, as it is running on a headless server. Today I stopped the VM to do a snapshot backup from the PVE console (to a local SATA SSD). When I restarted the VM it did not auto-login - it prompted me...
  2. J

    Proxmox VE rocks, except for this one thing, the memory usage graph.

    We have a couple of pretty beefy VM hosts running the latest VE and have on one host a fairly beefy VM because it is running a Mastodon server with 200 active accounts on it. However, the displayed memory usage in the Proxmox VE dashboard for this VM always shows 97% and higher memory...
  3. R

    [SOLVED] Ubuntu 20.04 vm boots into black screen on Proxmox VE 8.1

    Hello dear proxmox community, i'm currently trying to set up a ubuntu 20.04 (mini iso) vm. So far i was able to create a new vm, install ubuntu 20.04 and boot into the os (default display settings). For further configuration i'm downloading and executing a script that installs various...
  4. B

    Ubuntu 20 black screen after boot menu

    I am having issues trying to convert a Ubuntu 20 vm from Hyper-V to Proxmox 8.1.4. I am able to convert the disk and everything appears to be working fine, but after the machine boots up and it proceeds to boot to Ubuntu I get a black screen and nothing else. I can't tell if the VM is hanging or...
  5. B

    Printserver mit CUPS erstellen scheitert

    Guten Tag, Ich will einen print server gemäß dieser Anleitung Installieren. Bei eingabe des Codes apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get install samba -y && sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon cups cups-pdf python-cups -y && sudo apt-get install cups -y Stoße ich auf den...
  6. F

    [SOLVED] Eine IP einer VM zuweisen?

    Hallo, ich habe mir vor kurzem Proxmox auf meinem Server installiert. Ich habe mehrere öffentliche IP-Adressen, auf dem Server sind zwei Ubuntu VM und ich möchte gerne jeder VM eine öffentliche IP zuweisen. Ich habe leider nicht viel dazu im Internet gefunden, aber wenn dann hat es nict geklappt...
  7. T

    Upgrading CPU decreased performance

    I upgraded my cpu from 3900x to 4950x. And now I get screen tearing with my Ubuntu20 guest. I have 128GB ram 60 GB dedicated to this VM. Tried with another VM and have similar problem.
  8. P

    GPU passthrough to Container (LXC)

    loving all things proxmox thus far have created my 1st of many containers (ubuntu 22.04) and have 2 x NVIDIA 2080 GPUs on my host, which i would like to use in the contanier what is the best way to do this ? is there a detailed guide ?!
  9. C

    Nvidia pass trough issue

    Hello, I have a AMD cpu, Nvidia T400 video card. I am trying to get proxmox to pass through the gpu to a vm that is running ubuntu 20.04. I tried to follow the how to on the proxmox site getting the pass through to work but for some reason when I change the machine type from Default(i440x) to...
  10. S

    Ubuntu CT very twisted SSH situation

    Greetings good people :), We just get a very twisted situation with Ubuntu container machines. In CT version Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS If we customize ssh port in config file # nano etc/ssh/sshd_config and set the custom Port 2222 save file. Restart the ssh service with # service ssh restart and...
  11. B

    How to sign UEFI drivers in Ubuntu 20 Host

    I've setup GPU PCI pass-through, and setup Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with all nicely working, and installed nvidia drivers, that asked me to make a password for signing custom UEFI key, all good, but I was expected to be provided a prompt with password on reboot of the guest, but nothing. I've checked...
  12. M

    Vm does not boot up after removing single Gpu from cluster

    Hello; I am new on proxmox I have a cluster running with Proxmox version 7.1-7, Cluster has a Nvidia-RTX3060 and Nvidia-RTX3090 GPU. I have Passthrough both GPU without any problems, and have been working with ubuntu vm's using both separate GPU however recently I had to remove RTX3090 gpu from...
  13. E

    VM I/O error when mounting a RAIDZ partition

    Hello everybody, First of all, I should say I'm a total beginner regarding these matters, so please bear with me for a moment. Thank you. My company accidentally fill one RAIDZ partition (sdb1) up to 100% of its capacity yesterday causing the VM in which such partition was originally mounted...
  14. G

    The system installed through proxmox cannot execute some commands

    The centos and ubuntu systems are installed through proxmox, and executing commands similar to w ss top in centos will hang, but there is no such situation in ubuntu. I found a strange problem. It is possible to create a new file named a in the /root/.ssh directory, but an error will be reported...
  15. C

    cloud-init problem setting hostname in customized configuration

    Hello Everyone, we want to use cloud-init to automate the install of new VMs as linked clones in Proxmox and already have a working configuration. But if we want to set the VM name as the hostname on first boot it doesn't change it. VM OS: Ubuntu 20.04 Proxmox Version: 6.4 is this behaviour...
  16. R

    [SOLVED] fresh Ubuntu template 20.04 LXC - too many levels of symbolic links

    Hi! I just started a new container with ubuntu template 20.04 My typical practice is to apt update and apt upgrade. This causes an error is the package libpam-runtime, saying it has too many levels of symbolic links. Specifically unable to open '/usr/share/man/man7/PAM.7.gz.dpkg-new': Too many...
  17. T

    Random Spikes in bandwidth cause buffering??

  18. Y

    LXD container with snap in Proxmox LXC container?

    I am using Proxmox 7.1 and Ubuntu 20.04 in the CT I found: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/ubuntu-snaps-inside-lxc-container-on-proxmox.36463/#post-230060 and I have installed LXD in Proxmox CT. It mostly seems to work fine. But the services do not completely start with Ubuntu 20.04 CT...
  19. A

    VM randomly dies

    I have a VM (4 cores, 24GB ram) running Ubuntu 20.04 with pretty much only Docker installed. In the last period happened that it randomly die. The first time I got this problem was 15 days ago but all was fixed rebooting it but since today it keeps dying some time after its reboot. With "die"...
  20. T

    [SOLVED] LXC - Connection refused on multiple ports

    I'm quite new to proxmox and containers in general. While everything works just fine in my VMs, all created LXCs run into the same problem that most applications (e.g. bookstack, ecodms, iobroker) are not accessible from any other computer in my network. I can however ping and ssh into all...